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Tokyo Xanadu eX+ Mods

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14 hours ago, amorrow28 said:

I do not know. You could extract all her costumes and try them one by one, if the data is not in the spreadsheet. Just double click txe_extract_file.py and type in “C_PLY001_C” without the quotes to extract all her files. (You do not need the files, just the file names. You can delete the files afterwards.)


If you figure it out, please report back and share! I’ll add it to my post and give you credit.

They are "C_PLY001_C30 & C_PLY001_C31".

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  • 7 months later...
On 6/13/2022 at 5:32 AM, amorrow28 said:

Put in the same folder as TokyoXanadu.exe.  F1 for help, F2 to turn costume mods on and off.  (BTW help menu says F11 is for hunting, it's F12, sorry.)

So 'm pretty sure it's a me issue. I'm definitely doing something wrong. I downloaded the unskirted mod files, extracted them and put the folder in with the game files, but nothing appears to change. Does it just not work at the very start of the game or am I doing something wrong?

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2 hours ago, midday said:

So 'm pretty sure it's a me issue. I'm definitely doing something wrong. I downloaded the unskirted mod files, extracted them and put the folder in with the game files, but nothing appears to change. Does it just not work at the very start of the game or am I doing something wrong?

You should see a message in the lower left corner when the game starts up, and pressing F1 should show the help message. Make sure you put in the same folder as TokyoXanadu.exe (or whatever it’s called). I have the version from GoG, the Steam version might have different location.

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8 hours ago, amorrow28 said:

You should see a message in the lower left corner when the game starts up, and pressing F1 should show the help message. Make sure you put in the same folder as TokyoXanadu.exe (or whatever it’s called). I have the version from GoG, the Steam version might have different location.

Okay, I figured out what I was doing wrong. Thank you for your help! I really appreciate that we're able to toggle the mod on and off too. That's really neat. You did a good job!

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  • 1 month later...

I've recently gotten into this game (still early - chapter 2 right now), but the ease of model injections has gotten me distracted some.


I do want to expand on my experience using the injection .bat posted by @amorrow28, since I had a few issues using it at the start, and hope this will make others' lives a bit easier.

  1. The eventual aim when using the .bat is to have the modified costume files inside the actual game folder itself. In doing so, the modified files are read over the originals, and thus, the 'new' costume appears in place of the old one (along with any mods associated with said costume). This also means that if the modified costume file is deleted/moved, the original costume is loaded up. This makes it simple to revert modified costumes; you just need to delete the modified .pkg, and the costume is back to normal!
  2. The original script for the costume injection works well, but there are some things to note. First of all, you may need to specify further which version of Python you use; I downloaded python 3.11 (latest version on the Microsoft Store), and the script didn't work until I used "python3.11" in place of all the originals.

I have attached the batch files that I used to inject the swimsuits (i.e. the nude mods) in place of the school uniforms as amorrow28 suggested, thus making it so that our lovely ladies bare it all from the start of the game. My favourite example so far:



Yep, no way she'll be confused as a boy now...


I'm pondering if I want to do a mass injection, replacing all the main costumes with the swimsuit, so that they're naked throughout the entire game, since the batch just changes the normal school uniform (I already saw Sora in her karate gi, for example.)


I'm not sure which .pkgs correspond to what; Neither this comment, nor the attached csv give me enough information to know which CXX.pkgs line up with what costumes. If anyone has a more detailed list they can give me (hopefully spoiler free), I'd love to hear it!


Just wish there was a way to get more of the NPCs in on the action...*sigh*

aa - del_school_uniforms.bat aa - inject_swimsuits_into_school_uniform.bat

Edited by Jinraider
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I've figured out most of the pkgs for the women that these mods affect.


C20, C21, and C22 are the regular uniform, summer uniform, and casual outfits, except they don't have shoes. I assume this is for indoor events that I haven't gotten to yet. C23 and C24 are the school and summer uniforms with an apron over them.


C10 are "special" outfits for characters. For Sora, it's her Karate Gi. Towa's is her shrine maiden outfit. I assume that Rion's will be her idol outfit.


Currently working on that mass inject file I mentioned to replace all outfits with the swimsuit (meaning the girls will always be naked). I think I'll upload a folder with them all once I'm done.

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Here it is: Attached to this post is a .zip that contains the files to replace Asuka, Sora, Mitsuki, Rion, Shiori, and Towa's costumes with the school swimsuit, thereby making them nude.


After finishing my batch file, I realised that the total size of the modified .pkg files amounted to ~113 MB, so I decided to just upload the full files that modify the costumes in their entirety, rather than force people to run the batch file to get what they need. Of course, my batch file is also included in the .zip, in case you want to modify anything.


Keep in mind that this batch file replaces pretty much all the costumes that show up in story for the girls listed above (assuming I haven't missed any), so they'll pretty much always show up as nude. This also should mean that standard costumes on them probably won't change their character model. If you want a certain outfit to show up, you'll need to delete that costume's .pkg - I have added a basic .txt containing what files correspond to which costumes to aid with this. Note that none of the DLC costumes should be affected by this.


