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Scale Problem, coitus interruptes (when sex is interrupted)

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This is not related to the "Scale Actors" option because it occurs when that option is disabled.


It appears to be related to the "Free Camera" option and only occurs when that is enabled.


It also apparently only occurs when the sex in interrupted like by a follower or the player who kills the bandit etc who is raping the player or other follower.


The player or follower is always left at a 0.01 scale which makes them virtually invisible.


Selecting the follower and using "SetScale 1" (or "Player.SetScale 1") from the console will restore the miniscule character.


(To select a miniaturized NPC the easiest way is to use TFC to free the camera and then SUCSM 1 to slow the camera movement then move the camera underground and look up to make the tiny character easy enough to see).




Original text follows:


I think this may be related to the SexLab Framework. I was running both SexLab Defeat with 5 followers and one of my followers got into a situation where she was going to be raped or be a rapist but action by her teammates ended that at a critical point.


I then could not see her but moving my cross hair around I found she was present and I could talk to her and even have sex with her through matchmaker at which point she would appear during the sex then vanish when it completed.


This was very confusing until I saw mention that a werewolf from the Hentia Creatures mod was found to be very, very tiny and as soon as I checked I found that was what happened to her as well.


Is there some point during the setting up of a sex act where you change the scale of one or more of the actors to 0.01? I think that if the act is interrupted (by the death of an actor) while that scale is set the normal scale for the actor may not be restored and you then have a very tiny actor.

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I just searched for Setscale command from the whole psc script source files.


There was SetScale(0.01) in sslControlCamera.psc.


I have changed this to SetScale(1.0).


And deleted sslControlCamera.pex (Still I do not know how to compile it).




I hope this could solve the Scale problem....


Could you test this step and check your setscale problem .....

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It looks like thsese two files have scaling Bug.




There are not on V1.24, and introduced after V1.30.

And they looks like not an important files.


After deleting these two files, still I haven't meet 0.01 Scaling Bug !!


Try it !

That may help your problem...

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Ah that explain why my character seemed to be invisible once when submit was triggered and started but never got to finish. I ended up having to go back several save points to find a save where it was ok. Now I know, so next time if it happens I know how to fix it, thanks.

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Scale Problem occurs even when we do not use TFC functions.


When I look inside sslControlCamera.psc source,

It has some code related with "First Person view".

And after deleting those two files, Auto TFC feature of V1.3x work well without problem.


So far, I have had more than 50 sex scenes with humans(PC, NPC) and creatures, and haven't got any scale problems.

So, I think, this removal could be a solution until the fix from the author.


Still, I can not find any missing action....

Maybe these two files are just redundant files only making troubles...


Anyway , I am happy with V1.31...

With v1.24, No facial animation, and there was so many CTD...

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After deleting two files,

Having more than 200 animations, but there was no case of scaling problem...

So, It can be considered there is no more Scaling problem after sex animation...


I mean ***AFTER*** sex animation.




Oh my god !

I have encountered Shrink down scaling problem once more...

But in this case, it is not ***AFTER** sex animation.

it is "after failed sex animation".


I was Ordered by "Sex Guild mod" to have sex with children.

Of course, sex animation was failed by SexLab engine.

--- Fail , I mean no sex animation happened there.


So, nothing happen to PC and children...


I saved the game at this point.




1. Next time, when you try normal sex with another NPC, you will be shrunk down to invisible size.

2. If you load that saved save, you will be shrunk down form the start of loading.


No clue to solve this bug,

I hope the author read this post, and consider these cases...

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After deleting two files,

Having more than 200 animations, but there was no case of scaling problem...

So, It can be considered there is no more Scaling problem after sex animation...


I mean ***AFTER*** sex animation.




Oh my god !

I have encountered Shrink down scaling problem once more...

But in this case, it is not ***AFTER** sex animation.

it is "after failed sex animation".


I was Ordered by "Sex Guild mod" to have sex with children.

Of course, sex animation was failed by SexLab engine.

--- Fail , I mean no sex animation happened there.


So, nothing happen to PC and children...


I saved the game at this point.




1. Next time, when you try normal sex with another NPC, you will be shrunk down to invisible size.

2. If you load that saved save, you will be shrunk down form the start of loading.


No clue to solve this bug,

I hope the author read this post, and consider these cases...


trying to have sex with lolydia {my waifu in game}

i read that ashal disabled naughty deeds with children so idk.

we're just gonna have to wait for a update or something.



