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Need help setting up Foreplay animations in SexLab 1.63 (leadin system)

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So this has been a problem for a while but now with all my desired animation packs installed, it's become even bigger & I need help from someone acquainted with the animation tag system enough to help me. 


I'm coming from LE 1.62 where all I had to do back then was toggle animations in the Foreplay & Aggressive sections & they'd play whenever sex in either of those contextual situations would come up, that's it. Now I'm on SE 1.63 & there's this whole tag system with LeadIn & Aggressive that adds tags to them when I enable animations in those sections even when they didn't have those tags originally & despite having many animations enabled in the Foreplay section, only 2 animations ever appear in the list during foreplay scenarios. Aggressive scenario list seems fine so far but might change if it has the same issue as LeadIn.


So my questions:


1. How do I get more animations to appear during foreplay situations? The new ones I added all have the LeadIn tag so no reason they shouldn't appear?


2. If I add the LeadIn tag to animations in the Foreplay section, will they not be available in non-foreplay situations while the cooldown is active? If yes, how do I get them to appear in both while keeping foreplay from starting everytime I start a sex animation with someone?


SexLab 1.62 didn't have this system back then, it was so much simpler just enabling & disabling animations in the list & not having to worry about cooldowns & tags since each mod knew when foreplay & aggressive sex was applicable & never did it excessively, no need for cooldowns. But since 1.63 doubled the animation slots & I unfortunately can't downgrade to Beta 8 safely (last version before LeadIn cooldown system was added), I have to make this version work. 


So anyone know how to help me here?

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