This .zip does NOT include the nude textures or 3dmigoto needed to make the nude model show up, so you'll need to pick that up from the front page first, unless you want to see the girls in question running around in the school's swimsuit during the whole game.

If, god forbid, the file attached ever goes down, I have attached the batch code below (place it in a .txt file, then rename the .txt as .bat instead). Reminder that it requires downloading python 3.11 from the windows store, and the TXe extractor that can be downloaded from here.

REM Asuka's Costumes
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY001_C01.pkg C_PLY001.pkg
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY001_C01.pkg C_PLY001_C00
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY001_C01.pkg C_PLY001_C02
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY001_C01.pkg C_PLY001_C03
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY001_C01.pkg C_PLY001_C12
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY001_C01.pkg C_PLY001_C20
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY001_C01.pkg C_PLY001_C21
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY001_C01.pkg C_PLY001_C22
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY001_C01.pkg C_PLY001_C23
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY001_C01.pkg C_PLY001_C24
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY001_C01.pkg C_PLY001_C30
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY001_C01.pkg C_PLY001_C31

REM Sora's Costumes
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY002_C01 C_PLY002.pkg
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY002_C01 C_PLY002_C00
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY002_C01 C_PLY002_C02
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY002_C01 C_PLY002_C03
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY002_C01 C_PLY002_C10
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY002_C01 C_PLY002_C20
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY002_C01 C_PLY002_C21
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY002_C01 C_PLY002_C22
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY002_C01 C_PLY002_C23

REM Mitsuki's Costumes
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY005_C01 C_PLY005.pkg
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY005_C01 C_PLY005_C00
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY005_C01 C_PLY005_C02
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY005_C01 C_PLY005_C03
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY005_C01 C_PLY005_C20
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY005_C01 C_PLY005_C21
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY005_C01 C_PLY005_C22

REM Rion's Costumes
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY006_C01.pkg C_PLY006.pkg
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY006_C01.pkg C_PLY006_C00
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY006_C01.pkg C_PLY006_C02
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY006_C01.pkg C_PLY006_C03
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY006_C01.pkg C_PLY006_C04
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY006_C01.pkg C_PLY006_C10
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY006_C01.pkg C_PLY006_C11
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY006_C01.pkg C_PLY006_C20
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY006_C01.pkg C_PLY006_C21
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY006_C01.pkg C_PLY006_C22
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY006_C01.pkg C_PLY006_C23

REM Shiori's Costumes
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_NPC001_C01 C_NPC001.pkg
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_NPC001_C01 C_NPC001_C00
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_NPC001_C01 C_NPC001_C02
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_NPC001_C01 C_NPC001_C03
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_NPC001_C01 C_NPC001_C10
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_NPC001_C01 C_NPC001_C11
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_NPC001_C01 C_NPC001_C20
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_NPC001_C01 C_NPC001_C21
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_NPC001_C01 C_NPC001_C22
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_NPC001_C01 C_NPC001_C23

REM Towa's costumes
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_NPC006_C01 C_NPC006.pkg
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_NPC006_C01 C_NPC006_C02
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_NPC006_C01 C_NPC006_C03
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_NPC006_C01 C_NPC006_C10
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_NPC006_C01 C_NPC006_C20
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_NPC006_C01 C_NPC006_C21
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_NPC006_C01 C_NPC006_C22



Credit to @amorrow28 for actually making the nude mod. Wonder if you could somehow make some of the NPCs nude as well though?


Edited by Jinraider
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11 hours ago, Jinraider said:

Here it is: Attached to this post is a .zip that contains the files to replace Asuka, Sora, Mitsuki, Rion, Shiori, and Towa's costumes with the school swimsuit, thereby making them nude.


After finishing my batch file, I realised that the total size of the modified .pkg files amounted to ~113 MB, so I decided to just upload the full files that modify the costumes in their entirety, rather than force people to run the batch file to get what they need. Of course, my batch file is also included in the .zip, in case you want to modify anything.


Keep in mind that this batch file replaces pretty much all the costumes that show up in story for the girls listed above (assuming I haven't missed any), so they'll pretty much always show up as nude. This also should mean that standard costumes on them probably won't change their character model. If you want a certain outfit to show up, you'll need to delete that costume's .pkg - I have added a basic .txt containing what files correspond to which costumes to aid with this. Note that none of the DLC costumes should be affected by this.


This .zip does NOT include the nude textures or 3dmigoto needed to make the nude model show up, so you'll need to pick that up from the front page first, unless you want to see the girls in question running around in the school's swimsuit during the whole game.

