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Bodyslide modders guides and help thread


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Bodyslide 2 Outfit studio bodytype conversion sets:





Bodyslide 2 threads and tutorials:


Official site:  http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49015/?

cell:  http://www.loverslab.com/topic/24246-bodyslide-20-and-outfit-studio-out-now/

blabba:  http://www.loverslab.com/topic/25180-tutorial-bodyslide2outfit-studio-for-dummies-with-pics/

xunAmarox:  http://www.loverslab.com/topic/24385-outfit-studiobodyslide-2-cbbe-conversions/




With Bodyslide 2 out, my Bodyslide_tools script is not quite as useful as before. For converting just a few outfits

Outfit Studio should be enough. However, these guides might be useful to read before converting larger packs,

or dealing with complicated meshes. Perhaps also giving some insight of how Bodyslide works, which otherwise

might be hidden to modders who only have used Outfit Studio.


The idea of this thread wass to share guides, tips and tricks for new potential Bodyslide modders to learn from.

But feel free to post any Bodyslide-related questions, although there are better threads for Bodyslide 2 questions.



Anyway, here's the pre-Outfit Studio guide...
What you need
1. Download Rebol/View: http://www.rebol.com/download-view.html
Set Windows to associate .r files with Rebol.
2. Get the Bodyslide_tools script:
Bodyslide_tools_v0.3.2.7z  updated 2014-03-29
(old: Bodyslide_tools_v0.3.1.7z )
3. Get Nifscope: http://niftools.sourceforge.net/wiki/NifSkope
4. (Optional) Get Blender, or some other 3D app capable of at least OBJ editing, and preferably NIF import/export.
For Blender setup, try these guides...  Set it up:   http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/3790
Usage:   http://tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/tutorials/category/40-3d-craftworks    (read Part 3 and 5 on page 2)
NifCleaner that comes with Bodyslide can help with cleaning up nif files after Blender export.
Step 4 might be optional, depending on if you actually need to edit a mesh in some way. But most likely you will.

