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Help Planning Mods to Get


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Heyas. I've been playing Skyrim, but I think I'm hitting the edge of what my system can handle. So, I started thinking I've never played New Vegas, so let's give that a try. Then it occured to me that until now, I've just grabbed a bunch of mods, then started trying to make 'em all work without really knowing WTF I wanted or how to do it.


So, an idea! (Que fanfare and alarm klaxons)


I figured hey, why not plan it all out before I get to the "pulling my hair out trying to make mods that hate each other work together" stage of things. Thus, I of course thought of here because you folks really have been a huge help (Even if I've been kinda meh about being on the forums. ADD and writers block, gah)


Anyways, I was wondering if folks thought this was a decent idea and would be willing to help (And if this is even the right section of the boards to post this in)


It also occurs to me that this kind of thing could help a lot of people. Noobs to modding, or when a new game comes out, people could figure out 'blocks' of mods that would fill a particular nich. Using Skyrim as a baseline, I could go to the boards and look up 'sex mods' and see a quick list of mods. Like for 'basic' it'd have just a couple, but let's say I wanna go full bore detailed (Like I am, and am still trying to debug) then I could see all the Sexlab mods that compliment each other, are known to work together, and what mods NOT to install with them. Then if I wanna tweak it I have a good foundation to build out from instead of a huge list I don't understand, no idea where to start, and wouldn't need to bug people on the boards about each one.


So, ideas? Thoughts? Gas?

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Read the descriptions of the mods. If it sounds cool and up your alley then try them. If you are concerned about them working together read the OP or description also. If the creator is aware of issues often times they will tell their users so that they don't have to try to support combinations or other mods that conflict with theirs. Finally you haven't really mentioned what type or desired "nich".


Just make sure you read the OPs and mod descriptions/ instructions and keep good backups of your game folders and you should be fine.

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In theory that works, but let's give an excample of what's going on for me, also in Skyrim, and the exact situation I'm trying to prevent.


All the Sexlab mods should work together right? Not all as in installing all of them at once, but you should be able to install non-competing mods without any problems, right? Well, not right. The mods work generally okay (Though my char can't get pregnant because sex events don't seem to register according to the sex diary) but the real kicker is....quests are broken. Notice I didn't specify one, or even two. I mean ALL quests are broken. They cannot advance, at all. I can just see people telling me to use WyreBash (Too complex, can't make it work) and BOSS (Breaks my games 100% of the time) or just GTFO (The usual 'if you're not awesome then frack off' crowd that always forgets they weren't awesome when they got started)


So, long story short, I'm having to do yet ANOTHER Reinstall/New Game, and this is a good chunk of the reason I'm trying to switch from Skyrim to a game that I can hopefully get into without months of aggro time. Just ask a few questions, pop in the mods, and enjoy my game.

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Modding is complex as a general rule of thumb until you get familiar. I don't know of anyone that hasn't had to have repeated re-installations because of mods that were messed up or otherwise not working properly. This is part of the learning curve. It is a harsh curve to those that don't want to accept the fact that modders are essentially creating something that wasn't intended by the game creators. The further away from the basic game design the greater the chances that things will go wrong.


I have a difficult time myself getting many of the Oblivion mods to work the way I would like them to look and work. I will likely have to spend hours of re-installations and work before I begin to understand the mechanics and mods involved to a point where I can easily mod and make the changes I want to make. Skyrim is the same.


Most of the mods here on LL are complex in nature and require a substantial investment in time reading and implementing the requirements in the correct order properly. It is the nature of getting sex mods to work properly. They are way outside the intent of the game creators and thus problems will occur. You miss one step you can spend hours trying to resolve that mistake.


People here are willing to give advice, guidance and they aren't the crowd of "if you're not awesome then frack off". However you have to have the patience to thoroughly read the "readme", instructions and post problems and wait for the answers to be given.


You still haven't given a "niche" that you are looking for or a game play that you are interested in.  However if you are looking for an FNV sex mod that can work then use the Sexout and SSR mods (ONLY) they are combined and tested generally together for compatibility. Notice that they are intended generally for a female Toon for the full experience that the mod has to offer. There is a sexout installation tutorial linked in my sig from BruceWayne. Follow that closely and you should have a base for the Sexout mods to be installed. After that you can load SSR and have all the Sex mods covered. Play with those for a while. That should solve the basic sex mods.

