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(ALPHA) Devious Followers Redux

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The Frostfall support is legacy, from way back when. It's also not (IMO) particularly compelling as I recall it.


Ponzipyramid is putting a bunch of work into updating features that they care about. Updating a legacy feature that's extraneous to the core functionality of the mod may or may not be a priority for them. Plenty of folks are on 1.5.97 and couldn't give a damn about Survival Mode, for example, so the impact from updating a feature that requires 1.6xx may not justify the work. I expect most people are playing without Frostfall and just getting by without that one feature (I know I am).


I don't know. I can't speak for ponzipyramid, but I'll nonetheless suggest that snarky passive-aggression is not going to get you any closer to getting the feature you're asking for.


By the way - Frostfall isn't a requirement for Devious Followers. You can enjoy all the main features of Devious Followers (R or C) without having Frostfall installed.

Edited by Anunya
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On 2/7/2024 at 2:45 PM, RandomKhajiit said:

not cross compatible and a variation cant be made so an old out dated mod that caused save bloat aside from its other bugs is required instead of trying to patch up survival mode which comes with 1.6.xxx+ gotcha.

While this is a fully justified complaint, talking about it here unfortunately won't fix anything. Frostfall is a larger project that adds more than survival mode and is more customizable, which is the reason that most people still use it over survival mode, this does cause bloating and some incompatibilities, but that is a tradeoff that most are willing to make.
Most modders will cater to the majority when it comes to these types of things. 

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Hi everyone, a couple updates:


I've been working on Radiant Captivity (a post-defeat local enslavement system) in parallel with DFR and noticed a significant amount of duplicate work across both projects especially in regards to the rules and events system. In fact, the same problem exists across the player slavery category as a whole where authors have to rebuild the same systems from scratch repeatedly across different projects i.e. both Mono and Coffee having to independently create outfit management systems for Wartimes and SLTR, respectively.


As such, I'm refactoring the framework (SKSE) side of DFR to be a more generalised player slavery framework to make it suitable for wider a variety of projects. When complete, it will provide a bidirectional interface for developers to add new content (rules and events) to a centralised pool and make it easy for player slavery mods to query that pool for their own needs. For example, I can create a single YPS make up rule and it can be used by Radiant Captivity (your bandit captors want to pretty up their plaything), DFR (your follower wants some eyecandy), Public Whore (the Thane requires you to wear makeup to drum up business and tells the guards to check while you're on duty). This framework isn't as big a change as the jump from DFF -> DFR but is taking some time. Working title is Captivity Framework but I'm quite open to suggestions :).




More specific to DFR, I've finished designing and prototyping most of the enslavement overhaul. That being said, I thought it'd be a good idea to get some feedback prior to release especially while I'm still migrating it to the new framework.

  • Favour: this is a new stat adapted from Wartimes that tracks your follower's feelings about you ranging from -100 (dislike) to 100 (like). Higher favour confers benefits like rule violation leniency while lower favour confers disadvantages like double punishment debt or an unwillingness to help with devices. Most of the other interactions have been modified to affect this stat. Violating rules for instance will reduce favour. In many respects, favour can be thought of as a kind of relationship currency. To keep things interesting, favour is hidden from the player. Instead anytime you do something to affect the stat a message will appear indicating the change, "Your follower was pleased/annoyed by that". This add some (IMO) fun tension during follower interactions. While you have a pretty good idea of how your follower feels, you're never a 100% sure and you'll need to pay close attention to remain on good terms. If both favour and willpower reach a certain minimum threshold, your follower will force you into the next relationship stage.
  • Lock in Deal: as part of each relationship stage (including enslavement) you will be given a lock in deal containing rules you cannot buy out of. Because this is user-defined, you can basically create whatever system you want by just adding rules to this lock in deal. This system only gets more powerful as the pool of content increases.
  • Willpower: has been moved to the framework so that it can be shared and affected by all CF dependent mods. That way your follower can do things like hand you off to a group of bandits thru RC to "break you in" since the willpower reduction will persist across mod boundaries.
  • Slavery Changes:
    • Enslavement rules have been eliminated. Instead a lock in deal is given that encodes the basic expectation of enslavement. As mentioned, you cannot buy out of this rule. Until you gain your freedom you will need to abide by the deal.
    • Shock Collar: your follower can now "motivate" you to do certain things. This is usually used during events in order to let your follower force you to go somewhere or do something. Like in SLTR, it can never kill you but it will make combat effectively impossible until you comply.
    • Negotation: Enslavement is now preceded by a short scene where the follower will explain terms i.e. what you will need to do to earn your freedom. They'll also verbally explain each rule in the lock in deal to you. You will be given the opportunity to submissively nod (which increases favour) or to try and reject the rule (which will always reduce favour and may result in your follower forcing it onto you regardless). Do you want to start off with low favour but fewer rules to contend with? Or are you willing to deal with the rules in order to start at a higher favour?
    • Buy out: is no longer guaranteed. Even if you have sufficient gold, its up to your master to decide if they're going to let you out of a deal. The chance of them doing so is weighted on favour and willpower. The more they like you or the more resolve you have, the more they'll be willing to let you out of a deal. Regardless of their decision trying to buy out of a deal will expend favour. 
    • Deal Offers: voluntarily agreeing to a rule will boost favour but attempts to get out of an offered rule can be rejected and result in reduced favour.
    • Jobs and Punishments: there are new dialogue options to allow the player to voluntarily trigger events thru their follower. You can ask for a job or for some discipline. The latter is analogous to "apologies" in Wartimes. Voluntarily agreeing to events is transactional, you're giving up willpower in exchange for the other primary resources: gold, boredom, and favour.
    • Gold Borrowing: your follower can now offer additional games beyond gambling in exchange for gold.
    • Forced Deals: if your follower's boredom exceeds a threshold, they can automatically force you into deals. Regular DF already does this on a debt threshold, I'm just allowing a master DF to do the same.
    • Forced Punishments: the follower can decide to teach you a physical lesson if their favour drops below a certain threshold.
    • Dynamic NPCs: like SD+, any valid NPC can become a DF. This allows DF enslavement to be used in post-defeat contexts.
    • Goals: your follower can set both short term and long term goals like daily/weekly/monthly gold earned. Failing to meet these goals results in reduced favour (and usually a punishment).
    • Strict Gold Control Mode: your follower will become a lot more stingy with the gold you're allowed to have. If you fail to meet a goal, they'll force check your inventory and take whatever they want (excluding quest items).

