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Quick questions on compatibility between FrameWork and areas/NPCs/quests mods.

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First, let me say that the SLF team did a good job, and now that I got the basic package working (FNIS+SLF+SL Romance) I can only give developpers praise.
I'm using a legally bought Skyrim Special Edition game, from Steam, with the latest patch.


With that being said, I'm looking into installing mods for some beautiful scenery, maybe additional areas, dungeons etc... Maybe even Skywind.


Quick questions on this topic:

1) To which extent are locations, NPCs and quests mods compatible with with SLF? The SSE mods compatibility thread will be a great starting point for me, but it only covers certain mods. I'm not a developper, but wouldn't a mod that only adds "location Z" with "NPC Alex", without any extra animations, be compatible with SLF. I'd be curious to know how right or wrong I am.


2) Mod installation order: should I install locations/NPCs/Quests mods first and FNIS/SLF/SL Romance last, or is it okay to install locations/NPCs/Quests mods on top of my working build, and just rearrange the load order and rebuild a bashed patch?


3) A bit of a "dumb" question to veteran modders: assuming a computer can read both latin and cyrillic or chinese characters, is it okay to install non-English mods without waiting for a translation?


Thank you very much. Have a good day, and stay safe.

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11 minutes ago, Urbinepto said:

To which extent are locations, NPCs and quests mods compatible with with SLF? The SSE mods compatibility thread will be a great starting point for me, but it only covers certain mods. I'm not a developper, but wouldn't a mod that only adds "location Z" with "NPC Alex", without any extra animations, be compatible with SLF. I'd be curious to know how right or wrong I am.

There should be no compatibility issues with any of this EXCEPT that some custom followers (not mine) use a skeleton other than XPMSSE. You may very well have animation issues with SLF and those followers.

12 minutes ago, Urbinepto said:

Mod installation order: should I install locations/NPCs/Quests mods first and FNIS/SLF/SL Romance last, or is it okay to install locations/NPCs/Quests mods on top of my working build, and just rearrange the load order and rebuild a bashed patch?

There are two "rules" here:

1) If a mod is required by another mod the required mod should be loaded first, and

2) The last mod loaded will be the one that actually gets used in-game where there are conflicts. 

So, by using different load orders you will get different "effects".

14 minutes ago, Urbinepto said:

A bit of a "dumb" question to veteran modders: assuming a computer can read both latin and cyrillic or chinese characters, is it okay to install non-English mods without waiting for a translation?

Yes BUT (there's always a "but" isn't there?) you are likely to have issues where text is supposed to show up such as in your McMenu or with unvoiced dialogue in a follower mod. Often the non-English characters will show as empty squares. Of course, you can change everything to another language in Steam but mixing languages (especially with different alphabets) can be problematic.

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