If, god forbid, the file attached ever goes down, I have attached the batch code below (place it in a .txt file, then rename the .txt as .bat instead). Reminder that it requires downloading python 3.11 from the windows store, and the TXe extractor that can be downloaded from here.

  Reveal hidden contents
REM Asuka's Costumes
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY001_C01.pkg C_PLY001.pkg
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY001_C01.pkg C_PLY001_C00
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY001_C01.pkg C_PLY001_C02
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY001_C01.pkg C_PLY001_C03
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY001_C01.pkg C_PLY001_C12
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY001_C01.pkg C_PLY001_C20
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY001_C01.pkg C_PLY001_C21
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY001_C01.pkg C_PLY001_C22
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY001_C01.pkg C_PLY001_C23
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY001_C01.pkg C_PLY001_C24
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY001_C01.pkg C_PLY001_C30
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY001_C01.pkg C_PLY001_C31

REM Sora's Costumes
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY002_C01 C_PLY002.pkg
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY002_C01 C_PLY002_C00
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY002_C01 C_PLY002_C02
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY002_C01 C_PLY002_C03
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY002_C01 C_PLY002_C10
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY002_C01 C_PLY002_C20
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY002_C01 C_PLY002_C21
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY002_C01 C_PLY002_C22
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY002_C01 C_PLY002_C23

REM Mitsuki's Costumes
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY005_C01 C_PLY005.pkg
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY005_C01 C_PLY005_C00
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY005_C01 C_PLY005_C02
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY005_C01 C_PLY005_C03
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY005_C01 C_PLY005_C20
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY005_C01 C_PLY005_C21
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY005_C01 C_PLY005_C22

REM Rion's Costumes
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY006_C01.pkg C_PLY006.pkg
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY006_C01.pkg C_PLY006_C00
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY006_C01.pkg C_PLY006_C02
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY006_C01.pkg C_PLY006_C03
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY006_C01.pkg C_PLY006_C04
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY006_C01.pkg C_PLY006_C10
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY006_C01.pkg C_PLY006_C11
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY006_C01.pkg C_PLY006_C20
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY006_C01.pkg C_PLY006_C21
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY006_C01.pkg C_PLY006_C22
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_PLY006_C01.pkg C_PLY006_C23

REM Shiori's Costumes
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_NPC001_C01 C_NPC001.pkg
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_NPC001_C01 C_NPC001_C00
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_NPC001_C01 C_NPC001_C02
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_NPC001_C01 C_NPC001_C03
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_NPC001_C01 C_NPC001_C10
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_NPC001_C01 C_NPC001_C11
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_NPC001_C01 C_NPC001_C20
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_NPC001_C01 C_NPC001_C21
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_NPC001_C01 C_NPC001_C22
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_NPC001_C01 C_NPC001_C23

REM Towa's costumes
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_NPC006_C01 C_NPC006.pkg
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_NPC006_C01 C_NPC006_C02
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_NPC006_C01 C_NPC006_C03
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_NPC006_C01 C_NPC006_C10
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_NPC006_C01 C_NPC006_C20
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_NPC006_C01 C_NPC006_C21
python3.11 "aa - txe inject model.py" C_NPC006_C01 C_NPC006_C22



Credit to @amorrow28 for actually making the nude mod. Wonder if you could somehow make some of the NPCs nude as well though?

TXe_Girl_Costumes_all_Nude_Mod.zip 40.32 MB · 32 downloads

I'm sorry, I don't take requests! The vast majority of NPCs cannot be made nude with the techniques I used anyway, because it requires a model with a skin shader and access to all the body vertex groups in the bone palette. Which basically means that if there is no swimsuit model, there cannot be a nude model.

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8 hours ago, amorrow28 said:

I'm sorry, I don't take requests! The vast majority of NPCs cannot be made nude with the techniques I used anyway, because it requires a model with a skin shader and access to all the body vertex groups in the bone palette. Which basically means that if there is no swimsuit model, there cannot be a nude model.

Damn shame. Thanks for all the work you did do though - all that I did was just adapt your batch codes a bit to cover more costumes lol.

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So...I had an idea that I wanted to test out, and...




The good news is that you can inject character's model in place of another and have the game load it. The bad news is that it fully shows that character, including their head, hair, etc. Face textures seem to be written over the model after the fact (see that "Rion"'s eyes are green, while Asuka's are normally blue). However, this means you should only swap character models with moderately similar head sizes. Using a model with a face that's too small, like Sora's, will result in the face texture being too big for the head.


I haven't tested much further than this, but based on the .pkg costume files I've peeked at so far, it basically confirms to me that every single character has their own 'model' file that's used for them and their costumes. This means that making a wide spread NPC nude mod is basically off the cards, since it'd require editing every model file to display the nude body, something that'd take an extremely insane dedicated modder to do (unless somehow we got an AI to do it lol). In theory though, you could reuse the existing nude textures after the modelling was done.


