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Clothing invisible

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I don't know if this is related to sexout, but a lot of clothing I have or buy from the bunker-shop (mod S.O. Bunkershop) makes the torso invisible.
I really don't know what could cause this... anyone else that has the same problem, or an idea as how to solve it?

I uploaded a screenshot of my problem, The problem is with a LOT of clothes!


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I don't know if this is related to sexout, but a lot of clothing I have or buy from the bunker-shop (mod S.O. Bunkershop) makes the torso invisible.

I really don't know what could cause this... anyone else that has the same problem, or an idea as how to solve it?


I uploaded a screenshot of my problem, The problem is with a LOT of clothes!

You haven't correctly installed the clothing that is invisible, you have to install each outfit you want to wear as stated in the SCR OP.

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I don't know if this is related to sexout, but a lot of clothing I have or buy from the bunker-shop (mod S.O. Bunkershop) makes the torso invisible.

I really don't know what could cause this... anyone else that has the same problem, or an idea as how to solve it?


I uploaded a screenshot of my problem, The problem is with a LOT of clothes!

You haven't correctly installed the clothing that is invisible, you have to install each outfit you want to wear as stated in the SCR OP.


Excuse me to post a stupid question but where can you find that "SCR OP" ?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a little information from a passing wanderer re: this topic:


I wanted to put a bunny suit around the face of the incorporeal salesgirl haunting my S.O. Bunker; I was feeling nostalgic for when I had all of those 'toons installed and working correctly.   Hers is-- to my knowledge-- the only outfit currently unavailable in that bunker (I note some are no longer for sale; but, that could be something else).


I tried downloading the FO3 Bunnysuit, per requirements.  But, according to the Nexus site, a great many items are unavailable, greeting the user with a notice similar to the one I received:



The site has run in to a problem, please look at the error message below...


No file exists for this ID.

Reporting this error

If you believe this error is due to a bug on the site then please use our bugtracker (http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/tracker/project-4-nexus-site-beta/) to report it.

Please attach the following link to the bug description:


Sorry for the inconvenience!


I've tried the site at different times on different days; my report merely joined the innumerable others of similarly situated users of the Nexus having similar issues with other downloads.



Out of curiosity, does anyone have a copy of these textures I could use?


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