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Mod to become a pimp?


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I was just wondering if it would be possible to make a mod where your character could essentially become a pimp. I know that in Fallout 3, there is a mod that allows you to have your companions "work" for you, and I thought it would be cool to see a similar mod here. There is a hooker mod that already exists, and it's pretty well done from what I remember, but it only lets you sell yourself.


I know that the extender mod allows you to make npcs do whatever you want, so I suppose that it could be possible to make this too. I'm not asking that someone do it or something, I know that's not cool, but I was just wondering if anyone thinks it could be done in the first place. It seems like a lot of people have moved onto Skyrim now, but some people like me still love good old Oblivion.


Thanks for any responses.

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Lovers Slave Trader lets you have your slaves "sell their flower" either in the general vicinity or to a specific person.


You can also sell the slaves.


It's not quite what you want, but it's pretty close.

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There aren't any "pimp" mods for Oblivion that I am aware of. 


The closest thing would be Bravil Underground & Lovers Slave Trader in which you can become a slaver.  Some of the quests require you to sexually break folks and make them your sex slaves.  You can also enslave pretty much anyone in the game and force them to sell their bodies to others.  You can stand around and watch them solicit folks (turning tricks) for sex if that is your thing. 

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Wow, thanks for the quick responses. The whole slave thing isn't something I'm sure that I'd like, so I can always just hope that Gaebrial makes some progress on his mod. Thanks for the info though.


Also, I have another question, though it's totally different from this one. I suppose it should have its own topic, but I don't really want to just keep making topics. If you'd rather I do make a new one, I can do that too though.


Anyways, I was wondering if it is at all possible to make a new position group. Specifically, if you look in the ini files, there are "sposgroups" 0-5 which all correspond with different animations. Now what I'd like to do is make a few new groups (if possible) to better sort the ones I like. There are some animations I may prefer over others, but then you sometimes need to cycle through 15 others to get to that one. For convience, I'd like to group them into multiple (smaller) groups. Any idea how I'd do this? I know that the ini points towards the quests in the contruction set, and that they relate to certain scripts. Again, not asking for someone to do it for me or anything; I'd just like to know if it's possible/how it could be done before I try anything that could waste a lot of time.


Sorry for the long post (and sorry again if it should have had its own topic), but thanks for any help you can provide. =D

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Unless you are familiar and comfortable writing\reworking scripts then creating new groups is not a good option.  You'd be better off removing the animations you don't like and renumbering those you prefer to be lower in that group so you don't have to flip through a bunch of animations to get to them. 


Renumbering things is a simpler route, just renumber the kf and ini files (and any object files if there is a chair\table\shelf or whatever in the animation).

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Yeah, I wouldn't say that I'm super familiar with scripting, but I don't mind learning it either. It would be worth it to me if I could add in the groups I wanted to, rather than just rework the order of existing ones (I've already done that, and it's okay, but still). I just think it would be nice for certain anims that don't seem to fit into their existing group, but we still don't want to lose. For example: Instead of all the anims under the "oral" catergory being in one big group, seperate them into groups that are more specific to what's actually happening. I know that I'd like that more.


Anyways, thanks. Not sure how I'd do this (or where I could learn to do it the right way), but thanks for the advice & replies.

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  • 2 weeks later...

BravilUnderground: It depends on when you sell the slaves. Untrained = little Money, Trained slave Level 5 = lots of Money. And you can pimp your slaves and you get the Money. Trained slaves earn more Money than untrained slaves. (They don't make so much Money as you can earn in LoversHokers.)

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