Still, not a complete loss; character model swaps can still hit that body swapping niche, if you're into that sort of thing. I'm getting the temptation to make a "character model randomiser" script, but I think I actually want to play the game now...


As consolation for not getting the NPC nude mods we wanted, here's a picture of Rion's nude model pasted over Azusa.




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4 hours ago, Jinraider said:

So...I had an idea that I wanted to test out, and...

  Reveal hidden contents



The good news is that you can inject character's model in place of another and have the game load it. The bad news is that it fully shows that character, including their head, hair, etc. Face textures seem to be written over the model after the fact (see that "Rion"'s eyes are green, while Asuka's are normally blue). However, this means you should only swap character models with moderately similar head sizes. Using a model with a face that's too small, like Sora's, will result in the face texture being too big for the head.


I haven't tested much further than this, but based on the .pkg costume files I've peeked at so far, it basically confirms to me that every single character has their own 'model' file that's used for them and their costumes. This means that making a wide spread NPC nude mod is basically off the cards, since it'd require editing every model file to display the nude body, something that'd take an extremely insane dedicated modder to do (unless somehow we got an AI to do it lol). In theory though, you could reuse the existing nude textures after the modelling was done.


Still, not a complete loss; character model swaps can still hit that body swapping niche, if you're into that sort of thing. I'm getting the temptation to make a "character model randomiser" script, but I think I actually want to play the game now...


As consolation for not getting the NPC nude mods we wanted, here's a picture of Rion's nude model pasted over Azusa.

  Reveal hidden contents



For a full character swap, inject the body, face and eyes. What corresponds to what should be in the spreadsheet I linked to, I believe.


If you really want to see how far you can take this, I believe that there is some compatibility with CS1 and CS2 models, although shaders might need replacement. But the phyre engine versions are close enough that others (not me) have successfully done this.


I wouldn’t suggest a model swap randomizer though… once you run into an incompatible animation, the game will crash.

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  • 4 months later...
On 6/28/2023 at 4:56 AM, Jinraider said:

So...I had an idea that I wanted to test out, and...

  Reveal hidden contents



The good news is that you can inject character's model in place of another and have the game load it. The bad news is that it fully shows that character, including their head, hair, etc. Face textures seem to be written over the model after the fact (see that "Rion"'s eyes are green, while Asuka's are normally blue). However, this means you should only swap character models with moderately similar head sizes. Using a model with a face that's too small, like Sora's, will result in the face texture being too big for the head.


I haven't tested much further than this, but based on the .pkg costume files I've peeked at so far, it basically confirms to me that every single character has their own 'model' file that's used for them and their costumes. This means that making a wide spread NPC nude mod is basically off the cards, since it'd require editing every model file to display the nude body, something that'd take an extremely insane dedicated modder to do (unless somehow we got an AI to do it lol). In theory though, you could reuse the existing nude textures after the modelling was done.


Still, not a complete loss; character model swaps can still hit that body swapping niche, if you're into that sort of thing. I'm getting the temptation to make a "character model randomiser" script, but I think I actually want to play the game now...


As consolation for not getting the NPC nude mods we wanted, here's a picture of Rion's nude model pasted over Azusa.

  Reveal hidden contents




I was attempting to do your "Rion for Azusa" injection and got the results shown in the picture. I've included the Python console as well as a snippet of your table. Can you please tell me what I'm missing?



Edited by greedo75
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  • 6 months later...
On 11/5/2023 at 12:46 AM, greedo75 said:


I was attempting to do your "Rion for Azusa" injection and got the results shown in the picture. I've included the Python console as well as a snippet of your table. Can you please tell me what I'm missing?



Sorry for the late reply, but you need to inject Rion's School swimsuit costume to get the nude model, since that's the costume 3dmigoto changes. From memory, it's something like C02 you need to inject.

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  • 5 weeks later...





Here's a new mod, this time in PKG format!  It turns out that this game uses the same engine version as CS3, so our tools work.




HUGE thank you to @lakovic, who graciously gave me permission to use his CS4 nude mod as a basis for this mod.  I remade all the nude mods for the four playable girls and Shiori and Towa.  I did not want to port my unskirt mod to PKG format (no real reason to do so, 3dmigoto works great for this game), so I made a no-pan mod instead.


How to use:


Copy all the files from the Tokyo Xanadu eX+ in the mod archive to your Tokyo Xanadu eX+ folder.  (The default location for Steam is {Steam}\steamapps\common\Tokyo Xanadu eX+ and the default location for GOG is {GOG}\Games\Tokyo Xanadu eX+)





Note that this mod is not meant to be compatible with my 3DMigoto mod.  If you attempt to use both and there are conflicts, you are on your own.