All told, what I'm hoping to accomplish with these changes is to properly dis-empower the player during enslavement and create a strong distinction between regular and enslaved DF gameplay without fundamentally changing what makes DF DF. In particular, when enslaved your follower's favour has a much stronger impact on your experience and consequently relationship management becomes far more important.


Additionally, I really want to add some tension to dialogue interactions when enslaved. At least in my play testing, a lot of rote actions like buying out of a deal become a lot more interesting when you aren't 100% sure what the outcome will be or what the long term consequences (favour) will be. This in turn forced me to actually think and plan ahead. Decisions have a lot more trade-offs to consider. Do you want to risk angering your follower to get rid of this annoying rule? Or should you just deal with it until you're in a better spot? Should you agree to this game to get some gold quickly? How will that reduced willpower affect your ability to turn down a rule later? And so on.


That being said, all of the aforementioned systems are toggle-able.


Edited by ponzipyramid
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1 hour ago, ponzipyramid said:

Hi everyone, a couple updates:




This all seems to be great, I do see multiple references to 'Wartimes' which I have had trouble finding, are these things going to be simply 'playing nice' with wartimes or will they be added features of wartimes injected into DF-R?

Also I know that you have said that you were working on a fix for the main menu crash, is this included in the changes?


Also also, assuming that you go forward with the current path, is there an expected release date?

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4 hours ago, pingbi146 said:

This all seems to be great, I do see multiple references to 'Wartimes' which I have had trouble finding, are these things going to be simply 'playing nice' with wartimes or will they be added features of wartimes injected into DF-R?


Wartimes is here, although, I'm mostly referring to Mono's tweak of it here. One of the driving motivations for this revamp was trying to inject some of WT's systems/content into DFC which eventually spiraled into...this.


4 hours ago, pingbi146 said:

Also I know that you have said that you were working on a fix for the main menu crash, is this included in the changes?


Yep, didn't mention fixes since I thought those were a given. That and some conflict fixes like SL causing rule violations.


4 hours ago, pingbi146 said:

Also also, assuming that you go forward with the current path, is there an expected release date?


I would really like to have something out by the end of the month. I can't promise anything given its largely dependent on my spare time but that's the goal.

Edited by ponzipyramid
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10 hours ago, ponzipyramid said:

Hi everyone, a couple updates:



this sounds beyond amazing, you're doing seriously great work on all of your mods, thank you for creating them and sharing them freely! i can't wait to test the new version when it comes out

Edited by akockl2
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With the introduction of favour, how about suggesting deals?

Like, if favour is over (for example) 50, you can suggest a deal yourself (thus choosing something that is not too uncomfortable). Optionally, slap a chance of the follower accepting the proposal based on favour and, maybe, speechcraft. Then a limit to the number of deals that can be proposed: 1 at 50, 2 at 75 and 3 at 100? This way it does not take too much space from the main lottery system and creates another reason to keep the number up. Optionally, something could happen if the player falls beneath Tier-1 border (something could happen to the third deal when falling below 75, for example).


All this may be within "Deal Offers", but, from the looks of it, it's bound to the slavery system and does not involve debt reduction (otherwise, it's not volunteering).


And yeah, thank you for doing all that, hope you find it enjoyable.

