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how do you tell what is causing CTD's to Skyrim SE

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Like the topic header says, I am trying to find what is causing CTD's to my Skyrim SE.

Fallout 4 has buffout so you can review the crash log, does Skyrim SE have such a program?

My FNIS see pic

Generate FNIS for Users V7.6 XXL (Skyrim SE 64bit) 1_2_2023 9_30_49 AM.png

Edited by caveman74
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Dot net framework 

For version 1.57 I think. ,sorry no PC right now.

It has a log it's not real simple to read but it has helped me figure out mods to cut from my list.

Thing is that save games are still a pain while sorting things out for a stable load order....never had much luck with save cleaners.

Also in my experience it's a great idea to get a shit ton of ram and a great graphics card in that order.

32 gigs of ram! At least 1600 speed is enough.

A 1080 GTX card for 1080p res should be good enough to get 58fps 

Why the beefy PC need well a running at best speeds will mean less problems.


Note on save games 2,

Don't clutter the save folder it really does cause problems if you have too many save files.  Will increase loading times and can cause issues with other memory needs in game.




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47 minutes ago, caveman74 said:

Wie der Themenkopf sagt, versuche ich herauszufinden, was CTDs in meinem Skyrim SE verursacht.

Fallout 4 hat Buffout, damit Sie das Absturzprotokoll überprüfen können. Hat Skyrim SE ein solches Programm?

Mein FNIS siehe Bild


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Generieren Sie FNIS für Benutzer V7.6 XXL (Skyrim SE 64bit) 1_2_2023 9_30_49 AM.png




Das Zauberwort heißt Papyrus-Protokoll - das fragen in Skyrim die Mod-Autoren immer bei Fehler-Meldungen von Usern ab.



Nicht alle Meldungen bei FNIS haben eine wirkliche Relevanz fürs Spiel - ich bin aber hier nicht der Profi.


Es gibt aber etwas generelleres.

Aus dem Lesen von hunderten Seiten mit Mledungen und Behebungen von Fehlern habe ich für mich mehrere Dinge heraus gelesen:

a) ein mit Mods versehenes Skyrim (egal weilche Version) ist ein extrem empfindliches Gebilde - schon kleinste Störungen können zu spontanen CtD führen

b) die Installation eines neues Mods verändert die Ladereihenfolge - das kann beim Laden eines Spielstandes der vor dem neuen Mod angelegt wurde schon zu schweren fehlern führen

c) darum geben Mod-Autoren - gerade die von Quest-Mods - die generelle Empfehlung nach der Installation eines solchen Mods das Spiel faktisch von vorn zu beginnen

d) mit "von vorn" meinen sie tatsächlich anfangen VOR der Charakter-Generierung

e) einige dieser Autoren nennen es die "goldene Regel"

f) und was soll ich sagen - ca. 1/3 meiner Probleme waren genau so lösbar!


maximal das Installieren von Mods für Rüstungen, Kleidung oder Waffen kann man - mit einem recht geringen Risiko - mitten in seinem Durchlauf "mit an Bord" holen


wie ich schon schrieb - es sind persönliche Erfahrungen - die aus dem eigenen Spiel aber auch durch das wochen- und monatelange Lesen (manchmal bis zu 500-700 Seiten) sich ergeben haben

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2 hours ago, Miauzi said:

wie ich schon schrieb - es sind persönliche Erfahrungen - die aus dem eigenen Spiel aber auch durch das wochen- und monatelange Lesen (manchmal bis zu 500-700 Seiten) sich ergeben haben

Thank you. Also for the link as well!

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Barely 6.6k animations and already 75% CTD chance? You either need animation crash fix installed or your load order need some serious fixing.

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8 hours ago, belegost said:

You either need animation crash fix installed or your load order need some serious fixing.

I already had .net framework, and PapyrusUtil SE, I had Animation limit crash fix, but got an error warning so I removed it.

I am using Vortex, so the sorting is done by loot, but not very well. 

Edited by caveman74
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2 hours ago, caveman74 said:

got an error warning so I removed it


 If that was FNIS warning, just ignore it and live happily ever after.


In fact, you can have Vortex run FNIS for you automatically on every deployment, set up file redirection and just never be bothered by FNIS ever again.

Edited by belegost
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2 hours ago, belegost said:

In fact, you can have Vortex run FNIS for you automatically on every deployment, set up file redirection and just never be bothered by FNIS ever again.

Vortex does run my FNIS, I installed a mod that told me to run it, so I did.