Here is a list of all the outfits this mod replaces:


C_PLY001 - Uniform
C_PLY001_C00 - Summer Uniform
C_PLY001_C01 - School Swimsuit -> nude
C_PLY001_C02 - Towel -> nude
C_PLY001_C03 - Casual Outfit
C_PLY001_C12 - Event Outfit
C_PLY001_C20 - Normal Uniform Barefoot
C_PLY001_C21 - Summer Uniform Barefoot
C_PLY001_C22 - Casual Outfit Barefoot
C_PLY001_C23 - Normal Uniform With Apron
C_PLY001_C24 - Casual Outfit Apron
C_PLY001_C30 - Omega Uniform
C_PLY001_C31 - Omega Summer Uniform
C_PLY001_C80 - S-wear Outfit


C_PLY002 - Uniform
C_PLY002_C00 - Summer Uniform
C_PLY002_C01 - School Swimsuit -> nude
C_PLY002_C02 - Towel -> nude
C_PLY002_C03 - Casual Outfit
C_PLY002_C10 - Karate Gi
C_PLY002_C20 - Normal Uniform Barefoot
C_PLY002_C21 - Summer Uniform Barefoot
C_PLY002_C22 - Casual Outfit Barefoot
C_PLY002_C23 - Workout Outfit With Shorts
C_PLY002_C80 - S-wear Outfit


C_PLY005 - Uniform
C_PLY005_C00 - Summer Uniform
C_PLY005_C01 - School Swimsuit -> nude
C_PLY005_C02 - Towel -> nude
C_PLY005_C03 - Casual Outfit
C_PLY005_C20 - Normal Uniform Barefoot
C_PLY005_C21 - Summer Uniform Barefoot
C_PLY005_C22 - Casual Outfit Barefoot
C_PLY005_C80 - S-wear Outfit


C_PLY006 - Uniform
C_PLY006_C00 - Summer Uniform
C_PLY006_C01 - School Swimsuit -> nude
C_PLY006_C02 - Towel -> nude
C_PLY006_C03 - Casual Outfit
C_PLY006_C04 - Casual Outfit With Cap
C_PLY006_C10 - Spika Outfit
C_PLY006_C11 - Event Outfit
C_PLY006_C20 - Normal Uniform Barefoot
C_PLY006_C21 - Summer Uniform Barefoot
C_PLY006_C22 - Casual Outfit Barefoot
C_PLY006_C23 - Autumn Spika Outfit
C_PLY006_C80 - S-wear Outfit


C_NPC001 - Uniform
C_NPC001_C00 - Summer Uniform
C_NPC001_C01 - School Swimsuit -> nude
C_NPC001_C02 - Towel -> nude
C_NPC001_C03 - Casual Outfit
C_NPC001_C20 - Casual Outfit Barefoot
C_NPC001_C21 - Normal Uniform Barefoot
C_NPC001_C22 - Summer Uniform Barefoot
C_NPC001_C23 - Normal Uniform With Apron


C_NPC006 - Teacher Outfit
C_NPC006_C01 - Teacher Swimsuit -> nude
C_NPC006_C02 - Towel -> nude
C_NPC006_C03 - Casual Outfit
C_NPC006_C10 - Shrine Maiden Outfit
C_NPC006_C20 - Teacher Outfit Barefoot
C_NPC006_C21 - Casual Outfit Barefoot
C_NPC006_C22 - Shrine Maiden Outfit Barefoot


I know that getting the nude outfits have been a pain in the past, so I've added the towels and swimsuits to the vending machine in the clubhouse.





Note:  In my original mod, I made Sora flat chested because the mods I had access to were either busty or flat, and I guess I thought she was flat.  But she's not, lol, at least based on her swimsuit.  So she's not flat anymore.



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3 hours ago, amorrow28 said:





Here's a new mod, this time in PKG format!  It turns out that this game uses the same engine version as CS3, so our tools work.


TXe_Nudes_and_NoPan_PKG.7z 12.4 MB · 1 download


HUGE thank you to @lakovic, who graciously gave me permission to use his CS4 nude mod as a basis for this mod.  I remade all the nude mods for the four playable girls and Shiori and Towa.  I did not want to port my unskirt mod to PKG format (no real reason to do so, 3dmigoto works great for this game), so I made a no-pan mod instead.


How to use:


Copy all the files from the Tokyo Xanadu eX+ in the mod archive to your Tokyo Xanadu eX+ folder.  (The default location for Steam is {Steam}\steamapps\common\Tokyo Xanadu eX+ and the default location for GOG is {GOG}\Games\Tokyo Xanadu eX+)


  Hide contents




Note that this mod is not meant to be compatible with my 3DMigoto mod.  If you attempt to use both and there are conflicts, you are on your own.

