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In the pink... literally

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It looks like there's no way I'm figuring this out on my own so I have to consult the experts. It seems that no matter how many guides I read or how much I fiddle with the load order, I can't seem to figure out what exactly is wrong or how to fix it. I'm a complete noob to modding, so I'm trying to keep things somewhat basic, and I test everything out on a save that has literally just gotten through the intro, so the character has nothing but what she left the Doc's house with and a bunch of mod clothes stashed very nearby. The actual issue is that I'm trying to test the pregnancy stuff. I think she was fine before, but when pregnancy changes hit she turns pink and very few clothes actually reflect the pregnancy, and her body becomes invisible after giving birth. There's also the plant behind the Doc's house that causes her to get stuck in a birth loop, and nude men are invisible, but right now I'm trying to figure out the pregnancy basics. I've noticed load order is important to add, so:


Companion Core.esm
RobCo Certified.esm
The Mod Configuration Menu.esp
Free Tribal Outfits.esp
NVRefugee Outfits.esp
Type3 Leather Armors.esp
Armor by Race w Undies.esp
Body by Race.esp
RobCo Certified Friendly Hit Fixer.esp
Sexout Certified.esp

Total active plugins: 51
Total plugins: 52

I have turned Shared Resources off because I noticed in another thread that was suggested when using pregnancy and breeder, but I didn't notice a difference.

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If you installed all the resources and this problem occurs, it's usually due to ArchiveInvalidation not being toggled. You can do that with FOMM (not sure if that's possible with NMM). Either do this or search the Nexus for ArchiveInvalidation.

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I think it's on, there's a check mark next to it. I also updated and used BOSS, but again, didn't notice a difference. I'll check the resource stuff again, but I've been trying very hard to follow all directions and install all related items as I go along so I'd hope I have all that by now unless it's something a bit more obscure.

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Hmm, some things you might try:


Just saw Body by race in your LO. It is recommended against using that in conjunction with sexout. 


Some people claim that turning AI off and on again has an effect. 


Since you said your problem is with pregnancy, I'd check the reqs for that again. There are quite a few like the maternityclothes data pack, which is a seperate download.

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Assuming AI is ArchiveInvalidation, I'll try that. Incidentally, I have Body by Race installed BECAUSE of the reqs for Pregnancy. It was one of those chain installations where Pregnancy said it had a handful of reqs, and one of those had a req with several reqs. I can't remember exactly what led to what, but something required by Pregnancy required either Armor or Body by Race, which said it required the installation of the other as well, and something also required the installation of all those additional clothing mods I'd really rather do without.


Decided to try the AI flip before posting, things were still pink. If you could point out some things that were stated to be requirements that are actually counter-productive, that'd be very helpful even if it doesn't solve the problem I'm actually here for.

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Yes, AI = ArchiveInvalidation.


I'm not at all familiar with pregnancy related requirements unfortunately. I know the basic stuff, but beyond that I'm in the dark, because it has been a while since I last used it. The Body by race mod is listed by prideslayer in the SexoutNG thread under known issues. He's a little vague on that, not outright saying that it is incompatible, but I never dared to try.


All I can really say is, that in order for all things to work you need everything listed in the SCR and pregnancy thread to be on the safe side. Mostly those are armors and armor packs, which should be functioning out of the box, without needing requirements of their own. And if so, those are very few (like Mantis armor variations, for instance). 


Maybe some of the SCR/pregnancy regulars can help you out more with this problem. I'm pretty sure the pink skin problem is tied into this somehow.

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Some of the SCR clothing downloads (possibly revanag's BB versions on the nexus) point to body by race as a way of getting BB, but it's not necessary to install it. You already get BB if you follow the regular sexout install instructions.

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Pregnancy doesn't require Body by Race, nor does any of its required resources require it. I'm sure you have misinterpreted or misread something at some point. All it does is cause trouble so get rid of it.


And you only need the additional clothes if you plan on using them and buying them via SexoutStore. If all you want is vanilla armors reflecting characters pregnancy, then the MaternityClothes pack should be enough. But if you want to use the extra clothes, delete all the corresponding .esps which you currently have in your load order, you don't need them and pregnancy doesn't recognize them. If you want the armors to function with pregnancy you have to get them from SexoutStore. Also, remember to enable armor swapping in MCM, it is required for pregnancy to work properly.


The plant behind Doc Mitchell's house is from SexoutBreeder which I'm not that familiar with, you should search the Breeder thread for answers. And concerning invisible male bodies, try re-installing the Sexout Data pack, and choose roberts male body - it works for me right off the install, no tweaking or fidgeting of any kind required.

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Good news everyone! After taking out Body by Race and reinstalling the Data pack with Roberts, it seems pregnant females and nude males are fully functional. After birth however, the character gets covered up by a large red diamond with a sideways exclamation mark. After fiddling around I've realized this is from "Heavy Tits", but I don't know how to fix it. I assume I'm missing a file somewhere?


Thanks to everyone involved so far for helping me out with the two major issues, and for explaining that only special versions of the vanilla armor work with Pregnancy. Hopefully after I figure this tits thing out I can continue to add and test new content unimpeded.

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Good news everyone! After taking out Body by Race and reinstalling the Data pack with Roberts, it seems pregnant females and nude males are fully functional. After birth however, the character gets covered up by a large red diamond with a sideways exclamation mark. After fiddling around I've realized this is from "Heavy Tits", but I don't know how to fix it. I assume I'm missing a file somewhere?


Thanks to everyone involved so far for helping me out with the two major issues, and for explaining that only special versions of the vanilla armor work with Pregnancy. Hopefully after I figure this tits thing out I can continue to add and test new content unimpeded.



Heavy tits are from SexoutBreeder, you are missing the Breeder Data pack. You can get rid of the heavy tits by using the Milkatron, or disabling lactation alltogether in MCM, if I remember correctly.

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