Loot is supposed to sort with Vortex, how do I learn to adjust my load order?? Not wanting others to do it for me kind of thing, I am asking because I want to learn. :)

1 hour ago, JimUpdating said:

no crashes for the last 3 weeks.

I am having CTD's on fast travel from Falskaar, and sometimes certain selections in add item menu. Mostly selecting certain clothes I have downloaded.

Edited by caveman74
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17 minutes ago, caveman74 said:

Vortex does run my FNIS, I installed a mod that told me to run it, so I did.

Loot is supposed to sort with Vortex, how do I learn to adjust my load order?? Not wanting others to do it for me kind of thing, I am asking because I want to learn. :)

I am having CTD's on fast travel from Falskaar, and sometimes certain selections in add item menu. Mostly selecting certain clothes I have downloaded.


Tbh you shouldn't need to but if there is some scenario where you do want to do this then you need to make a rule


Load vortex and go to plugin and then click manage rules and then you can set stuff to load after other stuff




You mentioned you had .Net framework so you should have a crash log for your crash, posting that will help, should be in \Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data\NetScriptFramework\Crash


Assuming you have


#   Enable crash logs                                                          #
#                                                                              #
# Enable writing crash logs when the game crashes.                             #
#                                                                              #
#    Type: (int32)                                                             #

Debug.CrashLog.Enabled = 1


Set in NetScriptFramework.config


If not turn it on and repeat what you did to cause the crash


Edit: Just to be clear the manage rules on the plugin table is the load order, this is completely seperate to the manage rules on the mod tab as that controls what files overwrite what when you deploy and those you will probably have to set quite a few of depending on what your using

Edited by pinky6225
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7 minutes ago, pinky6225 said:

You mentioned you had .Net framework so you should have a crash log for your crash, posting that will help, should be in \Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data\NetScriptFramework\Crash

I checked and downladed .net framework, when I tried to install on PC it said I already had it, it is not showing up in my Skyrim SE folder though. And thanks for explaining how to find it! Do I need to install that in my Skyrim SE/Data folder??

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12 hours ago, belegost said:

You either need animation crash fix installed

The thing with Animation Crash Limit Fix is I don't know how to find this...

SSE Engine Fixes - the option AnimationLoadSignedCrash must be disabled in the EngineFixes.toml (EngineFixes.ini in old versions) file to make it work together with the patch.

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12 minutes ago, caveman74 said:

I checked and downladed .net framework, when I tried to install on PC it said I already had it, it is not showing up in my Skyrim SE folder though. And thanks for explaining how to find it! Do I need to install that in my Skyrim SE/Data folder??


Yes you should have a NetScriptFramework folder in \Data , you can install that normally far as i recall but you need either of the DLL plugin loaders it mentions on the page for it to run


If you check the mod page https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/21294


Has the install instructions

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29 minutes ago, caveman74 said:

The thing with Animation Crash Limit Fix is I don't know how to find this...

SSE Engine Fixes - the option AnimationLoadSignedCrash must be disabled in the EngineFixes.toml (EngineFixes.ini in old versions) file to make it work together with the patch.


If you have this one as well - Animation Limit Crash Fix SSE https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/31146?tab=description


Then go to \Skyrim Special Edition\Data\skse\plugins and open EngineFixes.toml in notepad++ and just set that one to false




AnimationLoadSignedCrash = false        # Fix a misplaced use of a signed value. Should allow to load more animations before CTD

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1 hour ago, caveman74 said:

The thing with Animation Crash Limit Fix is I don't know how to find this...

SSE Engine Fixes - the option AnimationLoadSignedCrash must be disabled in the EngineFixes.toml (EngineFixes.ini in old versions) file to make it work together with the patch.


EngineFixes.toml is located in Data\SKSE\Plugins

As said before you can edit this file with notepad. Any notepad. doesn;t have to be notepad++


Other options to look for in this file are:




Set to true will delete any skse co-save that does not have matching .ess file. When I played a long time ago without it, my save folder balooned to something like 50GB, even though I only kept about 100 save files at one time. When I looked into it, I found about 15000 (yes, fifteen thousand) orphaned .skse files that were taking up space. I had no idea idea how to fix it, so I spent the next 2 days manually deleting those files, becasue the regulr saves I wanyted to keep were lost inside there. Then I found a batch command that performed this for me. and then I found this option in Engine Fixes. Never again.




When set to true, pressing F5 creates a normal hard save instead of a quicksave, without the need to go into menu and saving manually. SUPER CONVENIENT

I can't now play without it.

Edited by belegost
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