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Well I was swinging buy to ask for a deal involving YPS fashion levels to find this update... :)


It all sounds great to me. I particularly like the ideas of some level of uncertainty from different choices and persistent willpower (and emily1673 just mentioned the concept of a "thoughts" system over in her YPS thread for use in other mods and I asked about using DF willpower as a variable there). The "hand over to some ruffians for a break-in" scenario sounds pretty good too.


A few other thoughts in no particular order:


1) Without wanting to suggest feature creep (right now), I'd love it if in the future there was scope for having different followers have different personalities - so different Devious Followers have different likes and dislikes when it comes to favour. So guess the thought is just to keep the possibility in mind as you lay down the foundation of the system.


2) I'd like to suggest giving some thought to SubLola and especially ways to keep the DF slavery system distinct as - from a purely selfish point of view - I'd love to have two fully realized distinct slavery mods that potentially interact and understand each other rather than having to choose one or the other for a game. Right now, for example, some events in SubLola impact DF willpower which I think is just great. I'd love it if, for example, if DF triggers slavery but the PC is already SubLola enslaved it reacts in a way that respects that.


3) Please include a way to debug exit deals and slavery, because sometimes you need to do that to wrangle a playthrough (or just to test something).


4) Another "okay so maybe this is feature creep, but maybe your framework makes it less complicated to implement so I'll mention it" ... anything that could add recognition of additional followers (especially using NFF - personal preference) would be just amazing. Maybe there are some deals that apply to multiple followers (group sex, f. ex.), or maybe there are specific events that trigger only with multiple followers, or maybe additional followers will demand some money/ maintenance as well (in the vein of Sex Lab Aroused Followers).


... anyways, the bottom line is that I'm excited to hear you're working on this and looking forward to checking it out :) 

Edited by Anunya
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5 hours ago, Anunya said:

2) I'd like to suggest giving some thought to SubLola and especially ways to keep the DF slavery system distinct as - from a purely selfish point of view - I'd love to have two fully realized distinct slavery mods that potentially interact and understand each other rather than having to choose one or the other for a game. Right now, for example, some events in SubLola impact DF willpower which I think is just great. I'd love it if, for example, if DF triggers slavery but the PC is already SubLola enslaved it reacts in a way that respects that.


I definitely intend to preserve the SLTR hand-off for folks interested in both.


In terms of having DF and SLTR enslavement running concurrently - fairly unlikely. While I can certainly have DFR pay attention to SLTR events there's not much I can do to ensure SLTR understands what DFR is doing without violating at least some of Hex's permissions (no script/esp edits). One thing I've been experimenting with is an event bridge; an add-on that allows a DF master to trigger SLTR events as needed. That allows DFR to stay in control and avoid conflicts while still keeping all the great stuff in SLTR available.


That's still quite experimental and there's still the question of whether Hex would be okay with DF cannibalising SLTR like that. I'll reach out to him if this approach turns out to actually be viable.

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Honestly my main concern is that you and Hex keep doing cool stuff and no one feels unappreciated. You're both great contributors to our community and I'd hate for bad feelings to develop because someone feels their toes got stepped on (and to be clear, I've seen no indication that either of you are inclined that way - it's just a hypothetical, but it's one that sucks if it comes to pass).


... but yeah, I don't think SubLola and DF slavery running concurrently makes sense either :D

Edited by Anunya
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Does anyone else want to have a succubus/incubus follower with this mod that can apply a curse crotch tattoo onto the player that progresses in stages? Sorta similar to normal deals however the more you have sex with the follow without buying the deal out the farther it progresses and the less you are able to disagree with them adding other deals to you, Maybe even a reduction in how much total willpower the player can gain from sleep etc. You could probably reference how Corruption handles such progression to get an idea how to set up a progressive tattoo.

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I'm having some weirdness with the debug function to dismiss a devious follower. I had two followers, and I've been doing a bunch of different things so I don't have clear debug steps (so don't consider this a proper bug report, just a note).


My PC went through Simple Slavery ++ and kept both followers (using NFF). Both followers (A & B) remained with me. I dismissed the DF (A) using the debug function. The other follower (B) became the DF. I told A I no longer needed him and he left. I used the debug function again on A and he just won't go. I've tried all sorts of order of operations, but he always returns.


Hilariously, I used the debug function to dismiss him. Quickly went into the settings and disabled him as a DF, but he still returns - there's a message that says "you can't dismiss your follower yet".


My guess is it's related to the minimum contract setting you can set in DF - which I have set at 2.


So now I have a follower I can't get rid of - getting a DFR debug message when he returns after dismissal - even if he's no longer devious. It's weird.


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Just noticed a minor issue: The script fragment for the cum covering deal also retains the line of code to remove clothing as a remnant of the old version of the deal.