Which author?


Ashal has clearly stated in his thread that he didn't experience such shrink down and there are NO Sexlab code that did scaling.


Too bad, seem like there will be no fix from Framework side.


unofficial patch then? lol

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Which author?


Ashal has clearly stated in his thread that he didn't experience such shrink down and there are NO Sexlab code that did scaling.


Too bad, seem like there will be no fix from Framework side.



Did he say that ?

No shrink and No code ???


Open sslControlCamera.psc.


Search SetScale(0.01)


What do you see ?

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sslControlCamera isn't used ANYWHERE in SexLab, it's not attached to anything in the esp, and no script references it. Deleting it accomplishes nothing, and hurts nothing. Any fix that removing it resulted in is purely confirmation bias.


The block of code in the script where you're seeing SetScale(0.01) also happens to involve spawning a clone of the player, PlayerRef.PlaceAtMe(PlayerRef.GetLeveledActorBase(), 1), so unless you're also seeing the player cloned at the same time as scaled, there is absolutely nothing going on with sslControlCamera, as impossible as it already is seeing as nothing touches the script anymore.


It's just a leftover from when I had developed a first person mode camera for animations, where a clone of the player was inserted into the scene, and the player shrunk down and stuck onto the clones eye level. This was scrapped in favor of just pointing people towards the immersive first person view instead, which was adapted from the same idea.


There's a small chance that maybe if you were using the development version of 1.30 before it came out, that you have some left over script references to sslControlCamera stuck in your save, as it was still being used then. But unless everybody experiencing the problem can confirm they used development version (which includes myself obviously, whose never had the bug) then you are looking in the wrong direction.


I have been playing Skyrim (for the first time in a long time) with the mod heavily for the past two weeks, I am yet to experience any sort of scaling bug, chances are it's some pre-1.31 mod incompatibility dealing with animation endings, or some very specific scenario I am yet to encounter.

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I just ran into this resize bug for the first time, and it wasn't during sex or even a failed sex the first time. I loaded mu game that was fine when I quit, and it looked like I was in the floor. I could move fine, but could seriously see what was on the bottom of Irileths shoes in Dragonsreach! I remembered reading this post and tried the player.setscale 1 and it worked. Next sex scene I had which was first in game was fine. scene after that size bugged once. One after that it kept happening within a few seconds of fixing it. So I tried even actors sizes which I normally leave off and it shrunk the other person down to nothing. I do not use the tfc cam or any perspective mod.

Full Load Order:

(0 -> 0)    Skyrim.esm
    (1 -> 1)    Update.esm
    (2 -> 2)    Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp
    (3 -> 3)    Dawnguard.esm
    (4 -> 4)    Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp
    (5 -> 5)    HearthFires.esm
    (6 -> 6)    Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp
    (7 -> 7)    Dragonborn.esm
    (8 -> 8)    Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp
    (9 -> 9)    SexifiedSkyrimResources.esm (My mod contains only clothes, armor, outfits, and hair/skin tones)
    (10 -> 10)    ethereal_elven_overhaul.esm
    (11 -> 11)    hdtHighHeel.esm
    (12 -> 12)    Schlongs of Skyrim - Core.esm
    (13 -> 13)    SexLab.esm
    (14 -> 14)    SexLabAroused.esm
    (15 -> 15)    SGHairPackBase.esm
    (16 -> 16)    SPIKE.esm
    (17 -> 17)    ZaZAnimationPack.esm
    (18 -> 18)    DF127Floors.esm
    (19 -> 19)    SGHairPackAIO.esm
    (20 -> 20)    SexifiedSkyrim.esm (My mod contains only updates to appearance of all human females in base game)
    (21 -> 21)    Brawl Bugs CE.esp
    (22 -> 22)    GyldenhulMineFix.esp
    (23 -> 23)    Unofficial High Resolution Patch.esp
    (24 -> 24)    BardSoundsMalukah.esp
    (25 -> 25)    StaticMeshImprovementMod.esp
    (26 -> 26)    StaticMeshImprovementMod-DragonbornTernFix.esp
    (27 -> 27)    StaticMeshImprovementMod-FurnitureChestSnowFix.esp
    (28 -> 28)    Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp
    (29 -> 29)    SPTDiverseGuardsSkyrim.esp
    (30 -> 30)    RaceMenu.esp
    (31 -> 31)    RaceMenuPlugin.esp
    (32 -> 32)    RaceMenuOverlays.esp
    (33 -> 33)    SkyUI.esp
    (34 -> 34)    LeftHandRings.esp
    (35 -> 35)    LeftHandRings - Dawnguard.esp
    (36 -> 36)    Ring Of Shadows 1_2.esp
    (37 -> 37)    Weightless Ingredients.esp
    (38 -> 38)    Acquisitive Soul Gems.esp
    (39 -> 39)    AchieveThat.esp
    (40 -> 40)    FasterArrows100.esp
    (41 -> 41)    FasterArrows.esp
    (42 -> 42)    Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp
    (43 -> 43)    No More Standing Too Close to NPCs.esp
    (44 -> 44)    Schlongs of Skyrim.esp
    (45 -> 45)    SOS - VectorPlexus Muscular Addon.esp
    (46 -> 46)    SOS - VectorPlexus Regular Addon.esp
    (47 -> 47)    SOS - Smurf Average Addon.esp
    (48 -> 48)    SFO - Expanded Diversity.esp
    (49 -> 49)    AstralMerchantAndChest.esp
    (50 -> 50)    tox Destruction Scaling Flames Frostbite Sparks.esp
    (51 -> 51)    WaterwalkingSpell.esp
    (52 -> 52)    Artifact Disenchanting.esp
    (53 -> 53)    Artifact Disenchanting - Dawnguard.esp
    (54 -> 54)    Artifact Disenchanting - Dragonborn.esp
    (55 -> 55)    FormsEdit.esp
    (56 -> 56)    No Killmoves, No Killcams, No Killbites.esp
    (57 -> 57)    pick100.esp
    (58 -> 58)    Soul Gems Differ - NW - E.esp
    (59 -> 59)    Enchanting ExtraEffect.esp
    (60 -> 60)    FeminizedLevelLists.esp
    (61 -> 61)    DLC1FLL.esp
    (62 -> 62)    DLC2FLL.esp
    (63 -> 63)    Random Alternate Start.esp
    (64 -> 64)    RAS - Riverwood CharGen.esp
    (65 -> 65)    dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Medium.esp
    (66 -> 66)    SexifiedHearthfire.esp (My mod contains updates to looks of all Hearthfire females, a couple houses and my failed attempt at a SexLab quest which I have now got working through AIPackages instead)


I have never used any of the test versions of SL. So others with this problem, what mods do we have in common that could possibly be the cause? I personally suspect HDT highheels isn't playing nice with my skeleton xpms 1.92 sexlab version. So I am going back to normal xpms skeleton, and will update if anything changes.

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If we can regenerate the Scaling case,,


I have retested failed sex case :

- tried sex with children -- Of course fail

- next try normal sex with adult -- PC will be scaled to 0.01


It seems this scaling problem happens for every trial --- so can be regenerated !!




More information to regenerate 0.01 scaling problem.


1. Install

- SexLab1.31


- SexLab Ramance


2. Try sex with Children

- Here Select

"I want to you fuck me" option

** It looks like the other options have no problem ***


3. After fail, try normal sex with adult

and again select "I want to you fuck me" option.


For me, 0.01 problem happened for every trial.

I want to know what happen to you !!

So, I had binary search for setcale for all pex files in SexLab Romance mod,

But I can not find, it seems like it has no setscale command.

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I had some test with Skyrim Console.


To see what/who can make the Object to 0.01 scale.


After reasonable thinking,

I tried setscale(0) and then getscale.

My assumption was getscale will return 0.01 not 0.



getsclae returned 0.01




In sslActorAlias.psc there are some Setscale and Getscale command.


My suggestion is:


function Initialize()




ActorScale = 0.0

AnimScale = 0.0










ActorScale = 0.0

AnimScale = 0.0




ActorScale = 1.0

AnimScale = 1.0


May resolve 0.01 scaling problem, when the engine failed(or interrupted) to make animation for some reason,

and just call return routine before correct scale values are set.


If someone can compile psc,,, he can do the test !!

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I just ran into this resize bug for the first time, and it wasn't during sex or even a failed sex the first time. I loaded mu game that was fine when I quit, and it looked like I was in the floor. I could move fine, but could seriously see what was on the bottom ...



I have never used any of the test versions of SL.