Now that Bodyslide 2 with Outfit Studio is available, you might get by without another 3d editor.
Now, let's first have a look at Nifscope. Specifically how to rename shapes and export OBJ files.
Note: With Bodyslide UNP, OBJ files are already included. So if all you want is to convert a
new slider for an existing Bodyslide UNP outfit, or edit a slider shape, you can skip this step.
post-46434-0-49406900-1379803454_thumb.png post-46434-0-38527500-1379803461_thumb.png post-46434-0-47143600-1379803466_thumb.png post-46434-0-34015300-1379805409_thumb.png post-46434-0-33654600-1379805425_thumb.png
1, Here we see the high weight (_1) nif file, of the UNP version of Mak Daedric Armor. Let's edit the shape names....
2. Right-click the first NitriShape, and select Transform > Edit.
3. Change the name to Body (or BaseShape for CBBE). Try to pick logical names for the other shapes,
    Also have a look at the XYZ values in Translation. If they are zero, fine. If not, keep this in mind.
4. Now the names look ok. I also prefer to rearrange (Ctrl+Arrow) the shapes in top-down order, but that is optional.
    Save the nif file with a simple name like Daedric.
5. Ok, time to export. First, you need to make sure that the XYZ values in translation are zero for every shape.
    If not, right-click the shape, and select Transform > Apply. (Try anyway)
    Then select Export .OBJ in the file menu for each shape (including Body). Name the OBJ as the shape.
    In case you have a name conflict with OBJ files from other meshes in a mod pack, you need to decide if you want to:
    A. Use one subfolder for each outfit. No name conflicts then, but it's a bit harder to share slider files for identical shapes (like Panty).
    B. Have several outfit files in the same folder. The you probably want to avoid name conflicts by using shape names like:
        DaedricPauldron, DaedricTop, DaedricHorn etc. Panty might be shared, if all Panty shapes are identical (see below).
The shapes
Alright. Now you have a nif file, which hopefully can be used as is. And you have the OBJ files required for slider conversion.
Time to examine those shapes. Let's start with the body. We want to check if it is:
1. Complete shape or a partial shape. Existing body sliders can only work on a complete body shape with identical vertex order.
    To get a partial shape (for avoiding the body to clip through the outfit), we need to use a Zap slider for the body.
2. Standard body shape or custom shape. Custom shapes can be tricky. We usually want the body to have mostly the same
    shape by default as the default body. By "mostly" I mean that it's ok to shrink the body a bit to avoid clipping, tuck the nipples,
    add some pushup or whatever looks natural for the outfit. It's not ok if the body shape is very different, because then a
    Bodyslide preset would not have the expected shape for this outfit.
3. Does it have the same position as the standard body, or is there an offset. If there is an offset, we need to move all
    the outfit shapes, so they line up correctly with the body used as source when converting sliders. However if that body
    source is a custom body, i.e the Body OBJ we just exported, chances are their positions already match.
post-46434-0-46199600-1379808009_thumb.png post-46434-0-43678000-1379808018_thumb.png
Too see all this you need to import this and the standard body shapes as OBJ files into either Nifscope or Blender (or similar).
Blender in grid-mode (key Z) will give you more useful info, but even in Nifscope you can see three things: the shape is complete,
it looks similar to the standard body, and it has a different offset. In Blender, you can measure this offset, and line up the meshes
to see if every vertex is identical. You will also need Blender to make a zap slider for the body, if one is needed.
Ok then. In this case the body is complete. By snapping it to the standard body in Blender, we can see that it is identical, and
also we can measure the offset there. However, for a complete body, another way to check the offset as well as the vertex order
is to use two functions in Bodyslide_tools:  Make-BSD,  and BSD-to-text.  In addition, to actually move a shape to negate this
offset, we can use the Offset-OBJ function.  Go down to second post for usage of the different functions in Bodyslide_tools.
To get the offset, use Make-BSD. Base: standard body OBJ, slider: exported body OBJ. Then BSD-to-text, select the new slider,
and open the output text file. What do you see? Well, if those numbers are mostly identical for every line, then there's the offset.
Now that we will use the standard body, we must move the outfit shapes so they line up with it. In this case it's a very common
offset: [ 0 -2.5443 3.2879]. So we negate that and write Offset-OBJ [0 2.5443 -3.2879], then select a shape. This needs to be
repeated for every shape (sorry for that, should be able to select all). Then delete all the original shapes (again, sorry) including
the body (no longer needed), and replace them with the new ones (remove +[0 2.5443 -3.2879]). Now the shapes line up, but
you may want to check this in Blender to be sure.
Time to build
Now what? Well, we have a source nif, we have the outfit shapes as OBJ. What we need is the sliderset and the slider data -
the .bsd files. Read the guides on Build-slidersets, and Build-BSD on how to make these. When you are done with that, you
will have a sliderset for the outfit, and the required slider files to make it work in Bodyslide. The only thing left then is to copy
the files to their correct place, and check that the sliderset works correctly. You should also add the sliderset name to a mod
group and to the supergroup (i.e CB++ or UNP) to make presets work with the set. All done!
Well... perhaps some sliders don't work so well, clipping and whatnot. For now, editing the slider shape in Blender may be
your best option. In the future, Bodyslide2 will come to the rescue (and possibly make much of Bodyslide_tools obsolete).
Anyway, to get a slider shape into Blender, you need to turn BSD files into OBJ files. For this you need the the OBJ files
of the outfit shapes, and the Add-BSD-to-OBJ function (again, apologies for not making this easier). Run Add-BSD-to-OBJ,
select shape, the select a slider. Import these outfit slider shapes with similarily created body slider shapes into Blender,
fix them as you like, and export them. Use Make-BSD to turn the fixed shapes inte new sliders. Make sure to add exceptions
to your conversion batch files, so your manually fixed sliders won't get overwritten.
Zap sliders
Let me say this first: There is nothing magical about zap sliders, so don't be scared. They are actually less
complicated than normal sliders, since any data they contain only means "remove these vertices". Any
movement data is ignored, a zap slider is binary, either on or off.  In a sliderset, the keyword zap="true"
is used for zap sliders. Body zaps need the local="true" keyword in the datafile tag.
There's really only one type of zap slider, but because of how they are built, let's say that there actually
are two, maybe three types:
1. Complete zap - zaps en entire shape. The easiest way to make one is to use Make-BSD-Zap and select
    a shape. Done. The shape will be zapped when that zap slider is active. In Blender, you can get the same
    effect by importing the base OBJ, in edit move select all vertices (A) and move them, export it and use
    Make-BSD, select base, then exported OBJ.
2. Partial zap - zaps a part of a shape. In Blender, in edit mode, make sure proportional edit is off (O),
    select the vertices you want to zap and move them. Export it and use Make-BSD as above.
3. Body zap - special case of partial zap. What we need to think about here is to remove any vertices that
    may clip through the outfit, but at the same time retain all triangles that are fully covered by it (at any
    potential Bodyslide shape). Sound hard? It can be, especially in areas where the body's vertex density
    is low-res.
    When you port an existing outfit, chances are its body shape is already partial, i.e you need to replace
    the body in the nif with a complete body (with the same offset, see Fixing NIF offset). You will also need
    a zap that removes the same vertices as the original. If the body shape is different than standard, you
    most likely need to select the same vertices manually.
    However if the body shape is identical, you can use Shrinkwrap to make a body zap. First snap the body
    so it lines up perfectly with the standard body  (see Blender image above, select snap to vertex). Then
    select the standard body in object mode, go to Modifiers, Add Modifier > Shrinkwrap. In the OB: field,
    write the other body's name. Change Shrinkwrap type from  "nearest surface point" to "nearest vertex".
    See how some vertices stay in place, and how some are way off, those are the ones that will be zapped.
    Apply the modifer and export.
Alternative to body zaps
There is one alternative to using body zaps: converting the body sliders to the partial body. What you need
is a complete body shape that closely matches the partial shape. Then you can use Convert-BSD with
complete shape as source, and partial shape as target (as if converting sliders for an outfit shape). Just
make sure before conversion that the shapes have the same position, the seams should line up perfectly.
To use them, first rename them. Then check your sliderset. Normally it would include an instruction to fetch the
body sliders from the Body folder (target="BaseShape" DataFolder="CalienteBody"). Remove the DataFolder
keyword so that body sliders are loaded from the local folder.
Fixing NIF offset
There are three reasons why you may need to move a shape together with its armature:
1. To make the shape compatible with clamp sliders. I would recommend you ignore these for now.
    If for no other reason, it's easier to make new clamp sliders that fit the shape using Offset-BSD.
2. To make the shapes line up nicely in Bodyslide preview. So the shapes line up fine within Skyrim.
    But they look way off in Bodyslide preview (Bodyslide only cares about vertex data), because
    the shapes have different offsets for the armature, It's really your choice if Bodyslide preview is
    worth the effort of fixing the misplaced shapes in Blender. Besides, in Bodyslide 2 you will be able
    to apply a virtual offset to line up the shapes in the preview.
3. The important reason: You need to replace the body in the NIF file, and the old body has a different
    offset. Yep, to make them line up in game as well as Bodyslide preview, you need to import the standard
    body, move it and its armature to the position of the old body.
I will assume you know how to import and export nif files. Import the standard body nif. Import the OBJ of the old body.
Set Pivot: 3d cursor. Scale the OBJ to 0.1. Use snapping to check the offset from standard body position to the old.
Now move the standard body in edit mode by those XYZ numbers. Then select the armature, select all (A) in edit move,
and move them bones by the same numbers. Make sure the bodies line up fine, and delete the old body. Select all,
export the nif, fix it up, open the outfit NIF and the new body in Nifscope and replace the old body with the new. Then
remember to test it in Skyrim before assuming that it works correctly.