I tried to fix it and recompile it, but I'd forgotten just how many disparate scripts were needed to get it to work... So I just changed it to call the sexlab script directly so it would work in my game, but it feels too hacky to call a "patch".


It should just be a matter of removing the first line of TIF_Dflow_08157A02.psc if you'd like to fix it in the next version!





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On 2/22/2024 at 11:46 PM, pingbi146 said:


I don't want to constantly badger you, but I'm super excited for the update
[And the current version is fully unplayable due to the main menu bug]
I understand if it takes longer than expected, but do you have an updated ballpark ETA?


I might just put up an intermediate bugfix update if that's desirable? I've had my hands full with another project so my timeline is quite delayed.


On 2/23/2024 at 5:58 PM, Aldid said:

Just noticed a minor issue: The script fragment for the cum covering deal also retains the line of code to remove clothing as a remnant of the old version of the deal.


I tried to fix it and recompile it, but I'd forgotten just how many disparate scripts were needed to get it to work... So I just changed it to call the sexlab script directly so it would work in my game, but it feels too hacky to call a "patch".


It should just be a matter of removing the first line of TIF_Dflow_08157A02.psc if you'd like to fix it in the next version!


Thanks for the call out. A couple folks mentioned how difficult it was to compile DF scripts which should be resolved by the move to that new framework (fewer direct dependencies).

Edited by ponzipyramid
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1 hour ago, ponzipyramid said:


I might just put up an intermediate bugfix update if that's desirable? I've had my hands full with another project so my timeline is quite delayed.



If that makes the mod at least playable, I would love it, but obviously everything is up to you here

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8 hours ago, ponzipyramid said:


I might just put up an intermediate bugfix update if that's desirable? I've had my hands full with another project so my timeline is quite delayed.



Thanks for the call out. A couple folks mentioned how difficult it was to compile DF scripts which should be resolved by the move to that new framework (fewer direct dependencies).

Yeah, bug fixes would be good. Fewer bugs will hopefully mean that you will be bugged less (pun intended) while working on other things.

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If I use the "regular" DF mod, there is a voiceover for the follower. In the redux version there is not. Is this intentional, is something wrong with my installation, or can I activate the VO somewhere?


Thank you for you work btw :)

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2 hours ago, Rubikon11 said:

If I use the "regular" DF mod, there is a voiceover for the follower. In the redux version there is not. Is this intentional, is something wrong with my installation, or can I activate the VO somewhere?


Thank you for you work btw :)

The 2.14.5 Version from the original SE port also includes bodyslide files, minor fixes, and generated voices. This updated version doesn't come bundled with those voice lines since they increase the file size one hundredfold. Like 3 different people have generated voice files for this mod, they're just spread a bit all over the place. I'd suggest just pasting 'site:loverslab.com "devious followers" voice' into google and seeing what shows up


9 hours ago, beetlebug123 said:

I might be dumb, but how do I get out of enslavement or even deals? Just have money in my inventory.


I get enslaved with Simple Slavery and then get bombarded with 5 deals and I have no idea how to free myself.

If the mod's working correctly you should have a dialogue option along the lines of "Master?" which should let you pay to reduce debt and eventually exit enslavement. That said, the inbuilt enslavement feature isn't technically supported for this version of the mod at the moment, as it's due for a rework. Therefore it's possible that it's just a bit broken.

Edited by Aldid
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I only now came by to read the February 9 update, and I just have to say: The new ideas/stuff sound really great. You're stating further down that you're delayed, but that's just life. Either way, this sounds well worth waiting for.

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Hi @ponzipyramid, as promised (threatened? 😏) here are my observations. While there are issues with some individual deals, there does seem to be a consistent issue with the filtering system (i.e., level 3 deals being offered as the very first deal). Putting it all behind a spoiler for the sake of everybody's sanity.



Devious Followers Redux

Keeping track of any issues w/ DFR. I enjoy the mod, and am glad it’s being continued. I know you plan on rewriting at least parts of the mod, so I hope these notes help.


1. Forced Start - worked, but it did take a couple of minutes in which I was able to initiate dialog w/o the ‘why is this guard following you?’ convo. I just tabbed out until the force-start dialog showed. I think it’s probably because I have mods that initiate dialog or have force-greets: Sexlab Drunk Redux, SLSF Fame Comments SE , Skooma Whore SE and Skooma Whore: Addicted in addition to other mods monitoring what’s going on and checking conditions, such as Sexy Adventures


2. (quibble) Whore armor - I got whore armor, and I really like your system with the .json files. If I wanted to quibble about something it would be that I’d like to see the whore designation when the items are given to me and in my inventory. For example, Dark Dreams pants and Dark Dreams bra might become Dark Dreams pants - whore heavy and Dark Dreams bra - whore heavy or Whorish Heavy Dark Dreams pants and Whorish Heavy Dark Dreams bra. Heck, I wouldn’t mind if they were all renamed Whore Heavy, Whore Light, and Whore Mage armors. Let it be a surprise when I equip them.