Here is a list of all the outfits this mod replaces:

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C_PLY001 - Uniform
C_PLY001_C00 - Summer Uniform
C_PLY001_C01 - School Swimsuit -> nude
C_PLY001_C02 - Towel -> nude
C_PLY001_C03 - Casual Outfit
C_PLY001_C12 - Event Outfit
C_PLY001_C20 - Normal Uniform Barefoot
C_PLY001_C21 - Summer Uniform Barefoot
C_PLY001_C22 - Casual Outfit Barefoot
C_PLY001_C23 - Normal Uniform With Apron
C_PLY001_C24 - Casual Outfit Apron
C_PLY001_C30 - Omega Uniform
C_PLY001_C31 - Omega Summer Uniform
C_PLY001_C80 - S-wear Outfit


C_PLY002 - Uniform
C_PLY002_C00 - Summer Uniform
C_PLY002_C01 - School Swimsuit -> nude
C_PLY002_C02 - Towel -> nude
C_PLY002_C03 - Casual Outfit
C_PLY002_C10 - Karate Gi
C_PLY002_C20 - Normal Uniform Barefoot
C_PLY002_C21 - Summer Uniform Barefoot
C_PLY002_C22 - Casual Outfit Barefoot
C_PLY002_C23 - Workout Outfit With Shorts
C_PLY002_C80 - S-wear Outfit


C_PLY005 - Uniform
C_PLY005_C00 - Summer Uniform
C_PLY005_C01 - School Swimsuit -> nude
C_PLY005_C02 - Towel -> nude
C_PLY005_C03 - Casual Outfit
C_PLY005_C20 - Normal Uniform Barefoot
C_PLY005_C21 - Summer Uniform Barefoot
C_PLY005_C22 - Casual Outfit Barefoot
C_PLY005_C80 - S-wear Outfit


C_PLY006 - Uniform
C_PLY006_C00 - Summer Uniform
C_PLY006_C01 - School Swimsuit -> nude
C_PLY006_C02 - Towel -> nude
C_PLY006_C03 - Casual Outfit
C_PLY006_C04 - Casual Outfit With Cap
C_PLY006_C10 - Spika Outfit
C_PLY006_C11 - Event Outfit
C_PLY006_C20 - Normal Uniform Barefoot
C_PLY006_C21 - Summer Uniform Barefoot
C_PLY006_C22 - Casual Outfit Barefoot
C_PLY006_C23 - Autumn Spika Outfit
C_PLY006_C80 - S-wear Outfit


C_NPC001 - Uniform
C_NPC001_C00 - Summer Uniform
C_NPC001_C01 - School Swimsuit -> nude
C_NPC001_C02 - Towel -> nude
C_NPC001_C03 - Casual Outfit
C_NPC001_C20 - Casual Outfit Barefoot
C_NPC001_C21 - Normal Uniform Barefoot
C_NPC001_C22 - Summer Uniform Barefoot
C_NPC001_C23 - Normal Uniform With Apron


C_NPC006 - Teacher Outfit
C_NPC006_C01 - Teacher Swimsuit -> nude
C_NPC006_C02 - Towel -> nude
C_NPC006_C03 - Casual Outfit
C_NPC006_C10 - Shrine Maiden Outfit
C_NPC006_C20 - Teacher Outfit Barefoot
C_NPC006_C21 - Casual Outfit Barefoot
C_NPC006_C22 - Shrine Maiden Outfit Barefoot


I know that getting the nude outfits have been a pain in the past, so I've added the towels and swimsuits to the vending machine in the clubhouse.


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Note:  In my original mod, I made Sora flat chested because the mods I had access to were either busty or flat, and I guess I thought she was flat.  But she's not, lol, at least based on her swimsuit.  So she's not flat anymore.




Couldn't get this to work. Do I have to find the vending machine in the clubhouse first? And then buy the School Swimsuit for each female character?

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4 hours ago, greedo75 said:


Couldn't get this to work. Do I have to find the vending machine in the clubhouse first? And then buy the School Swimsuit for each female character?

What doesn’t work? Most costumes should be no panties now. Nudes replace the swimsuits and the towels, so if you do not use the vending machine, you will not see any nudity until very late in the game (more than 2/3 of the way to the end, if I recall correctly).

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3 hours ago, lakovic said:

Although I haven't played tokyo-xanadu, seeing so many sexy little skirts made me download the game to play, haha, thanks to @amorrow28for making so many game mods


I see a lot of people's shadows here, like the second short girl, she looks a lot like Feri in Kuro

  Reveal hidden contents



You’re right, I never noticed that… Falcom does take a few shortcuts haha.


Enjoy the game, I like it a lot! There is a fan patch for Chinese language available as well. 😁

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On 2024/6/9 at AM8点00分, amorrow28 said:





这是一个新的模组,这次是 PKG 格式!事实证明,这款游戏使用与 CS3 相同的引擎版本,所以我们的工具可以正常工作。


TXe_Nudes_and_NoPan_PKG.7z 12.4 兆 · 1 次下载


非常感谢@lakovic,他慷慨地允许我使用他的 CS4 裸体模型作为此模型的基础。我为四个可玩女孩以及 Shiori 和 Towa 重新制作了所有裸体模型。我不想将我的脱衣模型移植到 PKG 格式(没有真正的理由这样做,3dmigoto 非常适合此游戏),所以我制作了一个无平移模型。




