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BBB annoyances

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Whee! It's been while since i'm asking questions (i've been the one of the helping hands in nexus lately so to speak)

I thought i had (have) BBB on since some outfits have (had) minor shake (based on zkec since im not fan of jelly anime boobs.. i are realist! ..wait.. nvm)
Now when i have weighted most of my mash ups and stuff using BBB weighted bodies, they are sort of "disabled."now.. Where is animation?

I have nao's womans move, shield bash and run for females and few others. They do nothing atm. (i disable esp if i test male char for obvious reasons)
I use Growfls universal skeleton

Problem comes here: If i use BSA redirection, 1st person "flies away" and game crashes on another load, third person is stuck in T-pose or if it works i get this weird ass missing mesh symbol blinking behind me. Naked or not. But boobs do bounce visibly now (no need to zoom to see something)

Any suggestion is welcome, this has been bothering me since yesterday.

Edit: what the hell im typing..

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When you say you have "weighted" your mashups.......are you using blender to weight paint them? 


For BBB to occur you need three things:

1.  BBB enabled skeleton - you seem to meet this if you are using growlf's universal skeleton.  HOWEVER, be sure you don't have some other mod that has a skeleton in a bsa file or that has over written growlf's skelly.

2. BBB weight painted mesh - if you are copying\pasting clothes\armor onto an upperbody that has bounce enabled you still need to weight paint the clothes\armor with blender (if those clothes\armors had not already been weight painted).

3. BBB animation - there are bounce instructions in each bbb enabled animation, some have a lot of bounce, others very little.


If any one of the above is missing, then no bounce.


For use to help you we need to see your full load order, as well as have more detailed information.  You may even need to post one of your mashups so we can see if you are doing something wrong.  Additionally it would be helpful to post some screenshots on what you mean by "flies away".  The T-pose deal sounds like you have something broken in your mashup.  The missing mesh symbol means exactly that.  You might check how you are loading things into your esp file.

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