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Problem with SexLab in Creation Kit

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I am trying to add new  script that will trigger animation after dialogue.Unfortunately when i add in source:

SexLabFramework property SexLab auto

it gives me massive errors during script build,most connected with SexLabFramework

some of them:


Data\Scripts\Source\sslBaseVoice.psc(70,8): SetVoiceType is not a function or does not exist
Source\sslBaseVoice.psc(72,8): SetVoiceType is not a function or does not exist
Source\sslBaseVoice.psc(75,7): SetVoiceType is not a function or does not exist
Source\sslSystemConfig.psc(665,31): GetName is not a function or does not exist
Data\Scripts\Source\sslSystemConfig.psc(665,41): cannot compare a none to a string (cast missing or types unrelated)
Data\Scripts\Source\sslSystemConfig.psc(668,65): GetName is not a function or does not exist
Data\Scripts\Source\sslThreadModel.psc(783,9): SendModEvent is not a function or does not exist
Data\Scripts\Source\sslThreadModel.psc(787,8): SendModEvent is not a function or does not exist
Data\Scripts\Source\sslThreadController.psc(490,11): SheatheWeapon is not a function or does not exist
Data\Scripts\Source\SexLabFramework.psc(203,53): IsRaceFlagSet is not a function or does not exist
Data\Scripts\Source\SexLabFramework.psc(207,6): HasKeyWordString is not a function or does not exist
Data\Scripts\Source\SexLabFramework.psc(207,49): HasKeyWordString is not a function or does not exist
Data\Scripts\Source\SexLabFramework.psc(239,62): GetName is not a function or does not exist
Data\Scripts\Source\SexLabFramework.psc(305,16): GetMaskForSlot is not a function or does not exist
Data\Scripts\Source\SexLabFramework.psc(305,16): cannot call the member function GetMaskForSlot alone or on a type, must call it on a variable
Data\Scripts\Source\SexLabFramework.psc(305,3): type mismatch while assigning to a int (cast missing or types unrelated)
Data\Scripts\Source\SexLabFramework.psc(306,12): GetWornForm is not a function or does not exist
Data\Scripts\Source\SexLabFramework.psc(306,30): cannot cast a none to a armor, types are incompatible
Data\Scripts\Source\SexLabFramework.psc(307,28): HasKeyWordString is not a function or does not exist
Data\Scripts\Source\SexLabFramework.psc(316,30): HasKeyWordString is not a function or does not exist
Data\Scripts\Source\SexLabFramework.psc(329,30): HasKeyWordString is not a function or does not exist
Data\Scripts\Source\SexLabFramework.psc(1169,23): variable SKSE is undefined
Data\Scripts\Source\SexLabFramework.psc(1169,28): none is not a known user-defined type


variable SKSE is undefined? 

Anyway when i go to Add property there is no SexLabFramework or anything related with SexLab

Any solution? :)


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You must have SKSE installed. SKSE is not just .exe and .dll, but also modified/extra scripts (.pex and /psc) in data/scripts directory.

HasKeyWordString for example is extra SKSE function. Can be found in data\scripts\source\Form.psc.


Reinstall lates SKSE?


And in case you don't have, you must also have SkyUI SDK installed. SkyUI developers version.


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Thanks a lot for fast answers :) Indeed i had to copy skse files again to data game folder and via source i compiled script without errors. But the animation still doesn't show up in the game. 

The script is something like:


actor[] sexActors = new actor[2]
sexActors[0] = PlayerRef
sexActors[1] = akspeaker
sslBaseAnimation[] anims = SexLab.GetAnimationsByTag(2, "Boobjob")
SexLab.StartSex(sexActors, anims)


One thing that i saw is that when i compiled script via source in CK and saved it,  the script didnt show in the window (end) next to addscript window. I dunno if thats ok. 


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OK, i figured it out. I had to paste code to papyrus window without compiling, then edit source and compile there. Its very tricky, because before it was written that script was compiled too even though it was not attached(but was showed in added scripts). Animation is working now. Ty Ashal :)

Oh one more thing: i think theres an error on this page



where example is: supressTag="Aggressive" should be Tagsupress="Aggressive" 

First one didnt work for me at least :)

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OK, i figured it out. I had to paste code to papyrus window without compiling, then edit source and compile there. Its very tricky, because before it was written that script was compiled too even though it was not attached(but was showed in added scripts). Animation is working now. Ty Ashal :)

Oh one more thing: i think theres an error on this page



where example is: supressTag="Aggressive" should be Tagsupress="Aggressive" 

First one didnt work for me at least :)

That whole section is out of date and isn't linked anywhere anymore for a reason. Use http://git.loverslab.com/sexlab/wikis/home instead

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