Making a new body slider
You can use any 3D app that can import/export OBJ files. It's a good idea to remove doubles before starting to reshape,
else you might get gaps at the texture seams. When you have made a shape you like to use as slider, export the OBJ,
then start Bodylide. You can not use Make-BSD to make the slider when you have removed doubles, but Slidermaker
in Bodyslide works fine. To generate the bsd file: Load base file, select CalienteBody.nif, Add slider, Load Slider Src,
select your OBJ file, press D button, save the bsd file in the CalienteBody folder. The edit any nude body set
(copy an existing tag, and replace with the name of your slider).

Making a clamp slider, and how to clean a slider from bugs
Clamp sliders are really only useful if there are seam bugs in the body mesh. Or possibly if there is seam data in a body

bsd file, which should never happen. If it does happen, you can use an existing clamp slider as mask when cleaning the bsd.


How to build a clamp slider:

1. In Blender, import your body mesh as OBJ.

2. Mark the seam vertices (alt-click edges until done). Do not mark the ankles, if you want to use CB++ Ankles slider with the mesh.

3. Turn off proportional mode, and scale all seam vertices to zero. Export OBJ.

4. Run Make-BSD. Select exported obj as source, and original mesh as target.


Cleaning a slider:

1. Make a bsd file used for masking, similar to how a zap slider is made. As example, let's use an existing LockSeam.bsd.

2. Run Split-BSD. Select the mask slider (ex. Lockseam.bsd). Select the slider to clean (ex. BuggySlider.bsd).

3. Buggyslider_1.bsd contains vertices found in the mask, delete this. Buggyslder_2.bsd contains vertices not found in mask,

    this is your cleaned slider data file. You may now rename it to BugfreeSlider.



Bodyslide 2 / Outfit Studio
Outfit Studio make many of the above procedures easier. Slider conversion is much quicker, almost instant,
and allows manual adjustments of the slider shapes right away, without having to use Blender or similar.
It will also build the slidersets, though you may still want to check / edit them before posting a final mod.
You should also learn how to build a group file for your sets before posting anything.
Outfit Studio mini guide (for CB / CB++)
1. The outfit needs to fit the default Bodyslide body, i.e CalienteBody. If you know exactly what body it is,
there might be a fitting preset you can use. If you don't know how to recreate the body with a preset, I'd
recommend reading "The shapes" chapter above. Although, I don't really explain how to deal with a
custom body or completely different bodyshape. Essentially, you need a CBBE body with the same
shape as the custom body. Good luck with that. Then you need to make a conversion slider from that
shape to CalienteBody. Simple enough.
When you have it, load the outfit, delete the body, then load custom CBBE body as reference.
Make a new slider, edit it, import slider data, load your conversion slider. Conform all shapes,
then slide them down to CalienteBody size. Save the nif, it's your new source nif. Edit: there
are several templates available for bodytype conversion if the original is a known CB variant
or some other common bodytype.
2. Restart if needed. Load CBBE Standard or CB++ Body sliderset as reference.
Load outfit, your source nif, delete body in outfit if there is one. Conform all sliders.
Test the sliders. Adjust slider shapes with clipping. Save you project and you're done.
Almost, because you need the set in a slidergroup (and maybe in a preset supergroup).
And to prevent unnecessary clipping you probably want a zap slider. See above.
3. Weighting. If the original mesh was not CBBE-compatible, the weighting on the outfit is
probably wrong to use with CBBE. So you need to reweight it. If the outfit fits the body
reasonably close, especially a skimpy outfit, the body is a good source for weight copying.
Otherwise, load any well-animated CBBE outfit that resembles the outfit shape, and copy
the weights from that.
Minor issuse like offsets and such is really not my area, but when you reweight an outfit with the body
as source, if it fits in Outfit Studio, it fits in game. If the use the weighting from some other outfit, it might
have a different offset. Fixing it might be frustrating, possibly lead to premature hair loss. Try to keep it
cool, and read "The shapes" chapter again.

