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"??your sister's lingerie - - For your fetishist *part 3 1.0.0"-Can we talk about this critically for a second? Like seriously?

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Now I am not going to say critically in terms of fetishes cross dressing is bad, you do you. 

how ever as a female with a brother who went to go on and transition to a female, SHE FUCKING TOOK MY SHIT. my make up, my clothes, even my mother fucking pads; I get this a fantasy type deal, but its creepy, and kind of off putting to people who have went through the whole secretly trans person stealing your shit before transitioning, and I kind of want to say something it makes me uncomfortable to get downloads here. 

There is nothing wrong if you your a guy and get your rocks off to wearing female undies, so long as said undies belong to you and not your sister, your mom, your girlfriend, or some other other female in your life.

TLDR: its okay if your a crossdresser, but not okay to steal panties, and it makes me uncomfortable as a female to get dowloads, when a description is like this/ 

Edited by Alfredalfer
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Whilst I do understand the point of what you're making. The problem more so is that society in general tends to ridicule people who were born male for wearing clothes designed for women. If the shame of that didn't exist, people who are DMAB (designated male at birth) wouldn't feel the need to sneak & steal clothes from the women in their lives. Cuz I can imagine if your sister before she transitioned went & bought girls underwear they'd probably get a lot of weird looks & possibly some not so nice comments. And that would've been a best case scenario considering how people get physically attacked in some places.

Edited by djdj5275
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46 minutes ago, djdj5275 said:

Whilst I do understand the point of what you're making. The problem more so is that society in general tends to ridicule people who were born male for wearing clothes designed for women. If the shame of that didn't exist, people who are DMAB (designated male at birth) wouldn't feel the need to sneak & steal clothes from the women in their lives. Cuz I can imagine if your sister before she transitioned went & bought girls underwear they'd probably get a lot of weird looks & possibly some not so nice comments. And that would've been a best case scenario considering how people get physically attacked in some places.

DMAB is a term made up to try and explain a mental issue... biology is what sets gender.. not feelings...if you denounce science which is what biology is... then I encourage you to explain why you have a computer... or a game to play... science is proven time and again... so let people think what they want and don't try and guilt folks into a agenda pls. btw you claim those types of people get physically attacked? you mean like Jussie Smollet?  in my area we tend to let folks live their lives as they seem fit... as long as they are not trying to push their agenda on us personally... 


To the OP... sounds like you was tormented in your youth... we all were at some point... it's life... we all had to endure something bad thing in our lives.. that whichs knocks you down is only a test to see if your strong enough to get back up tho... so stand up girl... and brush it off

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4 hours ago, djdj5275 said:

Whilst I do understand the point of what you're making. The problem more so is that society in general tends to ridicule people who were born male for wearing clothes designed for women. If the shame of that didn't exist, people who are DMAB (designated male at birth) wouldn't feel the need to sneak & steal clothes from the women in their lives. Cuz I can imagine if your sister before she transitioned went & bought girls underwear they'd probably get a lot of weird looks & possibly some not so nice comments. And that would've been a best case scenario considering how people get physically attacked in some places.

the problem isn't I have no issue with trans women or possibly men who like who wearing women's underwear, the problem is the idea or promoting the idea that taking someones elses underwear with out consent isnt wrong. Even if society is fucked, theres no excuse in taking a womans underwear with out permission, especially when women have to pay extra for shit like underwear and make up and tampons, yeah its fucked people don't feel comfortable in buying the clothes and undies that suit them with out judgement, but its even more fucked when your a woman, who has to pay extra on top of buying clothes but bras that fit their size, and if your above a c that can get costly, not mention that pads are considered a luxury, and someone takes that expensive piece of clothing for the purpose of validation. I'm sorry but when you pay 40 dollars for a decent bra so you walk out of the house with out jiggling, and a male or trans woman takes it because they can't be bother to even go online and buy it themselves, so they can feel validated, that is a dick move. 


If a trans woman has a problem with what I said, welcome to the world of gender inequality, cis gendered women have been living in it since the get go, if I am woman enough to buy my own panties pads and other feminime trappins, then you should be too, no excuse don't steal your mom or sisters underwear. 

