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Item slot changed itself (?)

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I understand if the title is a little confusing, but really, can't find a better way to put it on a title... Also I apologize in advance for any typos or slightly over-complicated paragraphs I may add, English is not my first language but I try so very hard :P



Short version:

A piece of equipment, in this case a skirt from a mod used to use a certain slot (not entirely sure which), and I was able to use that skirt along with a regular armor chest (the armor that I believe goes in Slot 32? [again not sure about slot numbers :/]). Now the skirt is somehow using the same slot as the armor, and I can no longer wear both items; one replaces the other.


Long version:

-This first happened a few days back when I was trying/testing Sanguine's Debauchery for SexLab. I can't recall for sure right now the circumstances in which this could have happened or what could have triggered it, but it must have been either being enslaved, or the beginning of the Spriggan quest, where the Spriggan wraps around the player's character.


-Now, some background on that; Before I started using Sanguine's Debauchery, my character used to wear a Dragon Priest mask, and as soon as I enabled SD (with Sanguine's item enabled), Sanguine's item took the slot of the dragon priest mask, and needless to say I couldn't detach the item, so I resigned to wear that mask. 


Back to the problem; At the time it happened, the item that was detached from me was Sanguine's item no less, the item that's supposed to be nondetachable. When I finished the quest and my character's body was free of the Spriggan "armor" is when I realized this was happening, and not only I could attach and detach Sanguine's item at will, but it was no longer using the same slot as the Dragon Priest mask (and I'm not sure -which- slot it was using now), so once again I could wear the mask -and- Sanguine's item.


-Now this weird bug happened again yesterday, when I was trying out various ways to have sex with NPCs using SexLab. I was using the skirt from Brokefoot's West Wind Combat Misfit Mage set, and the Steel Plate chest/armor. After I had sex with one of the NPCs inside the Inn in Riften (I believe I used the Romance plugging for this) and the mod/mods proceeded to reequip my items, my skirt was missing. When I went to manually equip the skirt, the skirt replaced my steel plate armor, now using the same slot as the chest/armor piece, and haven't been able to fix it yet.


I guess my questions/Inquiries would be, has this happened to any of you? is there a work-around and/or a way to fix it/prevent it? make it so the items go back to using the slot they should be using? I have seen a few posts and comments through Google searches stating that it can be achieved by modifying the items in CK or something like that, but the game did it by itself :/ and in the first case it either even fixed itself or the item simply decided to use yet another random slot :/ so my guess is there -must- be a way to relocate the items in-game.


Also worth remarking that both times it happened I was already wearing an item in the slot that was taken over by the other item, i.e. the item didn't jump to an unused slot, but rather sounds like it somehow the items got mixed up royally when auto-equipping.



I really hope all of this makes sense to at least some of you, and apologies in advance if this has been answered before and/or I'm posting it in the wrong place. I have tried searching and have found nothing directly related to my issue, and not 100% sure where I would post this here in LoversLab. I'll also mention that I'm not really pointing my finger at any particular mod as the culprit of this, the reason I'm even posting it here is because I know for sure that there are quite a few members that really know what they are doing when it comes to these things, unlike me.



Thanks a ton! :) Do let me know if something doesn't quite make a lot of sense, I'll try to explain better.




-I'm using the latest versions for SKSE, FNIS, SkyUI, and pretty much everything else.

-Everything is working great; SexLab itself, Lovers Comfort, Lovers Hook, Working Girl, Romance, Submit, Sanguine's Debauchery (just yesterday I installed the SexLab Compatibility patch for SD and it's also working great).



-I just tried reinstalling the Mage set mod, and testing out some of the other skirt options in the same set, along with other pieces of chest/armor, and no luck. It's as if both slots somehow merged together :/

-I also tried using the player.equipitem command but no luck either. Any other commands that could help at all?



-I'm also using SOS - Schlongs of Skyrim, and the second time this happened I was using that mod, as it was one of the things I was testing, but the first time it happened, in the SD/Spriggan quests I wasn't. Again, the more I think about it the more I think this is the wrong place to post this, but I've no idea where else would I put it x_x please feel free to move it wherever, or let me know so I can do it. Worth remarking though that while I did read a couple of people at the Nexus having a similar issue when using SOS, this problem isn't all because of SOS, as I mentioned, it happened once before even knowing that mod existed; the problem may have been triggered the same way (God knows how) but I'm assuming it can be triggered via multiple mods/ways.

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Sanguine debauchery forma sexlab? Where is it? And about your problem, the SD mod had an option to enable or disable the daedric artifact, so, return to the point before all this happens and use that option to avoid conflicts, in some parts the daedric artifact get removed (as in the embassy party of the talmor) in that quest i had the daedric artifact removed, so if you are using Alternate Actors sometimes get unequiped too. And tell me, where is the sanguine debauchery version for sexlab?

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The problem as I've stated is not that Sanguine's item got detached, that's fine by me honestly, since I just turned it on because I didn't even know what it was  :P The problem is the second thing that happened, slots somehow merging to each other... But this has happened twice already, and the second time had nothing to do with SD, which leads me to think going back to an older save would only "fix" the problem momentarily, until X trigger happens again and the problem reoccurs. That said, I wouldn't want to go back to that much of an older save and replay everything I've done so far lol x_x


Thanks for trying though :)


Here's the link to the Unofficial SD SexLab patch, thanks to  somename.sn.

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I'm having a similar problem to this. I am using SOS too, as well as the Revealing Armors mod. At the time of the bug I didn't have SD (I cleaned and uninstalled a few days ago), so no Daedric artifact or anything.


Every time I equipped the underwear from SoS my glass chest armor would unequip. When I equipped the glass armor, the underwear would equip and it would show me the 'hole in pelvis' bug. This all started in a cave when several bandits 'had their way' with my char using the Sexlab Defeat mod.


I uninstalled and reinstalled SOS Revealing Armors, and that fixed the problem. The armors and underwear were back to their intended slots and I could equip both again. Hopefully, there's a solution in that.


One thing I feel might also have something to do with it (no basis, really): sometimes when my char was getting his revenge, while switching positions sometimes the underwear would start appearing on the char without it actually being equipped. It might just be a strip option I've clicked wrong, of course, but... still odd. When I go into the menu during the animation, equip the armor, then exit and switch positions, his cock is out and ramming them happily again instead of just dry humping.


Edit: Also, just in case:




Schlongs of Skyrim - Core.esm=1
The Well Dressed Mage.esp=1
SexLab Horny Followers - Male Only.esp=0
SOS - Smurf Average Addon.esp=1
SOS - VectorPlexus Muscular Addon.esp=1
SOS - VectorPlexus Regular Addon.esp=1
Schlongs of Skyrim.esp=1
SOS - Revealing Armors.esp=1

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay totally forgot that I made this post, but basically, SOS - Schlongs of Skyrim was my problem :P 

As for the time when I didn't have SOS installed, the other mod basically did something similar using slots, and I just had no knowledge about slots at all lol... so... yeah, nevermind :P

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