3. Skooma deal - as I mentioned in your Discord, I don’t usually get the dialogs to initiate asking for skooma. I get punished for asking, but I think maybe once out of 10-12 times did I even get an opportunity to ask for skooma. I looked in XEdit. “The responses, under _DFlowModDealControllerBegSkoomaStart, have a condition for the _DFRuleSkooma, but I can't find the initiating dialog ('That drink we agreed on? I'm ready to try it.', 'I'm feeling a little sluggish. Do you have anything that might help?', and 'Please... I need my medicine...') in order to check the condition.”


4. Dismissing the follower after contract period seems to work just fine.


5. Temporary follower - such as during Companions questline - MCM shows DF but no vanilla. Mod not paused. Presumably this is correct. Sold via Naked Dungeons/SS++ DF removed. (Will replay from last save after auction is done). Sold to another DF, saw message about be my slave and abide by rules or be dumped in a pit. However, no slavery, just another standard DF contract. No deals, minimal debt. (I believe same debt as previous DF).

  • a. Replayed from previous save (where I was not a slave, just had the DF). Consoled the DF to me and had to rehire him - pay him, not just ‘follow me’. Don’t remember if that’s normal or not, don’t usually use hirelings enough to dismiss and then rehire.

6. Ring deal, another Naked Dungeons trap, ring unequipped. Getting more debt, but not getting dialog about replacing ring. It was in my inventory, though, so I put it back on.


7. Sold again to a DF. This time got enslavement message and outcome.


8. After going back to save (see 5, 5a) and playing some more, I noticed the MCM debt counter for this DF isn’t working. DF says I owe over 2,000, I pay him, but the MCM shows debt is -5661. I previously bought out of the one deal I had and now have 0 deals.

  • a. Paused the mod due to a long, long battle. When I unpaused the mod, the debt was showing correctly in the MCM again.

9. Diet deal seems to be working (it was a very quick test) - said I could eat. asked again - told me to stop wasting his time. (1st deal - skeever)


10. Blindfold deal - working. (2nd deal - skeever)

  • a. Straitjacket game - working.

11. Offer to merchants (3rd deal - skeever) - Talked to a couple of merchants, innkeepers, and a blacksmith. No offers. That could just mean conditions weren’t right, though.


12. Reloaded to test lots of debt.

  1. a. Said I have it. Items sold and money taken. I used debug to get debt high, waited a couple of days, disabled and enabled DF, repaired DF, reset DF, fast-traveled to a different location, finally got the ‘clear you’re not going to pay’ speech.
  2. b. let’s work it out. used debug to get debt high, waited a day, fast-traveled to a different location. Got 6 deals - due to size of debt? Also, the filtering seems to be off. Only the whore armor deal is at a .yaml matching level. There are plenty of 1st and 2nd level deals available, so shouldn’t there only be one 3rd level deal initiated?
  • i. whore armor. 1st deal - skeever --- .yaml file says level 1.
  • ii. tape-gag. 2nd deal - skeever. --- .yaml file says level 3. Interesting, gag is disabled but tape-gag is active. I would have thought tape-gag would still be considered a gag.
  • iii. gloves. 1st deal - bear --- .yaml file says level 2
  • iv. corset. 3rd deal - skeever --- .yaml file says level 2
  • v. blindfold. 1st deal - wolf. --- .yaml file says level 3
  • vi. petsuit. 1st deal - slaughterfish --- .yaml file says level 3

13. New follower. Volunteered for deal. 1ST deal w/ follower: WHORE deal, under skeever. --- .yaml file says level 3. From Papyrus log (if it helps):

[03/03/2024 - 06:36:56AM] error: Unbound native function "GetRuleDesc" called

[03/03/2024 - 06:36:56AM] WARNING: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp46"


              [_DFlowMCM (3900C545)]._dflowmcm.ShowDeal() - "_DFlowMCM.psc" Line 771

              [_DFlowMCM (3900C545)]._dflowmcm.DoStatsPageMenu() - "_DFlowMCM.psc" Line 761

              [_DFlowMCM (3900C545)]._dflowmcm.OnPageReset() - "_DFlowMCM.psc" Line 525

              [_DFlowMCM (3900C545)]._dflowmcm.SetPage() - "SKI_ConfigBase.psc" Line 971

              [_DFlowMCM (3900C545)]._dflowmcm.OpenConfig() - "SKI_ConfigBase.psc" Line 928

              [SKI_ConfigManagerInstance (FE009802)].SKI_ConfigManager.OnModSelect() - "SKI_ConfigManager.psc" Line 237


14. crawl in town. Again a 1st deal w/ follower though .yaml says level 2. I did get tail, and crawling does work. Also debt when tail not in, in town. Papyrus:

[03/03/2024 - 08:43:17AM] Error: Cannot call FNISCompatibility() on a None object, aborting function call


              [Active effect 5 on (00000014)]._DFCrawlingEffect.OnEffectStart() - "_DFCrawlingEffect.psc" Line 9

[03/03/2024 - 08:43:17AM] WARNING: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp0"


              [Active effect 5 on (00000014)]._DFCrawlingEffect.OnEffectStart() - "_DFCrawlingEffect.psc" Line 9


15. Straitjacket deal. Again a 1st deal w/ follower though .yaml says level 3. Papyrus had nothing, no errors or messages


16. This is an observation, not a bug or anything you need to address. More an interesting (to me) fyi. For the first time ever I installed a follower framework, Simple Follower Extension, that allows you to have up to 10 vanilla npc followers (or modded followers that use the vanilla AI). Nothing fancy, no mechanism for horses, no mechanism to add npcs’s as followers. Anyway, during testing when my DF decided to sell me off, I got the message that my DF left and I was ready for a new DF. All good. Got my new DF, but my previous DF was still following me with the others as a non-DF follower. And that is fine with me. Don’t know what would happen if I reached my limit of vanilla’s, may have to test that and get back to you. Right now my vanilla’s are Erik the Slayer, Vilkas, Farkas, Aela, Lydia, and Thorald Gray-Mane.


And in case you find it helpful



MODS - ignore the ‘*’

[NINI] Open Waist v. ?

* A Cat's Life v. 2

* A Skyrim Waltz v. 0.01

* Additional Starts for Live Another Life v. 5.4.1

Address Library for SKSE Plugins v. 10

Advanced Adversary Encounters - Ultimate v. 3.7

Advanced Adversary Encounters Patches v. 3.8

Advanced Notification Log NG v. 2.2.0

Alternate Perspective v. 3.0.6

Ammo Unequip on Sexlab Animations v. 1.02

Anubs Animations for SE - creature v. 022023                  02/11/24 --> original heavy version

Anubs Animations for SE - human v. 022023

Apachii Maid Armor CBBE 3BA BodySlide with SMP Physics v. 1.4

Apachii Maid Armor CBBE HDT v. 1.0/3.0

ApachiiSkyHair SSE v. 1.6Full & 1.5

Aradia Leather Harness v. 1.3

Auto Kill Move Screenshots v. 2.0.0

Ammo Unequip on Sexlab Animations v. 1.02

Ayleid Piercings - CBBE 3BA - SoS v. 1.4.1EN                  02/13/24 --> 1.5.2

Bantam Guars- Mihail (SSE PORT) v. 3

Barrel Home RELOADED - Double Barrel v. 1.555

Better Females Eyebrows - Standalone v. 1.2

* Beyond Skyrim - Bruma SE v. 1.6.3

* Bjorn - Fully Voiced Follower ** v. 1.20.3                  02/03/24 --> v 1.30.3                  02/23/24 --> v1.30.7

Blood and Silver - Cidhna Mine Expanded v. 2.3a                  02/13/24 --> 2.3b

BodySearchAnimsSE v. 1 ME

BodySlide and Outfit Studio v. 5.6.3

BottledBats v. 1.1

* BreezehomeDisplay v. 1.4

Bring Meeko To Lod v. 1.1

Buttons the Little Dog Follower v. 1.2

Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Enhancer -CBBE v. 2.0.2

CBBE AE-CC Outfits v. 1.7.1

* CBBE Armour and Clothing Conversions for Beyond Skyrim - Bruma v. 2.1

CC Ingredients Patch v. mine

CBPC - CBP Physics with Collisions for SSE and VR v. 1.6.3

Cliff Racers- Mihail (SSE PORT) v. 5

* COCO LaceBody - CBBE-TBD SE v. 1

COCO Scarlet Rose - CBBE-TBD-UUNP SE v. 2.5.0

ConsolePlusPlus v. 1.4.1

Craft Crossbows and Bolts Anywhere and Anytime v. 1

Crash Logger SSE AE VR - PDB support v. 1.12.1

Creature Framework SE v. 3

Cutting Room Floor v. 3.1.16

Cyrodilic Minotaurs - Mihail (SSE PORT) v. 3

Dark Dreams v. 1.3 w/ Light Plugin

DD5.2 - Native remove v.