Edited by Alfredalfer
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2 hours ago, Alfredalfer said:

If a trans woman has a problem with what I said, welcome to the world of gender inequality, cis gendered women have been living in it since the get go, if I am woman enough to buy my own panties pads and other feminime trappins, then you should be too, no excuse don't steal your mom or sisters underwear. 

Firstly, at no point did I say that stealing was okay. I was simply trying to inform you that there's a much bigger picture to the problem. I am not a trans woman so I can't speak for how they'd feel about your opinion. However, I am a man who does wear feminine clothes and makeup sometimes. Not for sexual pleasure, but simply because I like girly things. I've had people look at me strangely & often say rude things when I purchase these things. Personally it doesn't bother me when that happens but that's not how everyone is. Again stealing anything is wrong, but the issue you're experiencing has a lot of layers.

Edited by djdj5275
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4 hours ago, Monson said:

DMAB is a term made up to try and explain a mental issue... biology is what sets gender.. not feelings...

Imma be honest with you. I stopped reading after this line. Just like you have the freedom to say what you want, I can state my opinion as well. If you don't like that I don't really know what to tell you.

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2 hours ago, djdj5275 said:

Firstly, at no point did I say that stealing was okay. I was simply trying to inform you that there's a much bigger picture to the problem. I am not a trans woman so I can't speak for how they'd feel about your opinion. However, I am a man who does wear feminine clothes and makeup sometimes. Not for sexual pleasure, but simply because I like girly things. I've had people look at me strangely & often say rude things when I purchase these things. Personally it doesn't bother me when that happens but that's not how everyone is. Again stealing anything is wrong, but the issue you're experiencing has a lot of layers.

its really simple the title I am complaining about sexualizes the act of stealing a woman's underwear for kicks, women already face some deep societal issues surrounding said undies, therefore its wrong its problematic; not saying the mere the act of wearing panties as a guy whether for pleasure or just because is bad, its the fact that the scenario of man stealing undies from there sister for a sexual thrill is problematic because it treats the undies that can be costly, and required to maintain a societal expectation for a woman, as nothing more than a fun experience for the man, regardless of cost or consent of the woman. I don't even buy my bras at a store, I have mine custom made because my size is bigger than most d cups found in store, and thats costs a pretty penny; so even, and again not saying you, but if that is a determining factor for some men to steal items from women, who may not want be genderconforming, the argument still falls flat because its like there isn't an option to order undies from online.


btw if you do buy womens underwear if lingerie, dont buy cheap shit, like really invest,, and dont underestimate the full brief style its comfortable.

Edited by Alfredalfer
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2 hours ago, Alfredalfer said:

its really simple the title I am complaining about sexualizes the act of stealing a woman's underwear for kicks, women already face some deep societal issues surrounding said undies, therefore its wrong its problematic; not saying the mere the act of wearing panties as a guy whether for pleasure or just because is bad, its the fact that the scenario of man stealing undies from there sister for a sexual thrill is problematic because it treats the undies that can be costly, and required to maintain a societal expectation for a woman, as nothing more than a fun experience for the man, regardless of cost or consent of the woman. I don't even buy my bras at a store, I have mine custom made because my size is bigger than most d cups found in store, and thats costs a pretty penny; so even, and again not saying you, but if that is a determining factor for some men to steal items from women, who may not want be genderconforming, the argument still falls flat because its like there isn't an option to order undies from online.

I'm not sure if you're understanding my point. I'm saying that yes the promotion of men stealing womens clothes & wearing them for sexual gratification is wrong. However, I am also saying that the reason that fetish is even a thing is because of how society looks at men wearing bras, panties, dresses, high heels, etc. I understand that women go through a lot when comes to finding things that fit properly & how much those pieces cost (trust me I've seen it). If it were culturally acceptable for men to go to a store & buy lingerie made for them, I'm certain that they would. I know of places online that do specialize in making male lingerie, but I'm sure most guys don't. And ordering things online can very tricky cuz you run the risk of the clothes not fitting & then having to either mail it back to get a refund which will just be more of a hassle. I understand your point and I agree with it, but I think the root of the problem is much bigger & deep rooted, that's all. (p.s. I usually tend to go for bralettes. I own a couple from savage fenty. I like how the neon lacey ones look.)