Sliderset names and slidergroups (how to name things and make presets work)
This chapter contains recommendations on how to name and group slidersets. It's not a requirement
for a working bodyslide mod, but it will make things easier on the user, although a few details are just
my own personal preference.
Slidersets are rarely solitary things, they belong to a context. Example: The sliderset "UNP KURESE - Eisen Platte"
is just one of no less than twelve Eisen Platter slidersets. These sets are part to two Slidergroups: "UNP" and
"UNP KURESE". The latter is a group that you can use for filtering in Bodyslide++ and Bodyslide2, which makes
things easier to find. I could have made a "UNP KURESE Eisen Platte" group too, but personally I prefer to have
no more groups than necessary, and to group sets by author when this makes sense. Typically I also prefer to
use one sliderset file for each group. A reasonable amount of groups, and a reasonable amount of sliderset files.
Also note how the sliderset is named, although this is a personal preference it does make some sense.
This is the template I try to follow:    G - O P V
G means group name, and group name starts with bodytype/sliderset template name (here "UNP")
    second part of the group name is typically the author's name, unless its a vanilla outfit
- is just a separator to keep the name readable
O means outfit name, either in-game name, or the usual name of the outfit mod
P means part, like armor, boots, gauntlets
V means variant, it could be a certain outfit color, style or shape
An example: "UNP Body - SFW Bikini BBP". "UNP Body" is the group of body replacer sets (only one applies).
SFW Bikini is the outfit name. BBP is appended to separate it from the non-bbp version, and also because
it's good to know if a BBP skeleton is required. Without one, you would get a CTD as soon as a body is stripped.
Another example: "UNP KURESE - Eisen Platte Skirt HipPlates Black". In this case the Armor part name is left out.
"Skirt HipPlates Black" is actually a variant name, it's the armor version with skirt, hip plates, and black color.
So what about the "UNP" group? This is what I call a supergroup, and it's purpose is to make presets apply
once and for all. Meaning, you make the preset once, select just the "UNP" group when saving the preset,
and it will always work for every set that belongs to the UNP group. Without a supergroup, you would have
to select every available UNP group when saving the preset, but as soon as a new group is added, your
preset would not apply to those sets until you resave it for this group.
There's also a CB++ supergroup, but unfortunalely so far there is no supergroup for just CB. Hopefully
this will change very soon, and possibly Bodyslide2 might include some supergroup support like this:
1) you save a preset
2) if the current set is a CB++ one, CB++ supergroup would be selected, selecting other groups is optional
   if the current set is CB, CB and CB++ supergroups would be selected
   if the current set is UNP/UNPB, the "UNP" supergroup would be selected
3) the saved preset works for future mods, if they use supergroups correctly


Even better would be support for nested groups. I'll write up an example of this asap.


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How to use the Bodyslide_tools script   (work in progress)



* BSD-to-text   - converts a bsd file to readable text

input: select any number of .bsd files

output: text files representing the slider vertex data

Meaning of text: First line is the vertex count. The following lines are [vertex index, X, Y, Z movement].



* Make-BSD   -  creates a bsd file from a baseshape and some slider meshes

input: select one base .obj file, then any number of slider .obj files (should be reshapes of the base)
output: .bsd files with names identical to the slider objects

Note: The base and slider meshes must have identical vertex order.



* Make-BSD-Zap  -  build a zap slider from an OBJ file, will zap away the entire shape when active

input: select any number of .obj files

output: zap .bsd files, with name as the OBJ file + _Zap



* Zap_if_not_in    -  make a zap of two OBJ files: a complete and a partial shape

input: select a base .obj (complete shape), then any number of .obj files which are parts of the base shape

output: zap .bsd files, with names that are actuallly the opposite of what they do

Note: For each part, every vertex in the base object, if not found at the same position in the part,

will be included in the output zap slider.


Example 1: The base object is a complete body. The partial shape is the same body with some vertices removed

(to avoid clipping). The output is a body zap which should work fine, just give a proper name and test.


Example 2: You have one armor shape which includes pauldrons. Then you have a partial shape - just

the pauldrons. You want to make a Armor_Zap_Pauldrons slider. Run Zap_if_not_in, select armor then

pauldrons obj. The output zap will actually zap away everything esxcept the pauldrons, so we need to invert

the effect. To do this, use Make-BSD-Zap on the Armor. Then Split-BSD, use Pauldrons_Zap as key, and

Armor_Zap as target. The output Armor_Zap_2.bsd should be renamed to Pauldrons_Zap.



