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Very small wishlist for next loversPK version


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There's nothing really big i wish loversPK would have - things like ease of deployment (installation) and so on would be nice, but i realize that this is a task too big to expect it changing.

There are however a few very simple things, that would help a lot:

1. Complete saving of positional adjustment data.

It's one thing, that animations out of the box are badly positioned/aligned. It's another thing, that one's own corrections aren't completely saved: Rotation, overall altitude, and overall position - all three of those aren't saved. That's annoying, because for many anims, those things are out of sync.

The overall position adjustments (adjustments from where bodies were initially placed) matter, because:
- beds
- it's confusing, when chars jump around in the room on each animation change. Also, not being able to permanently fix this oneself, increases chance of chars being moved into obstacles and walls, on animation-change.


EDIT: I understand that one might also want a way, to non-permanently change overall position - i.e. in case LPK placed chars wrongly on sex-trigger. In that case, how about shift+arrowkeys = permanently saved, and arrowkeys = just temporary adjustment?


EDIT2: Another option.... never automatically change any adjustments (so, everything at first is temporary). Then, have a hotkey that saves adjustments for the current anim?


2. Ability to change both X and Y alignment, instead of just one of both (and of course, it being saved per animation)

3. Ability to ingame disable animations one doesn't want to occur. I know that one can manually mess around with the ini files, but this is complicated, unintuitive and slow. Alternatively, an option in the settings, which on each animation change, displays the animation ID/num as a message would help.

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Use Lovers Backup2.  All position adjustments can be backed up and saved, then transferred to your new game\character.  That was why that plugin was made.


Animation alignment (within each animation) is something I am slowly fixing and those animations that are finished are included in the Animated Penis Resource Pack thread in the form of update packs.  Those are aligned spot on for default heights of 1.0 for male\female.  


As to positioning between different animations, Lovers animations do tend to jump around and that is due to the MANY different creators that had a hand in making the animations.  While it would be neat to have all animations all engage at one spot, you are talking about making corrections to 200 animations.  That is 1600 kf files that you will need to load into blender, make the alignment adjustments, then export, then use nifskope to correct the naming and cycle type.   Your talking about at minimum 3 months of work at 8 hours a day.  I think you can mark that down in the not going to happen column.


Beds - that is something I am not going to bother with, as I simply don't have the time to jack with it.  If someone wanted to sit down and go through each animation on a bed and align them, then note down the alignment changes and give them to me I'll update the ini files.  Otherwise it won't happen.  I only have so much free time and am too overwhelmed right now to do anything more.



As the two edits, probably not going to happen unless you take it on.  Your talking about coding and one hell of a lot of it.  Scripting has never been my strong suit and there are only a couple of guys that can write scripting that are still active. 


2. Again, more coding and your digging into the guts of the lovers engine here.  Not a simple or easy task and to be frank, I don't see what you gain by this.


3. Right now lovers does show you what animation is being used (hit the console key).  Disabling an ini (change the extension to anything other than .ini) or deleting it, is pretty darn simple and fast so I don't understand your point there.



I do understand why you want these changes but at the same time, most of the core parts of Lovers with PK were created by the Japanese.  They have moved on to Skyrim.  The few tweaks we have done are for the most part fairly simple items.  I just don't know of anyone left that is active in Oblivion that would be interested in taking this stuff on.  I wish you the best of luck.

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Use Lovers Backup2.  All position adjustments can be backed up and saved, then transferred to your new game\character.  That was why that plugin was made.

But from your later comments, i suspect that does not include rotation, overall altitude (instead of just alt of one char relative to the other), and overall position, correct? If correct, it doesn't really address the things i mentioned - it just allows me to transfer adjustments from one savegame to another?



As to positioning between different animations, Lovers animations do tend to jump around and that is due to the MANY different creators that had a hand in making the animations.  While it would be neat to have all animations all engage at one spot, you are talking about making corrections to 200 animations.  That is 1600 kf files that you will need to load into blender, make the alignment adjustments, then export, then use nifskope to correct the naming and cycle type.

Not if i could simply make the adjustments ingame, then dump them to some datafile. And yes, if i had that ability, i'd happily offer to fix all 200 animations, and upload the datafile.



Beds - that is something I am not going to bother with, as I simply don't have the time to jack with it.  If someone wanted to sit down and go through each animation on a bed and align them, then note down the alignment changes and give them to me I'll update the ini files.

Again, as i said: IF i could make the adjustments ingame, then dump them to a file (instead of manually copypasting from the console over and over), i'd happily do that.


My original post wasn't about me expecting others to fix the alignments and positions, but the user having the ability to fix it.



3. Right now lovers does show you what animation is being used (hit the console key).  Disabling an ini (change the extension to anything other than .ini) or deleting it, is pretty darn simple and fast so I don't understand your point there.


That's very useful, thank you. I thought this kind of stuff were only possible, if one switched to debugmode or something. Hmm, maybe things like this - along with the adjustment keys - should be added to the readme?



most of the core parts of Lovers with PK were created by the Japanese.  They have moved on to Skyrim.  The few tweaks we have done are for the most part fairly simple items.  I just don't know of anyone left that is active in Oblivion that would be interested in taking this stuff on.

Ooops. I'm sorry, i didn't know this at all. While i knew that a lot of LPK-based mods are coming from the japanese, i didn't know that they also were the primary devs of LPK itself, and that they've moved on to skyrim. Please consider the whole topic made out of ignorance then, because it was basically addressing someone who doesn't exist.

