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[mod] Titillating Tentacle Porn Pack (TTPP)

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20 minutes ago, Rivluserimon said:

I have a problem, I can't find how to make these spawners work, it would be of great help if you give me the command for both spawners


I think u need button or sensor to activate this.






Edited by _KT_
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16 hours ago, spicycrunchypants said:

So, what is planned from here regarding the future updates? Animations? Options to adjust experiences? Yaoi? Tentacle planet? 

I think Onionknighto will have the most answers, but since I'm a Dev and have some insight, here's some stuff that you might expect on future updates:

-Tentacle planet, yes; I believe he wants to make it the main focus of the next update. 

-Male assets were thought of; Discussion around custom animations for male players has also happened before (I wasn't a Dev at the time). But, for what I have seen, no one on the Dev team really wants to work on them as of now, neither I. HOWEVER, assets made by the community are welcomed! If you have any art skills, go for it!
(If you work with male player assets, like traps, there are some restrictions tho).

-Onionknighto wants a mascot for the mod, and it should eventually come out. It might have custom animations, dialogue, quests, etc. That's up to Onion and what we are able to do. (I made the mascot design and plan on posting soon for feedback, stay tuned if you're interested!)

-Currently, 3 out of 5 official devs seem to be taking a break (usually only I and Onion are daily online). Sadly, the person who made the scripts for traps and such is one of them. But, I've made assets for 1 new monster enemy and 2 new traps until now, might work on a third. If we figure out how to code the traps properly, they might just be added as well. Onion said he's found someone to potentially help with coding, so who knows?

-Expect decorative objects (not all of them being lewd). I work as an artist and I plan on working on lots of tinkering already in-game sprites (expect me posting this for feedback along the mascot), as well for new objects. Now, the objects I plan on working as of now aren't new victims, they are mostly cult related stuff. Hopefully, these assets will allow for you guys to decorate your maps more! (As well even cooler looking dungeons).
Here's one new asset I made you may expect:




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as that possible person that is helping with coding, and having worked with the trap script for the individual clothing stripping and pregnancy, making traps work isn't really difficult, all 5 traps use the same trap script so unless you are trying to have the traps be activated by a different method other than capture then simply using the "script": "/scripts/ttpp/vehiclecreatureflying.lua" for flying tentacle monster vehicle and "scripts": [ "/scripts/ttpp/vehiclespawner.lua" ] for the spawner .obj file or "script": "/scripts/ttpp/vehicletrap.lua" for static in place object trap vehicle files and "scripts": [ "/scripts/ttpp/vehiclespawnerprox.lua" ] for the static trap .obj file will run all the proper script code as long as the json formatting is correct.

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14 hours ago, _KT_ said:

Error generating dungeon named 'ttppback_1'

Thank you for the report! I have fixed it for the future but I don't want to reupload the mod just for one broken dungeon. It's a medium dungeon for the volcanic planet, a crashed and corrupted penguin ship.

Edited by onionknighto
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On 11/8/2023 at 4:06 PM, Spect said:

-Expect decorative objects (not all of them being lewd). I work as an artist and I plan on working on lots of tinkering already in-game sprites (expect me posting this for feedback along the mascot), as well for new objects. Now, the objects I plan on working as of now aren't new victims, they are mostly cult related stuff. Hopefully, these assets will allow for you guys to decorate your maps more! (As well even cooler looking dungeons).

If I may ask, would it be within any known plans to implement recipes or resource-based breeding into the tentacle prime to replace the pixel cost recipes for past and future craftables?

I wish I had some talents to lend to this project, but the only technical and artistic talent I have is writing. I can churn out a mean fiction, and plan out world-building mechanics and rules, but not implement them in the form of game scripts or any such cleverness, and certainly not make pixel art, sadly. (red green colorblind makes for garbage consistancy with art)

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8 hours ago, AzuriteSpider said:

If I may ask, would it be within any known plans to implement recipes or resource-based breeding into the tentacle prime to replace the pixel cost recipes for past and future craftables?

My memory is foggy in relation to that, but I think there were plans to make other materials more necessary to crafting...

HOWEVER, don't feel bad! Tinkering the mod is encouraged by Onionknighto and I personally made my own tinkering before.
You can edit the recipes inside the mod to make them as you'd like, but I must warn you: there's a ton of recipes to change! (Since most are pixels only)

Here's one of the crafting recipes (Petrified Knight Chest) and, as long you understand this simple code, you should be good to go!

If you don't have the means / know how to make .pak files into accessible folders, I've got it as a folder and I could send it no problem. (Do mind that I've changed the tentacle captive portrait sprites, hopefully you don't mind if you wish to have the folder).

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I'm not sure if anyone mentioned this before, so here you go.
I've tried to recruit the NPCs I rescued from the tentacles, but the NPCs cloned him/herself and spawned a new ship member of him/herself.
This has happened multiple times and is quite bothering. Is there any way to fix this issue myself?