DD_NG_Make_carriages_devious_again v. 1.1                  ADDED 2/8/24

Deadly Dragons v. 6.6.0

Dealer's Choice - Devious Followers Addon v. 0.2.2

Demon Hunter Armor - CBBE SSE v. 1

Devious Carriages - Continued v. 0.4.0

Devious Cidhna v. 1.1

Devious Devices v. 5.2

* Devious Devices NG v. 0.2.9

* Devious Followers Redux v. Alpha 0.1.9

Deviously Enchanted Chests v. 3.2

Dog Followers are Huskies - No Barking - Silent Stealth v. 1

Draugr Patrols - Elements of Skyrim (SSE PORT) v. 2

DSHG Guards Overhaul and CC patch v. MINE

Dwarven Colossus - Mihail (SSE PORT) v. 1.1

Dwarven Driller- Mihail (SSE PORT) v. 1

Dwemer Travel Machine v. 2

Estrus Chaurus+ v. 4.39

EstrusForSkyrimSE_VR v. 2.2.5

Even Better Quest Objectives SE - EBQO SE v. 1.9.2

Extra Encounters v. 1.0 Full Version MERGED

Face Discoloration Fix v. 1.03

Fade Tattoos Continued v. 2.1.0

Failure Mode Effects Analysis in Skyrim (FMEA) v. 1.502

Falmer Abyssraiders- Elements of Skyrim (SSE PORT) v. 1.1

FileAccess Interface for Skyrim SE Scripts - FISSES v. 1.4.1-beta

* FISSES patch for Skyrim AE 1.6.1130 (or later) v. 1.4.2

Fores New Idles in Skyrim SE - FNIS SE v. 7.6

* FSMP - Faster HDT-SMP v. 2.1.3

* FSMPM - The FSMP MCM v. 1.2.0

Funnybizness SLAL Packs SE v. Rev1.0.0                  02/11/24 --> original heavy version

Fuz Ro D-oh - Silent Voice v. 2.4

Generated Voice Pack for Alternate Perspective - Alternate Start v. 1.0.0

Goblins- Mihail Monsters and Animals v. 4

Godzilla Roar Replacement (Special Edition) v. 1

* Grandmaster Wolven Armor - CBBE v. 1.1.4 alpha

* GSPoses & SLAL v. 02/05

Guards Overhaul - New Weapons and Armour SE v. 1

* Hearthfire Extended v. 1.0.5

* Hearthfire Extended - Beyond Skyrim-Bruma Patch v. 1.0.4

* Hearthfire Extended - Cutting Room Floor Patch v. 1.0.3

* Hearthfires Extended and Creation Club Fishing Patch v. 2

* HG Hairdos 2 v.

Hide Those Futile Quests v. 2

HN66's Earrings - Special Edition v. 1.4

iD - DovahBling Bracelets v. 1.1.0

Illuminated Blue Palace Dome v. 1.3

Improved Eyes (Humans and Mer) v. 0.4.12

INIGO v. 2.4c

* Jarl Balgruuf Dilemma v. 0.1.4

JContainers SE v. 4.2.8

Kaidan - AIO v. 1.8.5                   --> 1.9.2                   02/08/24                  --> 1.9.6 02/20/24

Kaidan - Sexlab Patch v. 2X

Kaidan 2 v. 2.1.1

* Kaidan's Home - Autumnwatch Refined v. 1.0.2

Kidnapped by Rieklings - Quest Resource v. 20210813

Kidnapped by Rieklings - Simple Slavery Plus Plus Add-on v.

KS Hairdos - HDT SMP (Physics) v. 1.4.3

KS Hairdos SSE v. 1.9

Magical Blackreach v. 1.2

Markarth - Help the Warrens and A Cure for Cairine v. 1.1

Mfg Fix v. 1.6.1

Minimal Oblivion Dialogue Menu (Moded EZ2C Dialogue Menu) v. 1.1

MMX452 Summon Chest v. 1.0.1

MergeMapper v. 1.5.0              added 2/15/24

More Informative Console v. 1.1.0 AE (1.6.1130)

More Nasty Critters Special Edition v. 15.3

Mountain Lions and Panthers- Mihail (SSE PORT) v. 2

Move it Dammit v. 1.1.0b

My Road Signs are Beautiful v. 1.6.1EN

Naked Dungeons - converted oldrim mod v. 2.0.1

NDun-Snowball-Buttons Patch v. mine

Nemesis- 2017 Halloween Special (SSE PORT) v. 1

* Neugrad v. 1.00.6

* Neugrad Watch Edits v. 1.0.0

No more Radial Blur - Performance optimization v. 1.1                  added late, 02/02/2024, char level 16

No Slap Da Butt for Snowball and Buttons v. mine

Norstaera's helpful bat files v. 1

OBIS MCMenu scripts with backup and restore v. 2.5

OBIS SE Patrols Addon v. 2.5

OBIS SE - Organized Bandits In Skyrim Special Edition v. 2.76

* Open Animation Replacer v. 2.0.2

* Paired Animation Improvements v. 1.0.1

Papyrus Tweaks NG v. 4.1.0

PapyrusUtil SE - Modders Scripting Utility Functions v. see SKSE 4.4

Pierced Ears - Earrings SE v. 1.0SE

Populated Cities Towns Villages SE Edition v. 4.1.6

Populated Lands Roads Paths for SE v. 3.5

powerofthree's Papyrus Extender v. 5.6.2

powerofthree's Tweaks v. 1.8.1

Prison Overhaul Patched AE v. 6.0.3

Proxy's Animations SE v. 2

RaceMenu v. 4.19.15

Rape Tattoos Continued v. 2.0.3

Redbelly Mine VERY SERIOUS LORE Fixes (Ebony Ore Restored) v. 1

Render Tattoos - unconverted oldrim mod v. 1-racemenu

RohZima SLAL Pack v. Pack10

* Satan Maid Outfit v. 1

Scrambled Bugs v. 21 (for ammo and enchantment)

