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Odd merge patch issue


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I play and mod all of bethesdas games, and opt to use the "edit" programs over wry bash and the like, so this issues is about tesVedit. i had the whole game installed and running with mods about 3 months ago so this problems surfaced since then, but basically this install around any time i create a merge patch with tesVedit, launching the game while the patch is enables causes crash right before the title text appears, almost identical to a crash that happens when you have a bad master, but the game works fine as soon as i disable my merge patch.


For now i've taken to kind of making my own merge patch, by looking at what the created one is doing and making the changes myself, which allows the game to run just fine oddly enough, so the problem has to be the existence of the merge patch itself, not the changes its making. any ideas?


just to clarify im not disabling any mods when launching the game, so the problem isnt a missing master, even though thats what the symptoms seem to point to

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The merged patch functionality of TES5Edit is not 100% accurate, so the created merged patch needs manual editing in some cases.
Example: A mod adds one keyword, to add an item to the vendor list, with the accompanying keyword count of 1. TES5Edit may add the keyword to the merged patch, but not the keyword count. Did not happen for added crafting materials yet. A least not for me.
There's some other stuff, that's not completly transfered to the merged patch, but i can't remember what it was. :/ Sorry.

So as a result, i always go thru all entries of the created merged patch, to verify the records and the changes they make. Never had any problems with the created merged patch since.


Edit: Just remembered another case, where FormiDs in the merged patch could not be resolved. But i can't remember what was causing it or how i solved it. -.-

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that's the strange thing, none of that applied to the one that was crashing my game at launch, it only consisted of about a dozen npc entries and 3 faction entries, and no errors of that kind, and i dont see how a half transfered item of data like keywords would cause crashes before the title screen.


Strangely enough manually making the exact same merged patch by copying the data from the one tesVedit makes into a new plugin causes the game to work perfectly, my issue is that for whatever reason the physical plugin that tesVedit is generating causes crashes at startup, and its never happened before.

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any time i create a merge patch with tesVedit, launching the game while the patch is enables 

So can the issue be replicated 100% of the time? Might want to check the files in the folder are alright and all. 


They've released 3.0.31 so you can see if the problem persists with that. I've only started with merged patching a few days ago but I don't seem to have any problems. 

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