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Ripped from a Korean online game series called Mabinogi converted by movomo.

source: (skyrim) Temptationer by Fizz99, Ti by some chinese modder


I have been playing around with outfits from Oblivion and Skyrim for awhile changing textures or modifying meshes and someone recently said that I should upload some of them so I asked movomo if it was alright that I uploaded a modified version of the Mabinogi outfits and he said it was fine.


So without further ado here is my modified versions of the Morian temptation and tieve dresses. If you only want one of the outfits all you have to do is take out that outfit after unzipping the rar and then dropping it into the original one.*The outfits are in Anvil the chest is in behind the fighter guild building.*



Thank you to *authors that made the outfits *movomo for the conversion ^_^ *Poontank for the body mesh fix for the Morian without it my Morian outfit wouldn't of been quite as sexy :D​ and *Djaya for the .ESP :).

Hope you enjoy them!


Re added the texture files back they seem to of gone AWOL for some dang reason. Many colors to choose for for the Marion outfit a set of inverted transparent colored ones and a set of non inverted transparent colored one. Just download it unzip it each folder has a colored name open the one that you want and drop the texture file into the Morian texture folder to overwrite the old one.

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    Nothing everything is already supplied in the folder.


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Great work, congratulations to your mod! You might consider making this a modular plugin:

What I mean is whenever you come up with new colour variants you could release an updated version with additional clothes.

From what I've seen on your sample pictures you have a lot of potential for interesting variations just with alpha channel transparencies and nice textures.

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Thank you!


It took me a long ass time to find out where the hell they hide Tieve's necklace in the texture file I tried and tried to find it then just deleted the necklace mesh instead as it was annoying the hell out of me but I went back and gave it another try and finally found it. I had to cut everything out go into every nook and cranny around the dress and make it to where it cut everything but the dress out then dropped the texture file on top of the file then pasted the chunk I cut out back in so the necklace part that hangs at the waist is actually now there. The picture of Tieve's is actually the older one will have to update it. 


Morian's I had the idea of what I wanted to do but when I went to modify it I saw the missing body parts and went AWW then you uploaded the body fix for it and I was like YAAAHH the color I actually just inverted the picture and thought it looked good.


The temptation one I used a picture of liquid fingernail polish and dropped it on top of the outfit and colorized the buckles. I had no clue why I was using pixlr grabber to grab pictures of fingernail polish but it actually works pretty well on outfits.

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More precisely these are Movomo's body meshes, and most precisely they are the meshes from whoever created 'Like A Babe'.

I did nothing but just transferring them from another outfit to this dress here because I also go like "Aww, crap! The body underneath is cut out!!" whenever I run into outfits without a complete body beneath. For example as soon as I apply my standard edit - deleting the panties under skirts...

Very annoying in some cases. Hentai (the modder of this name) outfits with their single-body meshes for example.


Looking at the UV map can give you a hint where a mesh's elements are placed on the texture. Right-click on the mesh in question in the 3D window and select 'Texture > Edit UV'. The utility's UV editor window pops up in which you can do a few neat things.

Use the same controls as in NifSkope itself: The mouse wheel zooms in and out, pressing down and holding the mouse wheel allows you to pan the view when zoomed in. Normally I pull the editor window's edges a bit to enlarge it.






You can select single vertex points of a mesh or the connected parts, holding down shift and lasso-selecting points allows you to add additional ones. Once selected you can move the mesh around (the cursor turns to a pointing finger hand icon when you hover over the crossing points to indicate that you can grab and move the mesh), scale and rotate it. To scale an element down use parameters below 1, 0.5 for example. Bring up a menu with UV editor-specific commands by right-clicking in that window.


It's probably all very primitive compared to Blender, but for non-Blender users NifSkope's UV editor offers great retexturing possibilities.

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The clothes are from mabinogi heroes Chinese version/vindictus USA version it is a multiplayer type game vindictus is on steam. The outfits are modified versions of Mabinogi outfit Like a Babe by movomo http://www.loverslab.com/topic/12895-my-testinghall-2013-11-11/


(What's that cloth anyway Rick?)


Did you mean rock? The black 2 part outfit was white till I inverted the color in gimp the pink glittery one I used a picture of liquid fingernail polish to change the dress texture and the blue outfit with white circles is actually a picture of water that I modified the dress with.

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Everything is better with transparency. Fully clothed yet butt-naked at the same time :heart:. Hot. Just a hint of nudity depending on the fabric's opacity.


That's why I think you really should include some of the additional transparent variants seen on your pictures in a possible future update to the mod.

