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Can't start animations with SexStart()

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Recently I started working on a mod idea of mine, created several scenes and dialogues, and currently I am trying to make the actors get down to buisness, but apparently they don't want to:P


I assign actors correctly, but 


SexLab.GetAnimationsByType(2, 1, 1, aggressive = false, sexual = true) returns no animations.

SexLab.StartSex(sexActors, anims) returns 0, but no animation starts.


I can start animations without problem using other mods.


Here is a sample piece of a script(it compiles and has a SexLab property assigned correctly. It's an End script of an info):

actor[] sexActors = new actor[2]
sexActors[0] = akSpeaker
sexActors[1] = Game.GetPlayer()
sslBaseAnimation[] anims = SexLab.GetAnimationsByType(2, 1, 1, aggressive = false, sexual = true)
Debug.MessageBox("animations: "+anims.Length)
int i = SexLab.StartSex(sexActors, anims)
Debug.MessageBox(" actor 1: "+akSpeaker.GetLeveledActorBase().GetName()+" actor 2: "+Game.GetPlayer().GetLeveledActorBase().GetName()+" SexLab Animation code to start: "+i)
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SexLab.GetAnimationsByType(2, 1, 1, aggressive = false, sexual = true) returns no animations.

Getting by type tends to be picky, especially when you are overly verbose with it like you are being. But more importantly calling it all in your example is fairly pointless. You are for all intents and purposes, trying to select the most "generic" of animations, something SexLab will do on it's own in a more proper fashion if you don't pass it any animations at all.


When using StartSex() though, you have to define the animations argument, this is a limitation of papyrus, so doing this:


sexActors[0] = akSpeaker
sexActors[1] = Game.GetPlayer()
sslBaseAnimation[] anims
int i = SexLab.StartSex(sexActors, anims)

Will accomplish virtually the same thing, while leaving proper animation selection to SexLab.



In either case, check your debug log. SexLab will always print a specific error to the debug log if an animation thread fails to start.

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Thank you for the answer.


I did try passing empty animation array before, and the animations did not start.


I found this in my logs:



ERROR: Cannot call StartSex() on a None object, aborting function call


along with this right after initilization.



warning: Property ThreadKey on script sexlabframework attached to SexLabSystem (09000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property


So I guess SexLab property of my script is empty despite the fact that the script source contains  

SexLabFramework Property SexLab  Auto
 and everything compiles.
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