Edited by djdj5275
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5 hours ago, djdj5275 said:

I'm not sure if you're understanding my point. I'm saying that yes the promotion of men stealing womens clothes & wearing them for sexual gratification is wrong. However, I am also saying that the reason that fetish is even a thing is because of how society looks at men wearing bras, panties, dresses, high heels, etc. I understand that women go through a lot when comes to finding things that fit properly & how much those pieces cost (trust me I've seen it). If it were culturally acceptable for men to go to a store & buy lingerie made for them, I'm certain that they would. I know of places online that do specialize in making male lingerie, but I'm sure most guys don't. And ordering things online can very tricky cuz you run the risk of the clothes not fitting & then having to either mail it back to get a refund which will just be more of a hassle. I understand your point and I agree with it, but I think the root of the problem is much bigger & deep rooted, that's all. (p.s. I usually tend to go for bralettes. I own a couple from savage fenty. I like how the neon lacey ones look.)

Yeah I have pieces from fenty, although normally colors I go with are best with pale skin, like black or burgendy red, maybe a scarlet if I am feeling bold. I prefer minimal lace, and for everyday ones I go with like pastels like pink or blue. I find too much lace is over the top. 

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18 hours ago, Alfredalfer said:

Now I am not going to say critically in terms of fetishes cross dressing is bad, you do you. 

how ever as a female with a brother who went to go on and transition to a female, SHE FUCKING TOOK MY SHIT. my make up, my clothes, even my mother fucking pads; I get this a fantasy type deal, but its creepy, and kind of off putting to people who have went through the whole secretly trans person stealing your shit before transitioning, and I kind of want to say something it makes me uncomfortable to get downloads here. 

There is nothing wrong if you your a guy and get your rocks off to wearing female undies, so long as said undies belong to you and not your sister, your mom, your girlfriend, or some other other female in your life.

TLDR: its okay if your a crossdresser, but not okay to steal panties, and it makes me uncomfortable as a female to get dowloads, when a description is like this/ 

This is a mod made for a video game. I completely understand what you're saying, but I don't think this is necessary. You can also download rape animations, dismembered corpses, torture devices. Plenty of things you shouldn't do in real life, but have fun with in a game.

So yes please, people, don't steal panties.



16 hours ago, Monson said:

[...] biology is what sets gender.. not feelings...if you denounce science which is what biology is... then I encourage you to explain why you have a computer [...]


That's not the subject of this thread, so I won't go further in the discussion even if you answer me. I'm just letting you know that gender studies is an interdisciplinary academic field, regrouping mainly sociology, psychology and psychiatry. But also archeology, history, linguistics. You should look it up there is plenty of great articles about this stuff.

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On 11/10/2021 at 6:40 AM, LittleDoxy said:


This is a mod made for a video game. I completely understand what you're saying, but I don't think this is necessary. You can also download rape animations, dismembered corpses, torture devices. Plenty of things you shouldn't do in real life, but have fun with in a game.

So yes please, people, don't steal panties.




That's not the subject of this thread, so I won't go further in the discussion even if you answer me. I'm just letting you know that gender studies is an interdisciplinary academic field, regrouping mainly sociology, psychology and psychiatry. But also archeology, history, linguistics. You should look it up there is plenty of great articles about this stuff.

the problem isn't the content exists, the problem is its not in its own lane, your argument well other possibly offensive mods exist falls flat, not everyone plays rape animations, or the corpse experiment mods, but at the very least some of its tagged as such, described in a neutral way to still covey what the mod is about, and theres mods that shall not be named, the people that used them back when the controversy was leaked out made the same argument, its just a game, theres violence and rape mods, if the community can draw that line in the sand, then surely incest should be conisdered the same kind of taboo should be considered the same if not categorized out so that way people who may find it offensive but still want to look for mods, can avoid it. 