* Split-BSD    - split a BSD file into two, based on a key BSD that acts as a mask

input: select a key .bsd file, then any number of .bsd files to split in two

output: for each input .bsd, a _1 and a _2 .bsd is generated (bad names, sorry)

The _1 contains all the vertices of the input, which are included in the key.

The _2 contains all the vertices of the input, which are not part of the key.

Note: The _1, or the _2 file could be empty (and not written).


Example 1: You want to clean some body sliders from data affecting the seams (neck, hands, feet).

First you need a key bsd, which is the same as a zap bsd. Import the body into Blender, mark the

vertices at all seams (alt+click is useful) and move them. Export, Make-BSD, call it Seams_Zap.bsd.

For CBBE, you can use LockSeamHi.bsd insteade. Run Split-BSD, select Seams_Zap.bsd or

LockSeamHi.bsd as key, then select all the body slider you want to clean. The output _2 files are

the cleaned body sliders, the _1 files can be thrown away.



* Unite-BSDs    - simply merges two BSD files into one

Add-BSD-to-OBJ -    adds slider data to obj

Subtract-BSD-from-OBJ  - opposite of the above (you can get the same effect with Scale-SBD -1, then Add-BSD-to-OBJ )

Scale-BSD (n)    -    multiplies BSD data by n (number or block)
                    useful to rescale sliders as you like them

Scale-OBJ (n)    -     multiplies vertex positions by n (number or block)

Offset-BSD -    adds n to BSD (number or block)

Offset-OBJ (n) -    adds n to OBJ (number or block)
                    example[0 2.5443 -3.2879] moves a CBBE outfit to fit BaseShape


Reorder-vertices    -    used to repair a lost vertex order for shapes with mostly identical uv maps
                        ( vertex distribution must be identical, and no UV doubles )

_Create-multi-obj    -     combine several shapes and their respective sliders,
                        purpose: to build a better mapping source OBJ for Convert-BSD


Building / conversion functions

Convert-BSD        -    This is / was  the big one

Convert-BSD/batch   - batch file mode


Build-BSD - builds bsd files from new-style batch files (examples included: Bodyslide UNP complete , CB++ Bodies)

Build-slidersets - builds sliderset files from new-style batch files





Ye olde

Ye older


I will add more complete guides eventually.

For now read the included readme, and PM me any questions.








Please don't post in this thread unless you are an active Bodyslide modder.

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  • 1 month later...


I'm trying to follow the above instructions but have reached and impasse.

Generating object files & editing the meshes I can do, however, I keep getting stuck at the step involving creating  .bsd and .obj files for 'Sliders'.


Can you go into more detail about how to create these 'Sliders'?

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I'm trying to follow the above instructions but have reached and impasse.

Generating object files & editing the meshes I can do, however, I keep getting stuck at the step involving creating  .bsd and .obj files for 'Sliders'.


Can you go into more detail about how to create these 'Sliders'?


Uhm, the guides are a bit sketchy I guess. Not sure exactly where you're stuck, so here are some possible answers:


1) You have reshaped the body, and want to make a slider of it the new shape:  Use Make-BSD, select source obj, then reshaped obj.


2) You have a manual reshape of an outfit that fits a particular slider shape: Same as above.


Instead of Make-BSD, you can use BodySlide's Slidermaker. In that case the source should be a nif file.


3. You have an outfit obj that fits a body mesh, and want to convert body sliders into outfit sliders:

    Use Convert-BSD, select body sliders (bsd files in ShapeData/CalienteBody), then the body obj, then the outfit obj, and wait.


Or, in Bodyslide2's Outfit Studio, you can select a reference sliderset like CB++ Body, load a nif, convert the shape to CalienteBody,.

Then "conform" the sliders to the outfit which does just about the same thing as Convert-BSD, but faster and with visual adjustments



In addition to the slider files you also need a sliderset. There are several ways to make one:

A.  Rewrite an existing sliderset in a text editor. Change filenames, input shape names, search/replace slider names.

     I built all CB++ sets this way (until support was passed on), as well as Bodyslide UNP before v0.4.

B.  Slidermaker can generate slidersets, but requires a full set of obj files for every slider shape.

C.  Outfit Studio will generate the sliderset for you.

D.  Build-Slidersets can make slidersets from a batch file. Check "CB++ Body.rd" or "UNP Body + Mods.rd"  for examples.

    The same batch files can be used by Build-BSD to generate bsd files for every set, if the folders and required files

    are available. Required: body obj and bsd files in the folder defined by "bsd_folder:", and outfit obj files in the defined

    target folders.


Finally, you should add the sliderset name to a slidergroup (or make new groups). Found in SliderGroups folder.

And to the "CB++" or "UNP" groups to make existing presets apply to you new sliderset.


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Okay, so I managed to suss out how to get the 'sliders' stuff to get generated.


Now I have a new problem where every time I try to 'batch build' a set of armours, the entire bodyslide++ application crashes.


