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[Question] Companion Armors


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Anyone know how I can 'force' an armor on a companion effectively creating a bodysuit that cannot be removed. 


I know that I can flag the armor as 'unplayable' which would prevent the player from taking it, but how do I make the companion equip that one and only armor?


Would perhaps making a custom race be the best option?





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Guest carywinton

Making a custom race with the armor as a "body suit" will work fine. Be aware that if the body suit is removed for some reason, they may be left with no body at all. I had to do this to create a custom set for an NPC when I could find no other way to do so.

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Making a custom race with the armor as a "body suit" will work fine. Be aware that if the body suit is removed for some reason, they may be left with no body at all. I had to do this to create a custom set for an NPC when I could find no other way to do so.


Wait, I am confused. I think I am missing something here. 


I am effectively trying to make a companion that cannot equip any armor, and the only way of doing this was I though either:


1) Body suit it, flag the armor as unplayble so that the PC could not remove the armor from the said companion; OR


2) Make a custom race and replace the body and head with the armor mesh. 


However, option 1 does not prevent the player from giving said companion with an armor that has higher DT. 


I was asking whether there was a way to restrict the companion from wearing any other armor then the bodysuit armor I gave him. 

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As far as I can see NPC's always equip the best DT/DR armor in their inventory on any addition of armor regardless of the no-unequip flag. You could just add a token to the actors inventory with a script that removed from the inventory any item the actor wore on Slot 2.

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As far as I can see NPC's always equip the best DT/DR armor in their inventory on any addition of armor regardless of the no-unequip flag. You could just add a token to the actors inventory with a script that removed from the inventory any item the actor wore on Slot 2.


Won't armors players give to the companion be removed then? 


So then the only way around this seems to be create the body suit, flag it unplayable and no-unequip and give it a really high DT? 


Am I wrong to assume then this might not be the best option and I should just make a custom race? I was assuming there must be a way to make companions not wear any armor seeing as there are companions like Lily and Ede

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Well you could move the armor back to the player instead of deleting it I guess. If No-UnEquip doesn't stop them unequiping a nude bodysuit then it's useless for what you want. Try it and if it works you have your answer.


I think you'd have to make it a creature instead of custom race because as far as I know any custom race can still wear clothing like ghouls do.

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Ah! Thats what I have been missing! Yes a custom creature as opposed to a race. 


Does making a custom creature work the same ways? Can I just replace the body parts with the armor meshes?

No idea myself, you may have to do something fancy with using the human skeleton/animations for the creature though. Also not sure if animations like Sexout might no longer work for the character.

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  • 1 month later...

You could attach a simple object script to the companion:



begin gamemode

if getitemcount ARMOR >= 1

equipitem ARMOR 1 1





Just put instead of ARMOR the ID of the armor you want.

As said by the other user jonas_opines the equipitem with the non unequip flag to 1 do the job.

There is not even need of a reference if the actor is "unique".

Hope it helps.


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