Edited by Alfredalfer
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31 minutes ago, Alfredalfer said:

the problem isn't the content exists, the problem is its not in its own lane, your argument well other possibly offensive mods exist falls flat, not everyone plays rape animations, or the corpse experiment mods, but at the very least some of its tagged as such, described in a neutral way to still covey what the mod is about, and theres mods that shall not be named, the people that used them back when the controversy was leaked out made the same argument, its just a game, theres violence and rape mods, if the community can draw that line in the sand, then surely incest should be conisdered the same kind of taboo should be considered the same if not categorized out so that way people who may find it offensive but still want to look for mods, can avoid it. 

The problem IS in it's own lane. You're posting on LoversLab.

LoversLab is an entire lane in itself in the modding community and not just for Sims 4. Honey, you've stepped into the wild country and from where I'm sitting, it seems as though you're having a tough time getting a handle on it. Nobody is going to hold your hand and guide you through what you should or shouldn't see.

My big question is this. Why are you standing in that lane if it's upsetting you this much?

You are a username on a forum. Nobody cares about your feelings. Get what you need from here and ignore anything you don't like. Simple as that.

We all do it.

This is LoversLab.

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On 11/9/2021 at 8:04 PM, Alfredalfer said:

Now I am not going to say critically in terms of fetishes cross dressing is bad, you do you. 

how ever as a female with a brother who went to go on and transition to a female, SHE FUCKING TOOK MY SHIT. my make up, my clothes, even my mother fucking pads; I get this a fantasy type deal, but its creepy, and kind of off putting to people who have went through the whole secretly trans person stealing your shit before transitioning, and I kind of want to say something it makes me uncomfortable to get downloads here. 

There is nothing wrong if you your a guy and get your rocks off to wearing female undies, so long as said undies belong to you and not your sister, your mom, your girlfriend, or some other other female in your life.

TLDR: its okay if your a crossdresser, but not okay to steal panties, and it makes me uncomfortable as a female to get dowloads, when a description is like this/ 


You want to talk critically and seriously about Custom Content for Sims 4?

You are welcome to talk about a topic in itself, about stealing underwear in real life. That's your proved right. But to criticize the custom content of other creators here is not okay and even to make a thread about a certain custom content. That is definitely not nice. Loverslab is primarily a site where creators can make their creations available to the community for FREE. For this we should all be very grateful to every single creator and not criticize any creator so massively just because you don't like their content.


The very first thing that is at the top of the Loverslab Guidelines:


  1. The biggest and most important thing of this community is that the modders come first. They are the ones who make this community worth coming to, they are the ones enabling you to even play these mods.  Meaning if you don't like the way a mod is going, don't be a jerk about it, they can take the mod in whatever direction they want. Don't like it? Then make your own release and put the work in yourself. Find a bug or issue that needs to be fixed? Don't be a jerk about it and raise your concerns and feedback in a constructive manner.


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4 hours ago, Alfredalfer said:

the problem isn't the content exists, the problem is its not in its own lane, your argument well other possibly offensive mods exist falls flat, not everyone plays rape animations, or the corpse experiment mods, but at the very least some of its tagged as such, described in a neutral way to still covey what the mod is about, and theres mods that shall not be named, the people that used them back when the controversy was leaked out made the same argument, its just a game, theres violence and rape mods, if the community can draw that line in the sand, then surely incest should be conisdered the same kind of taboo should be considered the same if not categorized out so that way people who may find it offensive but still want to look for mods, can avoid it. 


Do you compare underwear CC for a game with rape, incest and violation? Buy yourself a Bible and go to church if you're ticking off about this. Sorry, that's where the fun ends for me. Loverslab has very clear limits as to what is allowed and what is not and that is constantly monitored very strictly by the moderators. But to get very upset about a lingerie mod is out of proportion.

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On 11/10/2021 at 2:40 AM, djdj5275 said:

However, I am a man who does wear feminine clothes and makeup sometimes. Not for sexual pleasure, but simply because I like girly things.


That's so sexy. I think men with make-up are sexy. I would like to see a photo of you with your make-up on. Enjoy it every day.