Aside from cutting/pasting the paths to .bsd files for the new armours, nothing was changed in any of the xml config files.

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Okay, so I managed to suss out how to get the 'sliders' stuff to get generated.


Now I have a new problem where every time I try to 'batch build' a set of armours, the entire bodyslide++ application crashes.


Aside from cutting/pasting the paths to .bsd files for the new armours, nothing was changed in any of the xml config files.


If it crashes while you batchbuild, first identify which outfit is the problem. Then try loading the nif in Slidermaker,

to make sure it doesn't contain any attributes that make Bodyslide crash.


After checking that the nif is ok, the most probable reason for a crash is that the slider data goes out of bounds.

Pretty much the same thing as when accessing an array out of bounds - crash. That means some slider is not

compatible with some shape in the nif. Essentially, the bsd data contains more vertices than exist in the shape.

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you mentioned bodyslide2 a couple posts ago...  i found and installed it but the documentation for it is limited and somewhat confusing.  could you give me some tips on how to use it?


what i am trying to do is get some cbbe outfits from the nexus to fit my slider preset.  aradia leather thief armor, for instance, the dynasty sets and corrupter.


i have managed to get one outfit to conform (i think) to my preset, but in game it showed 2 baseshapes in it.  one was aligned, the other was offset.  i deleted one of them in nifscope, but i got the wrong one because in-game only the offset baseshape shows up. i will post a screenie shortly.









any help would be greatly appreciated.


thanks in advance.

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you mentioned bodyslide2 a couple posts ago...  i found and installed it but the documentation for it is limited and somewhat confusing.  could you give me some tips on how to use it?


what i am trying to do is get some cbbe outfits from the nexus to fit my slider preset.  aradia leather thief armor, for instance, the dynasty sets and corrupter.


i have managed to get one outfit to conform (i think) to my preset, but in game it showed 2 baseshapes in it.  one was aligned, the other was offset.  i deleted one of them in nifscope, but i got the wrong one because in-game only the offset baseshape shows up. i will post a screenie shortly.





any help would be greatly appreciated.


thanks in advance.


The documentation is limited because the program isn't supposed to be publicly released yet. :)


The problem is related to the offsets and virtual offsets in the .nif files. You can try fiddling around with setting the transforms in NifSkope to 0,0,0 and/or applying some transforms (NiTriShape, NiSkinData). But I suggest you wait until we officially release it and have all of the documentation available. Some transforms are shown differently between Outfit Studio, NifSkope and Skyrim.


Or watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AscAZgY-JFE

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you mentioned bodyslide2 a couple posts ago...  i found and installed it but the documentation for it is limited and somewhat confusing.  could you give me some tips on how to use it?


what i am trying to do is get some cbbe outfits from the nexus to fit my slider preset.  aradia leather thief armor, for instance, the dynasty sets and corrupter.


i have managed to get one outfit to conform (i think) to my preset, but in game it showed 2 baseshapes in it.  one was aligned, the other was offset.  i deleted one of them in nifscope, but i got the wrong one because in-game only the offset baseshape shows up. i will post a screenie shortly.


Did you try delete the other one? ;)


cell is the Bodyslide2 expert here, but I can repeat the basic workflow I posted here:



Bodyslide 2 Outfit studio mini guide


1. The outfit needs to fit the default Bodyslide body, i.e CalienteBody. If you know exactly what body it is,

there might be a fitting preset you can use. If you don't know how to recreate the body with a preset, I'd

recommend reading "The shapes" chapter above. Although, I don't really explain how to deal with a

custom body or completely different bodyshape. Essentially, you need a CBBE body with the same

shape as the custom body. Good luck with that. The you need to make a conversion slider from that

shape to CalienteBody. Simple enough.


When you have it, load the outfit, delete the body, then load custom CBBE body as reference.

Make a new slider, edit it, import slider data, load your conversion slider. Conform all shapes,

then slide them down to CalienteBody size. Save the nif, it's your new source nif.


2. Restart if needed. Load CBBE Standard or CB++ Body sliderset as reference.

Load outfit, your source nif, delete body in outfit if there is one. Conform all sliders.

Test the sliders. Adjust slider shapes with clipping. Save you project and you're done.

Almost, because you need the set in a slidergroup (and maybe in a preset supergroup).

And to prevent unnecessary clipping you probably want a zap slider. See above.


3. Weighting. If the original mesh was not CBBE-compatible, the weighting on the outfit is

probably wrong to use with CBBE. So you need to reweight it. If the outfit fits the body

reasonably close, especially a skimpy outfit, the body is a good source for weight copying.

Otherwise, load any well-animated CBBE outfit that resembles the outfit shape, and copy

the weights from that.


Minor issuse like offsets and such is really not my area, but when you reweight an outfit

with the body as source, if it fits in Outfit Studio, it fits in game. If the use the weighting from

some other outfit, it might have a different offset.