将 mod 存档中的 Tokyo Xanadu eX+ 中的所有文件复制到您的 Tokyo Xanadu eX+ 文件夹中。(Steam 的默认位置是 {Steam}\steamapps\common\Tokyo Xanadu eX+,GOG 的默认位置是 {GOG}\Games\Tokyo Xanadu eX+)






请注意,此模组与我的 3DMigoto 模组不兼容。如果您尝试同时使用两者,并且存在冲突,则需要您自行承担责任。



C_PLY001 - Uniform
C_PLY001_C00 - Summer Uniform
C_PLY001_C01 - School Swimsuit -> nude
C_PLY001_C02 - Towel -> nude
C_PLY001_C03 - Casual Outfit
C_PLY001_C12 - Event Outfit
C_PLY001_C20 - Normal Uniform Barefoot
C_PLY001_C21 - Summer Uniform Barefoot
C_PLY001_C22 - Casual Outfit Barefoot
C_PLY001_C23 - Normal Uniform With Apron
C_PLY001_C24 - Casual Outfit Apron
C_PLY001_C30 - Omega Uniform
C_PLY001_C31 - Omega Summer Uniform
C_PLY001_C80 - S-wear Outfit


C_PLY002 - Uniform
C_PLY002_C00 - Summer Uniform
C_PLY002_C01 - School Swimsuit -> nude
C_PLY002_C02 - Towel -> nude
C_PLY002_C03 - Casual Outfit
C_PLY002_C10 - Karate Gi
C_PLY002_C20 - Normal Uniform Barefoot
C_PLY002_C21 - Summer Uniform Barefoot
C_PLY002_C22 - Casual Outfit Barefoot
C_PLY002_C23 - Workout Outfit With Shorts
C_PLY002_C80 - S-wear Outfit


C_PLY005 - Uniform
C_PLY005_C00 - Summer Uniform
C_PLY005_C01 - School Swimsuit -> nude
C_PLY005_C02 - Towel -> nude
C_PLY005_C03 - Casual Outfit
C_PLY005_C20 - Normal Uniform Barefoot
C_PLY005_C21 - Summer Uniform Barefoot
C_PLY005_C22 - Casual Outfit Barefoot
C_PLY005_C80 - S-wear Outfit


C_PLY006 - Uniform
C_PLY006_C00 - Summer Uniform
C_PLY006_C01 - School Swimsuit -> nude
C_PLY006_C02 - Towel -> nude
C_PLY006_C03 - Casual Outfit
C_PLY006_C04 - Casual Outfit With Cap
C_PLY006_C10 - Spika Outfit
C_PLY006_C11 - Event Outfit
C_PLY006_C20 - Normal Uniform Barefoot
C_PLY006_C21 - Summer Uniform Barefoot
C_PLY006_C22 - Casual Outfit Barefoot
C_PLY006_C23 - Autumn Spika Outfit
C_PLY006_C80 - S-wear Outfit


C_NPC001 - Uniform
C_NPC001_C00 - Summer Uniform
C_NPC001_C01 - School Swimsuit -> nude
C_NPC001_C02 - Towel -> nude
C_NPC001_C03 - Casual Outfit
C_NPC001_C20 - Casual Outfit Barefoot
C_NPC001_C21 - Normal Uniform Barefoot
C_NPC001_C22 - Summer Uniform Barefoot
C_NPC001_C23 - Normal Uniform With Apron


C_NPC006 - Teacher Outfit
C_NPC006_C01 - Teacher Swimsuit -> nude
C_NPC006_C02 - Towel -> nude
C_NPC006_C03 - Casual Outfit
C_NPC006_C10 - Shrine Maiden Outfit
C_NPC006_C20 - Teacher Outfit Barefoot
C_NPC006_C21 - Casual Outfit Barefoot
C_NPC006_C22 - Shrine Maiden Outfit Barefoot







注意:在我最初的模组中,我将 Sora 的胸部设计成平胸,因为我能接触到的模组要么是丰满的,要么是平胸的,我想我以为她是平胸的。但她不是,哈哈,至少从她的泳衣来看是这样。所以她不再是平胸了。




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23 hours ago, amorrow28 said:

What doesn’t work? Most costumes should be no panties now. Nudes replace the swimsuits and the towels, so if you do not use the vending machine, you will not see any nudity until very late in the game (more than 2/3 of the way to the end, if I recall correctly).


When I go into the "Equip" screen, the ladies are clothed. Any costumes I switch to only has them wearing that costume. No nudity. With the 3DMigoto mod, F2 would remove the clothing. Is there a similar key here? Or do I, like you said, have to wait until I am 2/3 of the way through the game?

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7 hours ago, greedo75 said:


When I go into the "Equip" screen, the ladies are clothed. Any costumes I switch to only has them wearing that costume. No nudity. With the 3DMigoto mod, F2 would remove the clothing. Is there a similar key here? Or do I, like you said, have to wait until I am 2/3 of the way through the game?