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On 11/9/2021 at 8:04 PM, Alfredalfer said:

how ever as a female with a brother who went to go on and transition to a female, SHE FUCKING TOOK MY SHIT. my make up, my clothes, even my mother fucking pads; I get this a fantasy type deal, but its creepy, and kind of off putting to people who have went through the whole secretly trans person stealing your shit before transitioning, and I kind of want to say something it makes me uncomfortable to get downloads here. 

Couldn't you help by buying the stuff he/she needed? I can Imagine it's hard for a guy that changes to a female to go out and buy anything female related.

If anything Creampie Pie just rises awareness that if your panties get stolen you should probably have a talk with that person or even better, find out how you can help?

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So let me tell you about what I was "inspired" by when I wrote this text.
 I was watching porn and the plot was like this:
At the beginning of porn, a woman undresses, washes off makeup, takes off her earrings, shoes, stockings, she goes to the shower ... at that moment a man comes into her room (bedroom), sees and hears that the woman washes herself, looks at her through the gap in the door (after all, in porn, they always leave the door slightly open).
 Further, the man sees that the linen is lying on the bed or somewhere else, her panties .... he comes up to them and .... and people that I'm starting to write the plot of second-rate porn?


In addition, in porn, it happens that a man takes a woman's / man's panties (it doesn't matter) and starts rubbing them on his dick, and when he shoots his sperm onto his panties, he puts them back ... and after that, the woman comes out of the shower and sees that her panties are wet.
And also .... in the plot there may be such a twist that the woman has already taken a shower and hears that someone in her room is breathing, groaning, puffing ... and she comes back to her room and sees a man who is pulling his dick , about her panties.






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54 minutes ago, donttouchmethere said:

Couldn't you help by buying the stuff he/she needed? I can Imagine it's hard for a guy that changes to a female to go out and buy anything female related.

If anything Creampie Pie just rises awareness that if your panties get stolen you should probably have a talk with that person or even better, find out how you can help?




lol this comment is funny, its clear that you don't know what a period is like with pcos and endometriosis and how heavy they are even after birth control; never mind feeling getting punched in the gut over and over again, but having to leave the house with at least 8 to 10 pads; I'd like to see someone go through that than deal with the trans sister stealing your shit after talking to them about it, and still be willing to be empathetic and help. Trans women don't have the same periods as cisgendered women, especially not the ones with hormonal issues and having their uteruses grow tissue on overdrive. At that point trans or not, they can get fucked really, especially when someone claims that they're the same gender as me, but don't even have the basic decency to not take my shit for gender validation. I don't even care how uncomfortable it is for them to go buy it themselves, nothing trumps the embaressment and uncomfortableness of having to run to the store and bleed through your clothes there because your pads are gone. If they need pads that badly that they have to steal from someone that needs them to feel like a woman, then they need to go out and get it themselves. If they need that bad they can go get it themselves.


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30 minutes ago, CREAMPIE PIE said:

So let me tell you about what I was "inspired" by when I wrote this text.
 I was watching porn and the plot was like this:
At the beginning of porn, a woman undresses, washes off makeup, takes off her earrings, shoes, stockings, she goes to the shower ... at that moment a man comes into her room (bedroom), sees and hears that the woman washes herself, looks at her through the gap in the door (after all, in porn, they always leave the door slightly open).
 Further, the man sees that the linen is lying on the bed or somewhere else, her panties .... he comes up to them and .... and people that I'm starting to write the plot of second-rate porn?