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Some one might be able to I have no clue on how to do it. I don't have 3dm I have blender but have yet to ever get it to work other then wanting to beat it with a stick. The most I know how to do is modify skin gloss texture colors/designs cutting out a piece of the texture file and then adding a NiAlphaProtety to that mesh piece to get the part that was cut out to disappear removing pieces from a mesh file when the pieces are not all connected. 

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Just saying on the off chance. I won't :P :P :P

Well, there are quite a few folks who *may* accept bigger boobs request.

Thorazine for example, though they are DMRA, or Kosu, Kingkong and such.


However.. from what I experienced so far, the fastest way to get something you want is doing it yourself. Sending pm's, asking very very nicely, all tedious and sometimes disappointing if refused.  It's the reason why I decided to learn 3D thingy in the first place. I can help if you're willing to do.


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Just saying on the off chance. I won't :P :P :P

Well, there are quite a few folks who *may* accept bigger boobs request.

Thorazine for example, though they are DMRA, or Kosu, Kingkong and such.


However.. from what I experienced so far, the fastest way to get something you want is doing it yourself. Sending pm's, asking very very nicely, all tedious and sometimes disappointing if refused.  It's the reason why I decided to learn 3D thingy in the first place. I can help if you're willing to do.



Actually I wrestled with blender months before, investing many hours before deciding that my techno-sorcery prowess (I have none) is too inadequate for effecting what I want.


So I'm stuck with basic nifskope fiddlings and relying on others' mercy/whims.


And oh yes, refusal is in plentiful supply but what can I complain? I am just one of many leechers who contribute nigh nothing other than burdening the forum bandwidth with requests, be that identification, modelling, acquisition, etc.


I'll just leave with thanks for sharing works with all here.

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After I was quite disappointed because of limited functionality of nifskope, it took me a month to learn how to properly import and export things in blender by trial and error.

And it's been about 2 years now.. My earlier 3d models are simply horrible if I look again these days.


There is a script that automates large portion of conversion process you may not be aware of.


Depending on the geometric difference between the two meshes, it can be an one-click process. months  or a year ago I was able to convert vanilla clothings to pregnant version within 20min per a set thanks to this script. The author is very eager to educate people and encouraging them to mod their own. And the current beta version (5.0 rev4 I think) is very cool!

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After I was quite disappointed because of limited functionality of nifskope, it took me a month to learn how to properly import and export things in blender by trial and error.

And it's been about 2 years now.. My earlier 3d models are simply horrible if I look again these days.


There is a script that automates large portion of conversion process you may not be aware of.


Depending on the geometric difference between the two meshes, it can be an one-click process. months  or a year ago I was able to convert vanilla clothings to pregnant version within 20min per a set thanks to this script. The author is very eager to educate people and encouraging them to mod their own. And the current beta version (5.0 rev4 I think) is very cool!



No, I'm not aware of it.

I'll definitely have to find some time to try that


Thank you for mentioning.

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Yeah everything takes a bit of work learning some trial and error somethings you learn on your own and other stuff for other people. One of these days I want to try to get http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/21724/? this converted to a female body. Right now I'm playing around with the demon hunter armor from Krista seeing what I can do to it. I might of cut this one a bit too much but I still have 2 more to test on before I have to re install the texture files back onto the desk top. 


post-25667-0-19045400-1385688599_thumb.jpg *Edit black version of it. post-25667-0-81275500-1385692004_thumb.jpg 


Been trying to get Aluka's dang outfit into game but it but it never shows up in Divine Elegance for some reason.  :@ I think I have tried everything. It looks cool and would go with the dwemer shades/glasses mod I have. http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/34996/?


*Edit also added the texture file to both download areas I noticed it wasn't on the other one so I added it to there as well. 

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Thank you for the link I wonder why if they weren't going to use the strap going across the front why they didn't remove it I think it might look even better without it there then being there and being kind of a distraction. Yeah I thought about KrisTa's stuff last night after seeing a mod that uses one of hers in it and went and tried to remember what site it was then when I finally found it I couldn't login then found out if you are inactive for 6 months your account gets terminated so I made a new one.


Looked for her new oblivion ones and grabbed the ones I wanted to check out I don't pay much attention to her skyrim ones though as those one use a specific body and the armors use that specific body. The body looks great but not many want to be pigeon holed into having to use just one specific body a body that has some armors but not a lot of them and I think you can't use other armors for the body as it will make the body look bad and other body's can't use it as it makes the bodies look like crap. The demon hunter suit has 3 suits by the last one I had it pretty nailed down to a t.


Have you ever looked at the Dante strap texture file? If not I just came across a funny part on it.


Now if only I could get the Aluka punisher armor to show up in game I could have a punisher devil may cry cross over oblivion butt kicking rumble.




Well uploaded a few pictures of the modified demon hunter armor and DMC Dante armor.

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