One thing I have noticed with Failed sex trial is:


Once you have failed in sex trial (in my case with children), your PC will look normal (Normal scale 1.0),

until you do next sex trial.


But if you do not have any further sex trail, and just save the game, then you will think that save game is correct(fine) save game.


But, in fact, it is already damaged by failed sex trial.

Next time you load that saved game, then you will see your PC is shrunken to 0.01 scale.


I think this was your case !!

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With, V1.24 I can not remember I had a scale problem...


So, I have compared sslActorAlias.psc for V1.24 and V1.31




if Controller.ActorCount > 1 && Lib.bScaleActors && scale > 0.0






; Reset to starting scale




On V1.24 there was safeguard checking "if scale > 0.0"


So, maybe changing




; Reset to starting scale

if ActorScale > 0.0





will resolve 0.01 scale problem.

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Still I can not compile psc to pex.

Does someone know how to compile sslActorAlias.psc to sslActorAlias.pex?

Please tell me ~~~~~~




I have found a workaround to perfectly remove 0.01 scaling problem from SexLab engine.


1. Open sslActorAlias.pex with Your Binary Editor (I used UltraEdit)

2. Search SetScale (There is only 1 case)

3. Replace it with something else. ( I have changed it to XetScale)

4. Save




Then, there is NO function call SetScale from SexLab engine.

It willl fail since it is changed to XetScale.


As a result, "Even Actors Height" will not function,,,

But I think that is not much a matter.




After changing to XetScale


I have regenerated "Failed Sex Trial"


1. Next Normal Sex Trial with Adult Case

In this case, I see the PC and NPC is not unaligned.

And NPC is not undressed.

BUT more importantly, PC is not scaled to 0.01 (actually can not be...)


So, just bypass this erroneous animation.

After animation end, just retry sex with that NPC,

then this time there will be perfect animation


2. Re-Loading saved game case.

Save game before any sex trial, and re-load that saved game.

Now PC is not scaled to 0.01 from the start.

So problem solved.





*** Scale problem why it is important ?????


If scale problem occurs only to PC. it is not a serious problem.

since you can fix it, when you got the problem


But scale problem can occur to any NPCs who are not on your sight.

(Especially when you are running Random Sex Mod).

So, Scale problem can virtually remove(making them invisible) NPC from Skyrim world of your saved games.

You can not know who is removed when he/she is removed,,,

But you just progress and make another saved games and games...


I actually had this case.

3 days ago, I have reloaded some save game, and during some quest I can not find "Whiterun Jarl".

He was in nowhere,,, But was shrunken down to 0.01


After having this case,

I have made every save game between 10 minutes....

And thought scaling problem must be solved, before I progress furthere into the Skyrim world...




Anyway, Now I have the solution.(Not perfect but it work!!)


Thanks to Ashal for making SexLab engine

It is wonderful Sex engine,

V1.31 is wonderful, I really like facial expression.

I am enjoying .......

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Are you experiencing CTDs while playing Sexy Skyrim ?


Then here is Good news.


As a side effect or by product of Changing SetScale to Xetscale in sslActorAlias.pex,

Hopefully, there will be no more CTD(if it is caused by running sexy mod)


I am running heavily modded Skyrim (almost 200 mods)


Just for sexy Skyrim, I have installed almost all of mods here,,,




What could be the most overhead of SEX mod for Skyrim?


I think, it could be ,,

- Run "Populated City Town Road Dungeon" Mod from Nexus

- Run SexLab Random attack mod with default 1 minute setting

- Have many followers - I have 3 followers with magic clone-summon capability.


With these settings, I ran Skyrim doing some Vanila quests.

Then there are so many chances of Sex scenes around PC, between NPCs, between NPC and my followers

and sometimes raping PC, and sometimes creatures and Humans.


Normally, can there be 2 or more scenes including my followers, when I have to make cell change.

I can wait, sometimes wait,, sometimes change cells when busy..


Then, currently running sex scenes will be interrupted by my cell change.


The result was :

- Before "XetScale" change, I had random CTDs while auto saving, manual saving, and during playing..

So many CTDs, per between 3 to 5 cell changes. And many chances of losing followers.


* After "XetScale" change, Up to now, Playing more than 2 hours and more than 50 cell changes,,

There was NO single CTD, and no missing followers.

Thanks God~~~~~~~~~


I hope this could help you, if you have CTD troubles...

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