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For New Vegas, I'm hoping to go sniper, female, nice place to live, lots of clothes and armor, good selection of weapons, more colorful Mojave (Not quite so washed out, so maybe a lightweight saturation-boosting ENB), maybe a couple cool companions. In F3 I had a couple mods I hope were ported. One was a house mod just outside vault 101. Underground, it had a small grotto, small pool/jacuzzi, hidden cave, compact but well furnished apartment. There was also a battlefield 2142 mod for it I liked, and a Jill Valentine Battlesuit mod. There was also a ghost armor/gun mod that I tweaked a bit so the gun was right, the armor was right, and the nuke that came down was actually 15 in a shotgun scatter pattern. I used to have a video of it on youtube before I deleted my channel. The vid also had the other mod I like, which I think is called Enclave Commander.


Adult mods wise, a good body replacer, and as detailed a 'realiztic' mod set (Basic sex, sex with everyone/thing, rape, pregnancy, and so on) as can be managed without making it so I'm faced with the problem I have now in Skywim, which is for every hour of game I play, I spend more like 6 trying to get the game to just bleeping work.

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Sex Mods,

Get the t3-berry body.

Get all the required clothes for SCR and then get SCR loaded and ready. That should give your female toon some clothes to choose from.

Get the Sexout Store. (to be able to buy and wear the clothes. After all what is a girl suppose to do on her down time but shop! ;)

Grab a few sex mods of your choice. Companion sexout mods and perhaps the strap-on mod would be up the alley of a sniper female. Get small talk or smaller talk (choose one)


If you want punishment and entrapment, rape and other horrible things to happen to your toon. Bring her down a notch or perhaps set her up for a "I spit on your grave" type vengeance. (movie from the 70's, seriously sick). Grab SSR and Tryout mods and their requirements. keep in mind that running SCR/SSR requires a good gaming rig. If you don't have one stick with one or the other. Many state that SSR is a little easier on the computers however has less mods available.


Keep it light on the sexout mods and focus on those that will really contribute to the game play.


Moving on to other mods to complement the female sniper...


Project Nevada and the various addons that get your interest. It will add .. hum .. sniper capability. Really .. you can start to zoom in depending on the gun. You can also shoot straight which is difficult with FNV for a farther distance which is almost impossible with the standard game. You also get grenade toss and bullet time to boot. There are some immersion tools and can make various aspects harder and more realistic. It is in my humble opinion one of the required mods


While you are there on the Nexus get the New Vegas Bounties from Someguy. This Someguy is great modder and his bounties mod adds for a nice challenge and added playability. While you are at it check his other mods that are coming out to see if they also might be something that you female sniper might like.


If you still haven't hit the plugin limit or started to seriously slow down the machine add a few extras like clothing and the such. Get some beautifications mods like lings. Also don't forget the HUD mods like one hud etc.


Finally after loading the sexout mods most people need to do the "crash on exit" fix found in my sig. There is a known issue with Sexout that can cause crashes when you exit the game.


That should give you a few things to look at. ...

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Thanks :) And yeah, clothes are important lol. When I was playing Star Wars Galaxies I had several houses full of clothes lol. One small, couple larges, and a bunker I think. My other bunker, my large, and my other guildhall were for loot and so on. I think I only had one house I actually used as a house >.<  Thankfully one of my toons was a tailor lol



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I had a link for lots of teeshirts but that link when bad and I cant remember the artist. Sad. I wanted a few of them myself.

Seriously check the SCR list of clothes and I am sure there are going to be a few that you just gota get. Look around for others on the Nexus. Keep in mind that if you run a pregnancy mod those clothes won't switch out. you would have to stick with the clothes in SCR for the most part unless you want to magically slim down... T3 bodies have quite a few clothes and perhaps if you are patient you can take a few tutorials and port the non t3 clothes to the t3 body. I only mention that because I believe that is the body that SCR uses for most of their clothes.

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 There's a Fertile Wasteland mod by Vurt that will add some beauty to the game.

 I'm using Fellout for my ENB mod; I tried Nevada Skies, but the interior lighting

in certain locations was intolerably hideous and the dirt was the wrong color too.

(I've spent some time in Nevada)

Favorite weapons are the Lewis Machine Gun mod and the Dai Seiryu beam

katana. The Anti Material Gun from Gun Runner's Arsenal is pretty darn good

with the various upgrades you can purchase, if you like sniping.

 Adding an enhanced texture pack will definitely make the game look better, but

you better have the horsepower needed.


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Sometimes CTD have nothing to do with the system and everything to do with the mods installed missing a requirement. Try posting some support questions over in tech support with the load orders before shelling out money for a new system. Most computers should be able to play FNV to some degree even without modern equipt.

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