In addition, in porn, it happens that a man takes a woman's / man's panties (it doesn't matter) and starts rubbing them on his dick, and when he shoots his sperm onto his panties, he puts them back ... and after that, the woman comes out of the shower and sees that her panties are wet.
And also .... in the plot there may be such a twist that the woman has already taken a shower and hears that someone in her room is breathing, groaning, puffing ... and she comes back to her room and sees a man who is pulling his dick , about her panties.






wow your butthurt, for someone who seems so none caring of my opinion you seem to like to make edgey cope posts towards me, on how I am a bible thumping prude;

First no, I am not clicking that link, I have ethical objections to most porntube sites, due to how hard it is for victims of rape or csam to videos down, so I am sorry I am not clicking the link as I refuse to drive traffic and generate income to those sites. the only remotely porn matieral is vns and the sims adult mods, second I have no objections to men sniffing/wearing  panties, what I have an objection is the fact your title and description describes the act of a family member taking said panties, it may not be that you support it but alot of men use it as justification to violate a womans boundaries irl, theres subreddits devoted to men stealing their family members panties. I know you make think its no big deal after all your into a fetish involving panties, but it makes women like me uncomfortable who has had their things taken in a similia manner to get porn mods here, because the description title is a little to much, I can say my onion just as much as you disagree.

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13 minutes ago, donttouchmethere said:

You sure you are talking about your brother?

Sounds to me like the pads are the least problem your family has ?

my brother was my brother now they're trans women, and they take my stuff especially pads, with out my consent for the soul of gender validation.

its not uncommon some trans women would actually simulate periods, and the thing my brother turned sister is doing with stuff I bought out of my hard earned money, that isn't cheap. they announced a year ago, and reccently lost their job 2 months ago and have been taking my shit since. 

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7 hours ago, deejayz said:


You want to talk critically and seriously about Custom Content for Sims 4?

You are welcome to talk about a topic in itself, about stealing underwear in real life. That's your proved right. But to criticize the custom content of other creators here is not okay and even to make a thread about a certain custom content. That is definitely not nice. Loverslab is primarily a site where creators can make their creations available to the community for FREE. For this we should all be very grateful to every single creator and not criticize any creator so massively just because you don't like their content.


The very first thing that is at the top of the Loverslab Guidelines:


  1. The biggest and most important thing of this community is that the modders come first. They are the ones who make this community worth coming to, they are the ones enabling you to even play these mods.  Meaning if you don't like the way a mod is going, don't be a jerk about it, they can take the mod in whatever direction they want. Don't like it? Then make your own release and put the work in yourself. Find a bug or issue that needs to be fixed? Don't be a jerk about it and raise your concerns and feedback in a constructive manner.


I challenged how the cc is presented not the cc itself, the cc is presented in a way that I think would make some people uncomfortable, I having nothing wrong with a man making female clothes for male sims for some people into that stuff, what I do have an issue is with how its described, we literally have people here asking for that one mod that allows you to boink pets. some people are victims of csa, and some people have had issues with family members violating their boundaries and stealing panties, if the cc wasn't presented in such a way that made me feel uncomfortable, then I probably wouldn't have made a critical op about it. I am not saying that the cc shouldn't exist but I am challenging on how its problematic, maybe if ll had a way to filter certain mods, or added catagories for fetishes then it might not be a problem, because I would be able to see the shit I am trying to find. Not everyone is into the same thing or comfortable with the same thing. 

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5 hours ago, Alfredalfer said:

I challenged how the cc is presented not the cc itself, the cc is presented in a way that I think would make some people uncomfortable, I having nothing wrong with a man making female clothes for male sims for some people into that stuff, what I do have an issue is with how its described, we literally have people here asking for that one mod that allows you to boink pets. some people are victims of csa, and some people have had issues with family members violating their boundaries and stealing panties, if the cc wasn't presented in such a way that made me feel uncomfortable, then I probably wouldn't have made a critical op about it. I am not saying that the cc shouldn't exist but I am challenging on how its problematic, maybe if ll had a way to filter certain mods, or added catagories for fetishes then it might not be a problem, because I would be able to see the shit I am trying to find. Not everyone is into the same thing or comfortable with the same thing. 



  1. The biggest and most important thing of this community is that the modders come first. They are the ones who make this community worth coming to, they are the ones enabling you to even play these mods.  Meaning if you don't like the way a mod is going, don't be a jerk about it, they can take the mod in whatever direction they want. Don't like it? Then make your own release and put the work in yourself. Find a bug or issue that needs to be fixed? Don't be a jerk about it and raise your concerns and feedback in a constructive manner.
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