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Simple slavery and sex animations not working correctly

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I've installed simple slavery plus plus on my Skyrim SE. All dependencies are seemingly installed correctly. I get the MCM for ZAZAnimation and fuz doh rah is installed. I also get the MCM for simple slavery plus plus and can start the auction correctly. However my character (or the other slaves) are never restrained as they should be but the auction otherwise works as it should. The option to test animation does not work either. I've also installed public whore and the sex is extremely bugged. Both my character and who they are having sex with strip to just their underwear and the animation just shows who I'm having sex with behind me standing there. I suspect something is wrong with my sexlab install. I have 163.7 (SE version) installed and get the MCM for sexlab and after I click install in the MCM and close menus I get a message that sexlab is available. I also click the option to register animations in ZAZAninmation which works. Another thing I should mention is I'm using the downgrade patch from AE to SE (uninstalled AE DLC too) and to the best of my knowledge have all SE versions of the mods installed. I'm using the script extender for SE and that seems to be working correctly. As I mentioned in my post yesterday, I'm a noob to modding (in any game), so please go easy on me as I'm sure the solution is obvious.

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Thanks for replying. I'm probably looking incredibly ignorant, but how do I get a copy of my LO that I can paste? I can see it in my Vortex menu but don't know how to copy/paste that or is there is another way to copy/paste it? I've included printscreens of my Vortex as a next best thing. The ones above picture 1 are just the expansions and the mods generated automatically when I applied the AE to SE patch. I don't have a nude body replacer mod, I assumed that came with sexlab. I just put unp/cbbe (and unp and cbbe seperately) into NexusMods, LL and Bing and they came up with many different mods. Can you recommend one for me to install? Edit, the warning messages are saying that I have the mod for the wrong game, even though as you can see all but one are for SE. I could only find racemenu which I need for AE, so installed it and hoped.



Edited by Rhapsody39
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53 minutes ago, Rhapsody39 said:

Thanks for replying. I'm probably looking incredibly ignorant, but how do I get a copy of my LO that I can paste? I can see it in my Vortex menu but don't know how to copy/paste that or is there is another way to copy/paste it? I've included printscreens of my Vortex as a next best thing. The ones above picture 1 are just the expansions and the mods generated automatically when I applied the AE to SE patch. I don't have a nude body replacer mod, I assumed that came with sexlab. I just put unp/cbbe (and unp and cbbe seperately) into NexusMods, LL and Bing and they came up with many different mods. Can you recommend one for me to install? Edit, the warning messages are saying that I have the mod for the wrong game, even though as you can see all but one are for SE. I could only find racemenu which I need for AE, so installed it and hoped.



I can't really go through everything but already with devious device the se version already included expension integration and the other one so you only need asset

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Thank you both, I was researching while waiting for an answer here and I worked out that I needed to run the exe for FNIS, rather than just install through vortex. I had a quick check and most things are now working, although the clothed during sex problem remains, guess I need to find a body mod. Am I right in thinking that XP32 is a valid skeleton mod for my needs?

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46 minutes ago, Rhapsody39 said:

Thank you both, I was researching while waiting for an answer here and I worked out that I needed to run the exe for FNIS, rather than just install through vortex. I had a quick check and most things are now working, although the clothed during sex problem remains, guess I need to find a body mod. Am I right in thinking that XP32 is a valid skeleton mod for my needs?


Decide which body mod you want to use and it will probably refer you to or require a specific skeleton.

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