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Bodyslide Preset Not Being Applied In-Game

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Hello all, I am a noob with a noob question. 


So I spent a good amount of time in Bodyslide making my own preset and applied it, loaded the game, and found that it was not being applied.

I can apply any other preset such as any of the built-in CBBE ones and they work just fine, but if I apply my "custom" preset it seems to load the CBBE-Slim preset that it was built from.


I am using CBBE 3BA and am attempting to apply this preset over "CBBE 3BBB Body Amazing", which again, works for everything else but my preset.


Here is what I am doing exactly:

- Click the "Group Filter" box and select everything.

- Check the box in the bottom left for the file output.

- Leave the "Build Morphs" box checked.

- Click "Batch Build" and make sure everything is checked.

- After the batch build is done, click the larger "Build" button.


All of these steps complete without issue, and the preview shows the body as it should.

Possibly related but it doesn't seem to be affecting anything, I get a warning from XPMSE when I load into a new save telling me the wrong skeleton has been applied to the actor and some things are disabled. However, immediately after that message it indicates that everything is fine, and physics for hair / breasts / butt / belly etc all work fine.



Any help is much appreciated.


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After doing a little more digging, it appears as though NO presets are being applied at all. Even if I apply to the base CBBE Body the only thing that changes is whether or not physics are applied. 


I've tried deleting femalebody_0.nif and femalebody_1.nif and have BodySlide rebuild the file to no effect.

I've also tried making a preset with hugely exaggerated features so any change would be obvious, but it didn't do anything. 

I've re-installed anything body related except for CBBE itself.


Really have no idea where to go from here.

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For issues where you're not getting any changes via Bodyslide, the likely culprit is  output misdirection, something that happens quite often when people install the game to non default locations. I thing the Bodyslide mod page explains what you need to do, or the various Bodyslide discussion posts do, since it's a pretty common issue.


the basic gist is Bodyslide presumes a certain folder structure, including the location of the player mesh folder (since Bodyslide outputs mesh and optionally, tri files by checking the build morphs checkbox for racemenu operability). If yours doesn't match its expectation, firing "build" will do (effectively) nothing, so you need to open settings >> advanced, then set the output folder appropriately for your installation (although that might or might not have been updated due to changes in the more recent Bodyslide versions, I'm a bit out of date on my mod versions)


Also, just to be sure, when you "create" a preset for your player (or for a follower for that matter) , make sure to use a template preset that matches your body type (ie, CBBE >> CBBE preset, BHUNP >> BHUNP preset, CBBE-3BA >>> CBBE-3BA preset, etc). It isn't difficult to accidentally choose an incorrect type (ex: CBBE preset for a CBBE-3BA body, or a BHUNP v1 preset with a BHUNP v2 body or visa versa), and doing so can result in either partial (same family) or total (CBBE family with UNP family preset or visa versa) failure, so it pays to be attentive. 



Edited by anjenthedog
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2 hours ago, anjenthedog said:



Also, just to be sure, when you "create" a preset for your player (or for a follower for that matter) , make sure to use a template preset that matches your body type (ie, CBBE >> CBBE preset, BHUNP >> BHUNP preset, CBBE-3BA >>> CBBE-3BA preset, etc). It isn't difficult to accidentally choose an incorrect type (ex: CBBE preset for a CBBE-3BA body, or a BHUNP v1 preset with a BHUNP v2 body or visa versa), and doing so can result in either partial (same family) or total (CBBE family with UNP family preset or visa versa) failure, so it pays to be attentive. 




Appears that this is what has happened. I think when I created my preset I mismatched the preset to the body type. Possibly applied CBBE Slim to a CBBE-3BA body. Im a little confused though. When I select "CBBE 3BBB Body Amazing" from the "Outfit/Body" dropdown all the options I have for presets appear to just be "normal" CBBE presets. Should I not be using those? Do I just use the "Zeroed Sliders" option to create a preset for a 3BA Body?


