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The Holidays

Lovely Rose

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Blame Constantine the Great.


I'd take it back a step, and blame Paul. Paul's the one who most prominently worked to turn Christianity into a gentile religion, rather than a Jewish one. Nearly one third of the New Testament is attributed to his works, and his disciple Luke the Evangelist was the most prolific New Testament writer. He's the guy who authored the book of Acts, which is where most of Paul's credentials as an apostle are derived. Two pagan Roman converts who never actually met Jesus while he was alive have more to say and have had a greater influence on Christianity than Christ ever did.


Meh. Merry Christmas, anyhow.

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Ho ho how many Irish elves does it take to screw in a lightbulb?



Two - one to hold the lightbulb in place while the other drinks till the room starts spinning!  :D



I maek joke! No I'm kidding, I am of course just a little bit drunk. You know, becaues it's Christmas and all that... I never meant to insult the Irish, I love the Irish. See, I actually meant to have a go at the Americans. I mean... you'd think that, what, between discovering the light bulb, pioneering mass production, splitting the atom, putting a man on the moon and laying claim to the single greatest actor of all time - I am of course referring to Mickey Rooney - that it would just not be statistically possible that they be able to find the time to invest in producing a good alcoholic beverage. 


But I was wrong... today, I made my first ever eggnog, atfer and American recipe. I may have added a little more than I should have. I may have used a full bottle of brandy. It is quite possible I may have more eggnog than I know what to do with  :lol: My first thought when I tried it was liek "OH MY GOD, HOW CAN I REPLACE MY BLOOD WITH THIS?" !!!!


Speaking of God, I imagine if I swung a different way and God was even remotely interested in me, sexually speaking of course, that's what I imagine God's cum must take like. Hmmn... sweet, creamy n' packing a punch! So yes guys, fellow Yankess, I am impressed. You had me with the moon landings, that was something, but this... this is something else entirely. Thank you very much, for thisgreat invention!


Anuyway, Look at me rambling. All I wanted to say was a Merry Christmas to all, from a very happy, inebriated CK. 






And remember people... a doggy isn't just for Christmas!

... its a fun position all year round:P Ok I'm out, this eggnog isn't going to drink itself.




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I hate the fuss going about holidays, in special christmas. 

23623 phone calls "MERRY CHRISTMAS, HAPPY HOLIDAYS" x100 in the family, no hour without someone calling and talking for 5+ minutes same repeating subjects.


I don't celebrate any holiday but it doesn't mean I don't like them or can't wish someone well; in the end, they are work-free days and that's all it matters for me.



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WWell that happened.

Ah I see what happened here. This isn't the "celebrate" Christmas thread is it? "This isn't the thread I'm looking for" and all that. Sorry, should have looked at it more closely before I posted. I just saw HOLIDAY and went from there. My apologies. I'll repost my drunken antics somewhere more appropriate.


Any way, cheerio, Merry Christmas and all that, I mean, sorry, force of habit. Down with the festive season! There we go, much better.  ;)

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Guest endgameaddiction


WWell that happened.

Ah I see what happened here. This isn't the "celebrate" Christmas thread is it? "This isn't the thread I'm looking for" and all that. Sorry, should have looked at it more closely before I posted. I just saw HOLIDAY and went from there. My apologies. I'll repost my drunken antics somewhere more appropriate.


Any way, cheerio, Merry Christmas and all that, I mean, sorry, force of habit. Down with the festive season! There we go, much better.  ;)



You were drunk off gawds juice or what ever it was you called it. So being intoxicated by such a beverage makes it perfectly acceptable to not realize what's going on till the next day. :P


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Guest Ragna_Rok

grumpy cat strikes again :lol:


i like holidays. since im studying its the only time you can make further research / prepare stuff. and by that i mean some reading, some calculating, and of course modding some gear :)

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