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So what have you done with your life?

Lovely Rose

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In the little time I have been on this earth, I have searched for the answers of existential questions. And as result I'm no longer interested in the future.

And because thinking was all I did, I never got to enjoy the rest of my childhood and prepubescent time. I no longer enjoy life.

And that's all I want to do, experience the most out of life. But I know I no longer can...

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Uhh, let me think.


Managed to get pulled over in a span of 3 years more than most people do in a life time.(31, only two tickets)

Been involved in several rollover auto accidents, something I believe isn't so common.  Like I say, if you're gonna wreck it may as well go big.

Got spun out by a cop resisting to move over to let me merge, resulting in my truck sliding across 3 thankfully empty lanes on the interstate.

Speaking of cops, I tailgated a cop for 70 miles on the highway at 80 mph. I could sense his nervousness by looking at his facial expressions in his mirror.  Was this stupid? Yeah but I was still in retaliation mode from them doing the same shit to me.


Encountered a mini-pony that broke free from his owner, and was just struttin' about down the highway at 3am. Had an overwhelming urge to fuck it on the road. (just jk)

Managed to fall over 25ft off a ladder and not break anything or cause injuries aside from "owwwww fuuuuuucckk. I need rest of today off, boss".

Molested a female cat in heat using a pencil with the lead removed(and covered in lube). Bitch was a fucking slut, mang.


Other than that, nothing really significant.

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