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I realize that EFF is not a LL mod, but part of me thinks this is due to script issues which may be down LL's alley.  I'm having an issue where when I click on a follower and try to open their inventory or equipment tab or the talk tab that it can take 60-90 seconds or longer to open it.  The follower has zero items in their inventory and their equipment is literally just what they're wearing plus a weapon and a shield.  I'm not overencumbered either.


I have also noticed that Sexlab takes about a minute to start scenes.  If I go back a few saves, I can use the EFF wheel and the tabs for inventory, equipment, or talk will instantly open.  So I've been going back to those where it last opened perfectly but within a few saves or within 30 minutes or so of playing, the scripts or whatever is going on gets "clogged" again and I'm back at the minute plus waits for inventory, etc. to open.


This is in a save where I'm at level 35 and have likely played a couple dozen hours if not longer and it's only started happening around level 25-30 I believe.  Any mods installed or uninstalled were done within the first hour of playing if not before I started the game.


Can anyone help?  Any idea what could be causing this issue?

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