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The documentation is limited because the program isn't supposed to be publicly released yet. :)


The problem is related to the offsets and virtual offsets in the .nif files. You can try fiddling around with setting the transforms in NifSkope to 0,0,0 and/or applying some transforms (NiTriShape, NiSkinData). But I suggest you wait until we officially release it and have all of the documentation available. Some transforms are shown differently between Outfit Studio, NifSkope and Skyrim.


Or watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AscAZgY-JFE



ok, i think i got it.  that little video was amazing.  i understood more after 3 minutes than after several hours with google.


so, what i have now is a folder with a ton of bsd files and a nif.  when i open it in nifskope, it looks just like the outfit i was playing with, so success there. it isnt showing up on bodyslide though, but i think that i just need to play with the xml files to get it set up right.  once i do, and i get it in game, i'll post a screenie.


thank you so much!!





bodyslide 2 armor trial









you cant see it in the still images ofc, but that armor is now tbbp!  it took a lot of trial and error, and i had a metric f-ton of interruptions today, but i was able to turn the cbbe tera deathshell armor into tppb.


i started a new project.

"use an existing slider set" i chose cb++ bodies.xml

selected cb++ body TBBP in the dropdown box.

chose a name and loaded the cbbe deathshell armor nif.

once loaded, i deleted a couple of the shapes (shoulder, hip and thigh plates) and the baseshape  that came with the original outfit.

i selected an outfit shape, then clicked conform all from the menu bar.

for each slider (and some of the more extreme combinations), i used the brushes to tweak the shape and remove the clipping areas.

then, i selected each shape, and chose copy bone weights from the menu bar.

save as...  made sure the include reference shape radio was ticked

finally, i used bodyslide++ loaded the outfit, set and saved a preset and ctrl+build.  replaced an existing armor with the new nifs and ...




it takes a little getting used to, but BS2 is amazing! hats off to all those involved in its developement

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ok, i think i got it.  that little video was amazing.  i understood more after 3 minutes than after several hours with google.




so, what i have now is a folder with a ton of bsd files and a nif.  when i open it in nifskope, it looks just like the outfit i was playing with, so success there. it isnt showing up on bodyslide though, but i think that i just need to play with the xml files to get it set up right.  once i do, and i get it in game, i'll post a screenie.


thank you so much!!



Did you try completely restarting the program? It should then appear in your BodySlide sliderset list.

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ok, i think i got it.  that little video was amazing.  i understood more after 3 minutes than after several hours with google.




so, what i have now is a folder with a ton of bsd files and a nif.  when i open it in nifskope, it looks just like the outfit i was playing with, so success there. it isnt showing up on bodyslide though, but i think that i just need to play with the xml files to get it set up right.  once i do, and i get it in game, i'll post a screenie.


thank you so much!!



Did you try completely restarting the program? It should then appear in your BodySlide sliderset list.



there were some issues with that trial...  upon closer inspection in nifskope, i could see that the armor was not actually in the right spot.  here were gaps between the body shape and the outfit shapes.  i couldnt find it in BS2, but in bodyslide++ i was able to locate the outfit. if i had a preset selected before o chose the new outfit the sliders stayed on screen and i could adjust them.  but, when i did, only the baseshape morphed, and not the outfit shapes.


i'll play with it some more tomorrow if i have time and see what other armors i can adjust.  they are all cbbe armors, btw, they just arent tbbp ready or the slider set the creator used isnt the same as the one i use.


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Is it possible to use this guide to prepare a non-caliente body nif for bodyslide? For example, can I take the DM body and import it into bodyslide?


Depends on what you are trying to do. You can't use CBBE or UNP sliders with the DG body, the meshes are not compatible.


You can however make your own reshapes of the DG body and turn them into sliders, and start your own Bodyslide DG mod.

This guide may be helpful in making body sliders, but especially when converting outfits for the new sliders.

But Bodyslide 2 is a better option when available.


Oh wait... the DM body is something else, let me check.... Ok, it's a reshape of CBBE, but with more vertices. So it is

incompatible with CBBE the same way that UNPB is incompatible with UNP. However you can try converting CBBE

sliders to the body, the same way as when converting sliders for outfits:


Run Convert-BSD, select any CBBE/CB++ sliders that doesn't affect the breasts, pick CBBE as source and DM as target.

Before you do that, you will get beter results if you make a custom CB++ body that looks like DM, may even be some

preset you can use, then skin-wrap them in Blender until they are almost identical.



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I am able to import/export NIFs for female_body_0 and female_body_1, but when I load a save and go into character edit the weights in between min and max distort the mesh.


Here is an example:




These are untouched CB++ exports. I ran NifCleaner on them, imported into Blender, deleted skeleton, cleared parent, smoothed, assigned material with a random image, imported skeleton, exported Nif, ran NifCleaner again, then copied them to the Data directory. 

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Hmm, you can edit posts you know...


Ok thanks. I am still trying to get Blender to import/export something properly. The guide I followed from Nexus is absolutely horrible.


