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[Mod]Chillet nude - Vagina/Penis

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Chillet nude - Vagina/Penis

The cute big noodle now with Vagina and Penis



  • Vagina and anus interiors modeled
  • Adapted to the original design and mesh
  • Humanoid penis and vagina
  • New textures


Future update:

  • Jiggle physics


To install this:
place the pak file in your Palworld installation directory, \Palworld\Pal\Content\Paks\~mods
Simply place it in your mod folder or create one; it was tested on the Steam version.


⬇⬇⬇⬇ Check my other mods ⬇⬇⬇⬇


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Updating the model tonight, and now finally with jiggles physics on the penis version! and a feral dick version using the lips of the vagina version for the ones who do not like the humanoid penis :blush:

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27 minutes ago, PaulitoZ said:

Updating the model tonight, and now finally with jiggles physics on the penis version! and a feral dick version using the lips of the vagina version for the ones who do not like the humanoid penis :blush:

That's great to hear, I kind of felt that a humanoid penis would look odd on a creature like Chillet, so adding in a feral option is perfect

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31 minutes ago, PaulitoZ said:

Updating the model tonight, and now finally with jiggles physics on the penis version! and a feral dick version using the lips of the vagina version for the ones who do not like the humanoid penis :blush:

I'll be looking forward to trying that out tomorrow :D Thank you for the gift

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14 hours ago, PaulitoZ said:

Updating the model tonight, and now finally with jiggles physics on the penis version! and a feral dick version using the lips of the vagina version for the ones who do not like the humanoid penis :blush:


Wow, what a lovely surprise! You're awesome. 😄
Funnily enough that's pretty much exactly what I'd envisioned a feral version looking like. Can't wait to try it out later.

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I love the feral design. It looks cute on him. The jiggle seems physically improper though. it jiggles in all directions. Like the dick is jello. Even "in and out". It's still my favorite Chillet mod but figured feedback was worth noting. If you could give it a little more of a swing-like bounce instead of a jello-like wiggle it'd give the dick physics more accuracy.


This would probably work alright for flaccid dicks though come to think of it.

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10 hours ago, haydenzip said:

gg on this. I wish i could start a mod team with you since you have good modeling skills, but I would have nothing to contribute so there that.


but anyway, keep at the modeling, your doing a good job.

Thank you for your confidence. I'd like to collaborate with other 3D artists who share my vision. Because I work on this in my spare time, seeing so many people enjoying this version of Pals and sharing my vision encourages me to keep going.

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9 hours ago, zileteh said:

I appreciate how the model has options, thankyou :D

How did you take the underground / below view screenshots? And the mid jumping ones?

Not problem; I used something call Universal Unreal Unlocker 5, which gave me the freedom to freeze the game and take screenshots.


8 hours ago, Innersight said:

I love the feral design. It looks cute on him. The jiggle seems physically improper though. it jiggles in all directions. Like the dick is jello. Even "in and out". It's still my favorite Chillet mod but figured feedback was worth noting. If you could give it a little more of a swing-like bounce instead of a jello-like wiggle it'd give the dick physics more accuracy.


This would probably work alright for flaccid dicks though come to think of it.

Thank you for the feedback; I will definitely improve it. It is difficult to get the right jiggle because it looks good in the editor but not in the game, so I had to run about 6 tests before uploading the final version.

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12 hours ago, PaulitoZ said:

Thank you for your confidence. I'd like to collaborate with other 3D artists who share my vision. Because I work on this in my spare time, seeing so many people enjoying this version of Pals and sharing my vision encourages me to keep going.

the only mod team i know of currently that i agree with (theres 2 doing a sex mod) is palhub, mostly because there going to keep feral and stay away from anthroing everything

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12 hours ago, PaulitoZ said:

Not problem; I used something call Universal Unreal Unlocker 5, which gave me the freedom to freeze the game and take screenshots.


Thank you for the feedback; I will definitely improve it. It is difficult to get the right jiggle because it looks good in the editor but not in the game, so I had to run about 6 tests before uploading the final version.

Paulito, if you are working on a feral mod, our team has been working tirelessly to produce high quality ferals, and I specifically have actually been enjoying your models. Would you perhaps like to chat? You can DM me on LL if you wish. We could certainly use the help.

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33 minutes ago, Pals_Of_Desire said:

Paulito, if you are working on a feral mod, our team has been working tirelessly to produce high quality ferals, and I specifically have actually been enjoying your models. Would you perhaps like to chat? You can DM me on LL if you wish. We could certainly use the help.

Please no, let him do his own thing.

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9 minutes ago, mitamasama said:

Please no, let him do his own thing.

He said himself he wanted help, I am merely offering an olive branch.

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3 hours ago, Pals_Of_Desire said:

He said himself he wanted help, I am merely offering an olive branch.

I only see this as an absolute win if you guys actually collaborate to make an even better mod. 

Edited by Glithic
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1 hour ago, elaloloiols said:

Having more options is better than not having any, let PaulitoZ do their own thing so people can freely choose between what they like.

This! IT's better to have a bunch of options for individual mods and some kind of selector to switch between then rather than having a few large mod packs with no way to choose model A from one and B from another. More models = more choice, which is always better.

Edit: This also applies directly to PoD mods, release latest update as individual files please!

Edited by zileteh
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Just wanted to throw in my thanks for making this. I think this is the best NSFW model I've seen so far and I've tried 'em all, great work (both genders, but more specifically the female version!). Looking forward to what this game will look like a year from now, what with all the talent showing interest in it lol.

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On 2/7/2024 at 10:47 PM, PaulitoZ said:

Thank you for your confidence. I'd like to collaborate with other 3D artists who share my vision. Because I work on this in my spare time, seeing so many people enjoying this version of Pals and sharing my vision encourages me to keep going.

also update, there are currently 2 feral teams, the former POD team whitch has a member on the Palhub discord if you want to get into contact and palhub its self, also Don't give up on modding. The more you let people get to you, the more people win

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