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Everythings gets better when Metal are added to it!

Cynical Misanthrope

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Okay, so I am in no way a fan of Katy Perry, Taylor Swift, Lady Gagga or Miley Cyrus.

But holy cow, their songs get actually pretty good if you add Metal style to 'em.


Some examples: ;)






*2nd video, the guy has even manage to mix in Nightwish - Amaranth into it, lol.

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Guest endgameaddiction

Mixing Nightwish into that? I refuse to hear it. Not so much with Amaranthe. They are cool, but stuff gets old after a while. They seem to have a lot of In Flames influence in their style.

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Best kind of metal is when you mix the opposite end of the music stream to it. IE: Metal/instrumental or classical. There's a guy on Youtube who takes many genres and makes them metal. Oh Darkslayer already mentioned it :P Here's one of his videos anyways. ;)



Just like in games music is the soul of anything. At least in my opinion it is.


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