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3. Ability to ingame disable animations one doesn't want to occur. I know that one can manually mess around with the ini files, but this is complicated, unintuitive and slow. Alternatively, an option in the settings, which on each animation change, displays the animation ID/num as a message would help.


This will be hard, first of there is no English manual on how any part of lovers with pk even works, everything is Japanese and google translate or other such tools make it really hard to have fully workable manual done. or this would have been the first thing finished by now.


sexlab or sexout is easier because this was made by english speaking modders. and also have there manual done in English already.


Lovers with pk was actually a by product from the older version of xlovers and sexlivion who where first created by Russian modders. Then adapted to Japanese.


In order to have the above done, you will have to rewrite allot of scripts before you can do the above. animations aren't done by only 1 script but more like several at once,


Right now it easier to just open LoversIdleAnimsPriority.esp and delete certain animations from within animations list. this way they will not be chosen when randomize script kicks in.

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The adjustment keys are listed right on the OP of ALL resource packs for lovers.  The OP of a mod functions as the readme for most of the lovers plugins on this site.


LoversBackup 2 should save any position change you make for forward, backward, up or down to either character.  I do not think it saves any rotational changes.  Rotational changes are something that was brand new with rev96 and was intended mostly to rotate you out of walls or other obstructions.  I don't know if that rotational change is saved anywhere in lovers or if it is a temp thing only.  You'd have to play with it and see.  The 5, 6, 7 and 8 keys are the rotational ones if I remember right.


Much of the core of lovers still isn't well understood or even documented, as machine translations are spotty at best and it appears that multiple different Japanese authors made the different revision changes.  It is kind of a hodge podge affair to be perfectly honest.  The good news is that it is stable.  :)

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Note to self: The japanese are really good at keeping software in their control, via something as simple as a language barrier.


(Not the first time i've seen this situation. Last time, it was a graphical roguelike with MMO-style features (crafting, property, and so on) in a singleplayer game: Elona). Written in a language that only has japenese docs. Gamecode itself too only has japanese docs. Then original gamedev loses interest, and goes away.... ooops).

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English is world Language, witch means many seem to be able to speak it writing is different, many Japanese seem to be able to speak fluent English. How many English people speak Fluent Japanese or at least able to write in Japanese not that many ??



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It's not only that english is a world language, but also that japanese apparently is really hard to translate in any automated way. If someone were to write a game, but have the docs in german, a machine translation from german into english would make much more sense, than your typical machine translation from japanese to english.




To drive the point home - what follows is the above, translated in to german:


Es ist nicht nur, dass englisch eine weltsprache ist, sondern auch, dass japanisch scheinbar sehr schwer automatisch übersetzbar ist. Wenn jemand ein spiel schreiben würde, aber die Dokumentation in deutsch ist, so würde eine Übersetzung in Englisch mehr Sinn ergeben, als eine typische Übersetzung von japanisch nach englisch.


Now, via google-translate, back to english:


It is not just that English is a world language, but also that Japanese is apparently very difficult to automatically translate. If someone would write a play, but the documentation is in German, a translation would make more sense in English than a typical translation from Japanese to English.


Any questions? :)


EDIT2: (Disclaimer: Some of the handful of minor errors google-translate made above, might actually be errors on my side. That's because in the (manually translated) german version, i didn't do proper capitalization of some words. That matters, because some words in german can get a slightly different meaning, based on capitalization. For example, google translated "spiel" to "play" - but if i had capitalized it as "Spiel", it might have been properly translated to "game".)

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That is so very true!  The Japanese, and Chinese for that matter, not only have a very different sentence structure, but they also have a fuckton of words that simply have no English equivalent.  Most machine translations of either language come out as total gibberish.


While German does jack with sentence structure, it is a simple enough matter to play with the word order most times to figure out what they are saying.

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 The 5, 6, 7 and 8 keys are the rotational ones if I remember right.



The 5 and 6 keys indeed rotate the characters, but I believe (in Rev96 at least) that 7 and 8 are used to move both partners up and down together. A great help when the animation lines up but their legs are buried in the ground.


As well, I do not see the point of saving rotation - wouldn't that completely mess up alignment on beds? 


Most of GregAtHits new animated penis animations line up remarkably well - even on beds. Unless you are playing as a Wood Elf and your lover is an Orc...

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 The 5, 6, 7 and 8 keys are the rotational ones if I remember right.



The 5 and 6 keys indeed rotate the characters, but I believe (in Rev96 at least) that 7 and 8 are used to move both partners up and down together. A great help when the animation lines up but their legs are buried in the ground.


As well, I do not see the point of saving rotation - wouldn't that completely mess up alignment on beds? 


Most of GregAtHits new animated penis animations line up remarkably well - even on beds. Unless you are playing as a Wood Elf and your lover is an Orc...



Yea, that is right, the 7 and 8 keys are for uneven surfaces or to get over/under an obstacle.


The bed information is stored separately in the ini so it would indeed lead to issues if it was saved.


While the new animations themselves are aligned between partners, they are NOT necessarily aligned with the other animations, thus some jumping around does occur.  Stuff that I have to radically alter or remake, I center but other stuff I can just touch up, I leave as is and many are offset.  Thus as you hit the grab key to shuffle through the animations there is a bit of jumping around.  It didn't bother me enough to spend the time to correct it.


Like I said, I haven't taken the time to check stuff on beds.  I just don't have the free time to do it right now.

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