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Whats ur favourite race in elder scrolls games

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5 minutes ago, keitolainen said:

I had heard that, and I think there's a book in Skyrim that kind of talks about it, but I don't remember which one... My theory is orcs were always evil in classic fantasy like oldschool D&D and Tolkien, and that's what the first Elder Scrolls games borrowed from. Then Warcraft started making them actual characters in the late 90s (Warcraft 1 was a novelty back then), and WoW exploded in the mainstream. Blizzard changed how modern fantasy fiction sees them, and Bethesda followed their lead. I never played Elder Scrolls Online, so I dunno if they added new lore there.

i play elder scrolls online there isnt much lore in that game , everybody just pllays for fun even me

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3 hours ago, osculim said:

Breton or Elf all the way for me. Just for the magic.

Yes did you know bretons are half elf and half human thats why they are good in magic, battle mage too

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 4/30/2024 at 4:36 AM, branmakmuffin said:

On the tangent of Skyrim, Orcs and D&D, when I run D&D in Skyrim, I use the D&D Half-orc race for Orsimer.

If half orc whats the other half then 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/28/2024 at 10:10 AM, keitolainen said:

Das habe ich gehört, und ich glaube, es gibt ein Buch in Skyrim, das darüber spricht, aber ich weiß nicht mehr, welches … Meine Theorie ist, dass Orks in klassischen Fantasy-Spielen wie Oldschool D&D und Tolkien immer böse waren, und das ist es die ersten Elder Scrolls-Spiele, von denen geliehen wurde. Dann begann Warcraft Ende der 90er Jahre damit, daraus echte Charaktere zu machen (Warcraft 1 war damals eine Neuheit), und WoW explodierte im Mainstream. Blizzard veränderte die Art und Weise, wie moderne Fantasy-Romane sie sehen, und Bethesda folgte ihrem Beispiel. Ich habe Elder Scrolls Online noch nie gespielt, daher weiß ich nicht, ob dort neue Überlieferungen hinzugefügt wurden.


I played TESO (TES-Online) for about a year - the vast majority of players (95% in my clan) at the time had no idea about the ESO universe - they didn't even know the names of the games.


The lore of ESO has been essentially set since Morroind - but there is also a lot of room for interpretation.




For most elves, the Orsimer (aka Orcs) are an animal race like Argonians or Khajit.



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On 6/5/2024 at 1:26 PM, Miauzi said:


For most elves, the Orsimer (aka Orcs) are an animal race like Argonians or Khajit.



For a certain Bosmer, Orsimer are not just animals, but rather quite filthy animals. I guess on her Skyrim adventures there could be a lot more to come for the conceited elf full of prejudices ... 😁😇



Is that bastard talking bad about me again? Don't believe a word Chaos says!

Edited by chooseChaos
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