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Invite for sex not response while setting always Accept Sex

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Dear Communities


I have tried to invite NPC sims to my house and start sex for couple, It's work normally. then I tried to invite third person that sims not response in any action such as walk to join or others. 

and I tried to start sex with more than 2 sims, It's not response in any action


feel free to advice

Thanks in Advance


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Do you get a pop-up that the sim refused to join? Or is it that just nothing happen at all after you invited them?

I think that even with always accept sex setting activated sims won't accept to join in a more than two persons sex situation if another setting isn't set to allow it.
I've had this issue in a save where my female sim is in a poly-relationship with 3 men. At first, her boyfriends always refused to join in for a threesome or foursome with the others, cos they weren't attracted by men. Even with always accept sex activated they refused.
I had to mess around with one or two other settings, that prevented sims to engage in group sex if other participants didn't met their gender preference. Basically, setting it the correct way allowed them to engage in group sex if at least one participant met their preferences (and did not required all of them to meet it, as it is set by default).
But it was with an older version of WW back then, and I haven't played that save again since the 169a update of WW, and I tried to look around to explain the path to you but I can't find that setting back in the 169a version with my currently played save...

Ok, found it!
So, open wicked settings > sex settings > autonomy settings > autonomy awareness. Here, scroll down and near the bottom you should have two settings one after another called "joining sex gender compliance switch" and "joining sex relationship compliance switch".
Try un-checking both of them and see if group sex finally works in your game ?

Edited by Namikan
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Thanks both of you for Recommendation


Answers for @Kashked

I'm sure Sex animations that I install support more 2P of sex.


Answers for Namikan

I've tried to set the settings that you recommended. and I tried the same situation, the pop-up message said "refuse to had sex Wick Perversion Prostitution Rules Blocked sex "

by picture below


And Then


I've to unregistered sims form prostitution worker, It's worked well.


I have tried to find to setting Wicked Perversions Rule but I didn't find settings that effect above rules.


Screenshot (1).png

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Ah I see, you also use the mod Wicked Perversions in addition to WW right? Then, there must be something in this mod's settings to work around as well, but I personally don't have this one, so I'm sorry I can't help you further with this issue. Hope someone who knows how to use and set Wicked Perversions pass by.

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14 hours ago, Fluorite_vx said:

I've to unregistered sims form prostitution worker, It's worked well.

Prostitutes usually don't give it away for free but under certain conditions they will.

Think they have to have a high romance level or be Married but not positive.

Wicked Whims can't, or wont, override Nisa's WP Rules.


WW Group Sex:

Wicked Settings > Sex Settings > Sex Interaction Settings: Respect Gender Preference: OFF


Wicked Settings > Sex Settings > Autonomy Settings > Autonomy Awareness:

Player Sims: ON, Joining Sex: ON, Relationship Awareness: OFF,(Cheating)
Pregnancy Awareness: OFF, Sex Location Memory: ON, Sex Animation Memory: ON
Block around Children: (Your Choice)
Joining Sex Gender Compliance: OFF
Joining Sex Relationship Compliance: OFF (ON=less joining in sex if in romantic relationships)


If all else fails:

Wicked Settings > Sex Settings > Cheats: Always Accept (2 green bars enabled)

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  • 2 months later...
On 5/7/2022 at 6:49 AM, Fluorite_vx said:

Thanks both of you for Recommendation


Answers for @Kashked

I'm sure Sex animations that I install support more 2P of sex.


Answers for Namikan

I've tried to set the settings that you recommended. and I tried the same situation, the pop-up message said "refuse to had sex Wick Perversion Prostitution Rules Blocked sex "

by picture below


And Then


I've to unregistered sims form prostitution worker, It's worked well.


I have tried to find to setting Wicked Perversions Rule but I didn't find settings that effect above rules.


Screenshot (1).png

I got the same problem. Group sex works when it's not with a prostitution client, but if it it's with a client I can't get anyone to join. :/

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