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Could someone make a video tutorial on how to make Sexout and The Groovatron (And it's extra poses recommended) work together?

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Hey everyone,


I'm having a tough time trying to follow the solution suggested in the Sexout FAQ about how to get The Groovatron and its recommended pose mods working together with Sexout.  I just can't seem to comprehend it well, and I'm not too understanding of the FNVEdit (I only use it to create merge patches by right clicking :/).  Here's the solution from the FAQ:

  I use Groovatron and Sexout just fine and all the pose mods that go along with it as well as more pose mods on top of that.  What you have to do is the standard fix for any mod that inherited its codebase from an Umpa mod. Open in FNVEdit, find any vanilla top level animation blocks like KnockedDownIdles and remove them. Check that none of the mod's animations have the vanilla top level block as a parent and, if they do, change the parent entry to a null reference (id:00000000).

This will make the mod's animations top level animation blocks and as long as they use selection correctly, and all the ones I've seen do (using token possession and/or faction membership and/or idle markers and/or some other selection mechanism), they'll not interfere with Sexout. I've had no issues using them together after performing this fix.



Simply put, I have no idea how/what to load up in FNVEdit (I.e. do I just load the NV groovatron esp, or the other pose mods and FO3 esps?), nor what steps I need to take afterwards (or better yet, how to).  A video tutorial would be wonderful for people like me who are stuck when it comes to solving this.


I'd like to get the groovatron working asap with sexout for my immersion/realistic playthroughs, and I appreciate any help I can get to succesfully do so.


Edit:  Thanks for the help, I have encountered no errors after removing the knockdown idle, and the groovatron and sexout work fine.

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Open the groovatron in FNVEdit. (deselect all and tick the groovatron esp)


Navigate to idle animations. Right-click on KnockedDownIdles like shown in the picture. Select remove. Confirm your decision. Exit FNVEdit and save the plugin.




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I did what you said and will give it a go in-game.


Thanks BruceWayne, I didn't realize it was that simple :s


I'll get back to you and the thread to confirm that everything is working.


Appreciate the help!

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Yes, Bruce, what you said will fix the Groovatron. When I originally wrote that guide, it had to be generic enough to cover all ways that people have copied Umpa's original animation method. With the Groovatron, iirc it only need KnockedDownIdles deleted from the mod to fix it.

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Open the groovatron in FNVEdit. (deselect all and tick the groovatron esp)


Navigate to idle animations. Right-click on KnockedDownIdles like shown in the picture. Select remove. Confirm your decision. Exit FNVEdit and save the plugin.





That was easy. I don't even understand the FNVEdit and I can follow this instruction... :D  Now if I can only figure out what I would want "groovatron" for... :P

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Open the groovatron in FNVEdit. (deselect all and tick the groovatron esp)


Navigate to idle animations. Right-click on KnockedDownIdles like shown in the picture. Select remove. Confirm your decision. Exit FNVEdit and save the plugin.





That was easy. I don't even understand the FNVEdit and I can follow this instruction... :D  Now if I can only figure out what I would want "groovatron" for... :P




No idea... :D


Groovatron comes with a lot of stuff (that I don't need/want). All I need are the poses, so I stick with individual pose plugins and the console.

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TBH, the Groovatron is extremely useful imo. You can grab any NPC and move them. You can clone any NPC as a follower and park them in a stasis room like waiting servotrons. You can play a huge assortment of static and animated poses. You can do dance synchronization (disco ball included). You can create a complete band and have them play. Lot more too but tbh I keep the mod installed so I can make anyone get on a stripper pole at any time...

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TBH, the Groovatron is extremely useful imo. You can grab any NPC and move them. You can clone any NPC as a follower and park them in a stasis room like waiting servotrons. You can play a huge assortment of static and animated poses. You can do dance synchronization (disco ball included). You can create a complete band and have them play. Lot more too but tbh I keep the mod installed so I can make anyone get on a stripper pole at any time...


Ah yes, that's right, I completely forgot about the tools.


I have always been toying with the idea of creating a strip club, where those animations could be put to good use. Or is there something like this already?

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Same here, I was amazed at the possibilities. Sadly, a lot of the poses/facial anims and required plugins for FO3's Groovatron (which is required for FNV's) are no longer available so a lot of the stuff doesn't work. But to be fair, it presents a plethora of good possibilities to be used in conjunction with Sexout, and I think we've only just begun to tap into that, like DS making use of it in SOFO and so on.


It definitely has the potential to add a lot more "flavour" to existing plugins, and that's certainly something I'm willing to capitalise on when I (eventually!) get my own plugins going.

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