It's not ideal no. Perhaps this is more useful:



Anyhow, I should probably add a quick guide about Blender import/export. Here's a sketch:


1. Nifscope - Remove BSLightingShader, NiAlpha, INV markers and whatever else seems unsupported.

    In menu, select View -> Block List -> Show Blocks in List. Mark NiHeader, and down in Block Details

    modify versions from 12, 83 to 11, 34. Save with a new name.


2. Blender - import nif. Check the other guides for import settings. Then there are various little things like

    Set Smooth Shading, apply material (new, edit mode, select all, apply, load image, map input UV).


3. Make your changes. If required, make vertex groups like BP_TORSO. Export (again, check the guides for settings).


4. Nifscope - Make sure BSDismemberSkinInstance is there. Remove bogus nodes. Set versions back to 12,83.

    Copy material and alpha and other nodes from original nif. Open Block Details for BSDismember. In each

    Partitions->Body Part, change from BP_TORSO to numbers like 32, 34 (same as in original nif).

    Google "skyrim bodyparts" for more info. Check the partitions in NiSkinPartion, compared with original.



I was also wondering, can I pull body NIFs into Blender from CB++, smooth the faces, and then pull it back into CB++? 


Huh? Well, the Smooth function will typically shrink the mesh as well, but as long as the vertex count remains the same

you should be ok. Nif import/export might mess up the vertex order though. Use OBJ instead, if you are only modifying

the shape, but you will then need to make a sliderset and use it to modify the nif in Bodyslide. Or use Outfit Studio.



I am able to import/export NIFs for female_body_0 and female_body_1, but when I load a save and go into character edit the weights in between min and max distort the mesh.


These are untouched CB++ exports. I ran NifCleaner on them, imported into Blender, deleted skeleton, cleared parent, smoothed, assigned material with a random image, imported skeleton, exported Nif, ran NifCleaner again, then copied them to the Data directory. 


Yep, as just said, vertex order can be messed up when exporting nifs from Blender. Then again, if you are using Bodyslide,

you rarely need to modify more than one nif. Aftertouching nifs can break them, so working with OBJ files may be a better option.


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Yep, as just said, vertex order can be messed up when exporting nifs from Blender. Then again, if you are using Bodyslide,

you rarely need to modify more than one nif. Aftertouching nifs can break them, so working with OBJ files may be a better option.


Thanks for replying. The example above are untouched. I just went through the process to get them in and out of blender again, then copied them to the meshes directory to see how it turned out. I must be missing something.

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Yep, as just said, vertex order can be messed up when exporting nifs from Blender. Then again, if you are using Bodyslide,

you rarely need to modify more than one nif. Aftertouching nifs can break them, so working with OBJ files may be a better option.


Thanks for replying. The example above are untouched. I just went through the process to get them in and out of blender again, then copied them to the meshes directory to see how it turned out. I must be missing something.



i use 3ds max and not blender, but i had the same issues with some armors a while back.  the act of exporting the nifs can change the vertex orders in one or both of them.  thats all it takes for it to explode.  make one nif and let bodyslide create the second one.

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i use 3ds max and not blender, but i had the same issues with some armors a while back.  the act of exporting the nifs can change the vertex orders in one or both of them.  thats all it takes for it to explode.  make one nif and let bodyslide create the second one.



I know this is probably a super basic task, but could you please explain how to do that? I assume I would take femalebody_0.nif and what, pull it into slider maker and make all the sliders from obj files? Or is there an easier way that I'm missing?


Edit: I found BS2 if that's what I need to do it.

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bs2 is great but unfinished.  and the first 2 posts of this thread are a tutorial from the creator of bodyslide on how to do exactly what you ask.


Did I create Bodyslide? That's news to me.


Anyway, to make a slider that reshapes a 1 nif to a 0 nif is really simple: Export 0 shape as OBJ, then use slidermaker with

the 1.nif as source and the 0.obj as target.  Or, export both as OBJ, then use Make-BSD with 1.obj as source and 0.obj as

target. Then you need to write a sliderset (or use Slidermaker to build one), that contains this slider.


Outfit Studio can do it easily too, if you can find your way through the interface. However, having a set like the above used

as reference set in Outfit Studio could be quite useful. I'm sure it will be added along with a crapload of other sets.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I read and re-read your post about body slide, but I still have some doubts about what really are the Zap Sliders, but my guess is, they allow to "delete" vertex you dont need for exporting the nif (like, if you have skin parts that are covered by the armor). Is this correct? If so, I'm still unsure how it works, mainly because I'm not quite understanding the mechanics but my guess is... if the vertex is moved in the new morph (relative to the base) it will be zapped? as in... deleted/not exported?


Thanks for your time!


Yes, any vertex mentioned in the zap bsd file will be removed from the final output nifs,

along with all data associated with those vertices: triangles, UV, weighting, skinning...


To build a zap just move those vertices (and only them), then use Make-BSD with

original shape and modified shape as source and target - order doesn't matter when

building zaps, because any vertex movement above a certain threshold is enough.


The threshold can be set with the _MD_ constant in Bodyslide_tools. For Slidermaker it's 0.001.

In Outfit studio you don't move vertices - just mask them, invert mask, and select "New zap slider".

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