Use the vending machine to buy the costumes. Or use cheat engine, or use New Game+.


10 hours ago, 孫悟空 said:


I do not know, the game is not even published on switch yet. Either way, I do not own a modified switch so I cannot help you. Someone figured out how to convert mods for switch for cold steel 3 - if it is possible for this game then the process would probably be similar.

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On 2024/6/9 at AM8點00分, amorrow28 said:





這是一個新模組,這次是 PKG 格式!事實證明,這個遊戲使用了與CS3相同的引擎版本,所以我們的工具可以工作。


TXe_Nudes_and_NoPan_PKG.7z 12.4MB · 2次下載


非常感謝@拉科維奇,他慷慨地允許我使用他的 CS4 裸體模組作為這個模組的基礎。我為四個可玩的女孩以及 Shiori 和 Towa 重新製作了所有裸體模組。我不想將我的脫裙模組移植為 PKG 格式(沒有真正的理由這樣做,3dmigoto 非常適合這個遊戲),所以我製作了一個 no-pan mod。




將 mod 存檔中的 Tokyo Xanadu eX+ 中的所有檔案複製到 Tokyo Xanadu eX+ 資料夾中。 (Steam 的預設位置為 {Steam}\steamapps\common\Tokyo Xanadu eX+,GOG 的預設位置為 {GOG}\Games\Tokyo Xanadu eX+)






請注意,此 mod 並不意味著與我的 3DMigoto mod 相容。如果您嘗試同時使用兩者,但出現衝突,則只能靠自己了。



C_PLY001 - 制服
C_PLY001_C00 - 夏季制服
C_PLY001_C01 - 學校泳裝 -> 裸體
C_PLY001_C02 - 毛巾 -> 裸體
C_PLY001_C03 - 休閒裝C_PLY001_> 裸體C_PLY001_C03 - 休閒裝 C_PLY001_C12 - 1000PLYPLYPLYPLY120PLY 普通
裝_PLY001_C22 - 休閒服飾赤腳C_PLY001_C23 -
普通 制服圍裙 C_PLY001_C24 - 休閒裝圍裙 C_PLY001_C30 - Omega 制服 C_PLY001_C31 - Omega 夏季制服 C_PLY001_C80 - S 裝服裝



C_PLY002 - 制服
C_PLY002_C00 - 夏日制服
C_PLY002_C01 - 學校泳裝 -> 裸體 C_PLY002_C02
- 毛巾 -> 裸體
C_PLY002_C03 - 休閒裝C_PLY002_>裸體C_PLY002_C03 - 休閒裝C_PLY002_C100000 2 1 - 夏季制服赤腳 C_PLY002_C22 - 休閒服裝赤腳 C_PLY002_C23 - 鍛煉服裝短褲 C_PLY002_C80 - S 裝



C_PLY005 - 制服
C_PLY005_C00 - 夏日制服
C_PLY005_C01 - 學校泳裝 -> 裸體
C_PLY005_C02 - 毛巾 -> 裸體
C_PLY005_C03 - 休閒
裝C_PLY005_> 裸體C_PLY005_C03 - 休閒裝C_PLY005_> 裸體C_PLY005_C03 - 休閒裝C_PLY005_C12005 2050205_205_205_205_205120205_20005 305_205_205_2050205020205_205_205050200005
夏季 -205_200205 305_20005_20005 300205_205_205_C -
C_PLY005_C80 - S 裝


。 11
- 活動服裝 C_PLY006_C20 - 普通 制服 赤腳 C_PLY006_C21 - 夏日
制服赤腳 C_PLY006_C22 - 休閒赤腳裝 C_PLY006_C23 - 秋季 Spika 裝 C_PLY006_C80 - S 裝裝



C_NPC001 - 制服
C_NPC001_C00 - 夏季制服
C_NPC001_C01 - 學校泳裝 -> 裸體
C_NPC001_C02 - 毛巾 -> 裸體
C_NPC001_C03 - 休閒裝C_NPC001_ > 裸體C_NPC001_C03
- 休閒裝C_NPC001_> 裸體C_NPC001_C03 - 休閒裝C_NPC001_C10C_NP 10CNP 1_C22 - 夏季制服形式赤腳
C_NPC001_C23 - 普通制服帶圍裙


C_NPC006 - 教師裝
C_NPC006_C01 - 教師泳裝 -> 裸體
C_NPC006_C02 - 毛巾 -> 裸體
C_NPC006_C03 - 休閒裝 C_NPC006_C10 -
巫女裝CNPC006_20 -6 巫女裝








注意:在我最初的模組中,我將 Sora 設為平胸,因為我可以訪問的模組要么是豐滿的,要么是平坦的,而且我想我認為她是平坦的。但她不是,哈哈,至少從她的泳衣來看是這樣。所以她不再是平的了。



I tried to change the nude PKG to the uniform, but it got the wrong error

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