Now that the root cause has (probably) been identified, any suggestions on how to fix it short of a full rebuild?

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Part of the problem is that some of th presets don't announce which they support. Afaik, anything with "CBBE" as the first word of its name is "CBBE" (ie stock CBBE). Anything that just says "7B Oppai" or "UNP Top Model" etc is probably a UNP preset. If it has "Immitation" in it, it's possible/likely its for the 3BBB/3BA frame.  BHUNP and UUNP have presets clearly identified as such (UUNP - some name, BHUNP - some name).


As well any custom bodyslides you've installed for a given body type, but that's another matter.


ex: CBBE Slim  <<< Afaik, that preset is designed to create a CBBE mesh, not a CBBE-3BA mesh. so it may transpose some of the variables (ie, breast size, hip width, etc), it won't adjust many of the settings associated with later versions of the CBBE family (all sorts of settings). And... it may result in "unforeseen circumstance". It ~kinda works with CBBE-3BBB, not sure with the many additional adjustments offered by 3BA, that it'd work well at all any more, if at all.


I run CBBE-3BBB for my female player, and for me, the presets that are suitable are things like "Immitation - Pretty Girl Body" or others I have downloaded and installed specifically for the 3BBB frame. I'd *guess that 3BA's preset names are similar to or duplicates of those used for CBBE-3BBB, but since I don't use 3BA specifically (effectively CBBE-3BBB v2), I'm not entirely sure what the names of the default CBBE-3BA preset entries are.  I used a different set of presets, suitable for use with BHUNP bodies, as my templates when converting a few UNP followers to BHUNP followers and "creating" their Bodyslides.



As far as "fixing goes... I'm old school

  1. you'll need to write down your slider settings (or take snapshots) for the preset you were using.
  2. Identify the template you chose first time around (so you can pick a suitable replacement template for your body type), since presumably you saved this into a custom bodyslide. (ex: "Sarah Sahjia nude body", or Sarah Sahjia heavy armor body", or "Sarah Sahjia Bikini body", etc)
  3. choose a body-friendly preset (ideally of the same template as you worked with before, ie, was CBBE SevnBase >> now is Immitation - 7B Oppai (close approximation with a few small adjustments like reducing the breast size)
  4. set your sliders, per your notes/snapshots, then adjust to accommodate any changed variables due to the preset change (although some are very close, they're generally not one for one "duplicates")
  5. check the "build morphs" box (to ensure racemenu support downstream)
  6. ensure your output is being directed correctly
  7. Build


There might be an easier way to "convert" a preset" but I've never done it and have only read hints that it might be something you can do... idk..


Personally, I'd start by *individually* doing the body, then build the feet and hands after, and only then play with your batch building of clothing/armor/etc, once you're checked and verified in game that she's got the bod and Bodyslide is doing its job. 



Edited by anjenthedog
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Thank you for taking the time to reply and help, I really appreciate it. 


I attempted uninstalling CBBE, 3BA, and BodySlide to see if that would affect anything, but it did not.

I also attempted the steps you describe above unfortunately to no effect.

Lastly, I also attempted to manually apply my slider settings to other templates that should have been compatible with 3BA, again, to no effect.


I did notice something strange though. No matter what body / template I apply, if I click the button to open in OutfitStudio, the body remains the exact same as the default 3BA. The only exception to this is if I apply a "vanilla" CBBE preset, then the  vagina looks different but everything else is the same.


I don't know enough about Skyrim modding / BodySlide to know what that means, but it seems like the "default" body is stuck being the base 3BA body and can't be changed. 


I also recall that I originally opened my template in OutfitStudio for some reason and saved it there, and since then this has been happening. So maybe the original template that I built my preset from was a CBBE template that was then applied to the 3BA body both in BodySlide itself and OutfitStudio. This would explain why XPMSE gives a warning about the skeleton but physics work anyways. Probably just need to convert the CBBE preset into an "actual" 3BA preset.

Edited by Sentinel112
more detail
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