SD - Cages v. 3.131.1

Selfmade Potions Renamed v. 1.0.0

* Serious Civil War Consequences for Jarl Balgruuf v. 1.1.2

Sex Lab - Sexual Fame 'Framework' v. 0.99 (Pre-Final)

SexLab Animation Loader SSE v. 1.0.0

* Sexlab Aroused NG v. 0.2.2 [ALPHA]

SexLab Body Search v. 20190814

SexLab Dangerous Nights 2 v. 2.5

SexLab Drunk Redux v. 1.3

Sexlab Eager NPC's SE (SLEN) v. Rev2

SexLab Framework SE v. 1.66

SexLab Sex with Thieves v. 1.2.2

Sexy Adventures v. 0.6.2

Shep's Tattoo Collection v. 2

* Simple Follower Extension v. 2.1                  added 02/23/24

Simple Mod Item Spawner v. 1.5

* Simple Slavery Rebuild v. 1.0.1

SimpleSlavery Plus Plus v. 6.3.21

Simplified COCO Fairy Queen v. -

* Skimpy Outfit Replacer for Beyond Burma v. 1.0.0

Skooma Whore SE v. 1.01

Skooma Whore VP v. myBSA

Skooma Whore: Addicted v. 3.7

Skooma Whore: Patch v. 1.04

SkyHide - Dont Show Headgears - No Helmet Mod v. 1

Skyrim Script Extender - SKSE64 v. 2.2.5

Skyrim Utility Mod AE v. 3.3.3

* SkySight Skins - Ultra HD 4K 2K Male Textures and Real Feet Meshes v. 1.1                  added late, 01/28/2024, char. level 7

* SkySight Skins - Schlongs of Skyrim - Patch v. 1.3.0                                    added late, 01/28/2024, char. level 7

SkyUI v. 5.2

* SkyUI SE - Difficulty Persistence Fix v. 1

SLAL Animation Pack by Leito v. 1.6

SLAL Billyys Animations for SE v. 7.4

SLAmmo Unequip Patch v. mine

SlaveTats SE v. 1.3.9

SlaveTats various tatto packs v. see

SLSF Fame Comments SE v. 3.4b

SLSFFC No Dibellan Whore patch v. mine

SLSF Increasing Fame Patch - Sexual Fame 'Framework' Increasing Fame Patch v. 1.3

Small Elytra v. mine

Smart Harvest SE v. 5.1.0                  2/11/24 --> v 5.4.1                  2/14/24 --> 5.5.0                  3/1/24 --- 5.5.2

* SMP-NPC crash fix v. 1

Snowball v. 1.4.1

SnowballRaceKywdPatch v. mine

Snowrays- Mihail Monsters and Animal (SSE PORT) v. 2

SSE Engine Fixes (skse64 plugin) v. 6.1.1

SSEEdit v. 4.0.4

Stronger Soul Cairn Summon Spells v. 2

Take Notes - Journal of the Dragonborn v. b1.6

The Choice is Yours (TCIY) v. 2.7

The Eyes Of Beauty SSE v. 1.2-1.2.1 updated/combined

* The New Gentleman v. 2.0.2

The Paarthurnax Dilemma v. 2

The Paarthurnax Dilemma - Voiced Dialogue v. 1.1.0

The Raven of Raven Rock SE v. 1

Thorald GreyMane with Original Beard v. 1.02 by me

Timing is Everything v. 2.2

UIExtensions v. 1.2.0

Unlimited Amulets and Rings for the Modern Era SE Edition v. 1.2a

Unlimited Amulets and Rings for the Modern Era SE Edition - Beyond Bruma support v.

Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch v. 4.3.0a

UNP AND CBBE Racemenu SE Collection of Tattoos Warpaints and Overlays v.2

Unread Books Glow v. 2.2.1

Voice Packs where available

Wampas - Mihail (SSE PORT) v. 4

Weightless Ingredients All-In-One v. 1

Well Armored Vigilants v. 1.2.0

XP32 Maximum Skeleton Special Extended - XPMSSE v. 5.0.5

YeOlde - (MCM) Settings v. 1.1.4 alpha

Yet Another Font Replacer v. 1.2

ZAZ 8.0+ CBBE HDT SE v. Rev3

Zero Weight Ingredients for CC v. mine


Once again, thank you for working on this.


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