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8 minutes ago, ArthurTheBud said:

I'm not sure if anyone mentioned this before, so here you go.
I've tried to recruit the NPCs I rescued from the tentacles, but the NPCs cloned him/herself and spawned a new ship member of him/herself.
This has happened multiple times and is quite bothering. Is there any way to fix this issue myself?


RPG Growth - Profession - Medic, gives healing buff to others friendly NPC and crewmembers, NPC from TTPP trap and tenants cloning, it's fine.

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3 hours ago, Spect said:

My memory is foggy in relation to that, but I think there were plans to make other materials more necessary to crafting...

HOWEVER, don't feel bad! Tinkering the mod is encouraged by Onionknighto and I personally made my own tinkering before.
You can edit the recipes inside the mod to make them as you'd like, but I must warn you: there's a ton of recipes to change! (Since most are pixels only)

Here's one of the crafting recipes (Petrified Knight Chest) and, as long you understand this simple code, you should be good to go!

If you don't have the means / know how to make .pak files into accessible folders, I've got it as a folder and I could send it no problem. (Do mind that I've changed the tentacle captive portrait sprites, hopefully you don't mind if you wish to have the folder).

Huh. That does seem pretty straightforward. I'd love to try that out! Can't say I'd make anything near quick progress, but if I got my hands on the folder.... well it's worth a shot!

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On 10/23/2023 at 4:08 AM, fuzzehmer said:

Small temporary hotfix to fix the apex hair issue and use a human default belly if a race isn't supported. As it happens Neki us the same base body colors as humans so technically supported with this patch.


other known issues being worked on currently (primarily making sure the player doesn't lose gear first, which the method of doing will also allow pregnant players to remain pregnant if they get grabbed a second time while it's occuring)


+spawned naked npc does not get pregnant belly after trap
+potential crewmember with clothing DOES get pregnant belly but loses it and stays naked when talked to mid pregnancy (fixed after beam to ship and return)
+potential crewmember without clothing gets pregnant but does not give birth and stays permanent pregnant (fixed after beam to ship and return)
+player beams out mid trap interaction DELETES equipped items (legs and/or body depends on stripping)
+while tentacle pregnant logging off DELETES equipped items, pregnant belly items exist permanently now


TTPP Adjustments.7z 34.24 kB · 53 downloads

Hey, I'm assuming this is likely due to TTPP updating, I've got an error while trying to apply the tenteggnant parts.


[13:20:58.650] [Error] Exception while invoking lua function 'update'. (LuaException) Error code 2, [string "/stats/effects/tenteggnant/tenteggnant.lua"]:49: bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got nil)
stack traceback:
	[C]: in ?
	[C]: in function '_ENV.pairs'
	[string "/stats/effects/tenteggnant/tenteggnant.lua"]:49: in function <[string "/stats/effects/tenteggnant/tenteggnant.lua"]:28>
[0] 7ff64e7aa213 Star::captureStack
[1] 7ff64e7a8f9e Star::StarException::StarException
[2] 7ff64e77cfb1 Star::LuaEngine::handleError
[3] 7ffdc9652f13
[4] 7ff64e95eba5 Star::LuaEngine::callFunction<float>
[5] 7ff64e962896 Star::LuaFunction::invoke<Star::Variant<Star::Empty,bool,__int64,double,Star::LuaString,Star::LuaTable,Star::LuaFunction,Star::LuaThread,Star::LuaUserData>,float>
[6] 7ff64e9627c9 Star::LuaBaseComponent::invoke<Star::Variant<Star::Empty,bool,__int64,double,Star::LuaString,Star::LuaTable,Star::LuaFunction,Star::LuaThread,Star::LuaUserData>,float>
[7] 7ff64e96a44c Star::LuaUpdatableComponent<Star::LuaWorldComponent<Star::LuaBaseComponent> >::update<Star::Variant<Star::Empty,bool,__int64,double,Star::LuaString,Star::LuaTable,Star::LuaFunction,Star::LuaThread,Star::LuaUserData>,float>
[8] 7ff64e96a3bc Star::LuaActorMovementComponent<Star::LuaUpdatableComponent<Star::LuaWorldComponent<Star::LuaBaseComponent> > >::update<Star::Variant<Star::Empty,bool,__int64,double,Star::LuaString,Star::LuaTable,Star::LuaFunction,Star::LuaThread,Star::LuaUserData>,float>
[9] 7ff64ebb7e54 Star::StatusController::tickMaster
[10] 7ff64ea9bec6 Star::Player::update
[11] 7ff64ecb3648 <lambda_9fc580ae40b93070d912cafafa15880e>::operator()
[12] 7ff64e8f3846 Star::EntityMap::updateAllEntities
[13] 7ff64eccc15b Star::WorldClient::update
[14] 7ffdc965bee5
[15] 7ff64ec369bd Star::UniverseClient::update
[16] 7ff64e6f5da7 Star::ClientApplication::updateRunning
[17] 7ff64e6f473d Star::ClientApplication::update
[18] 7ffdc964c2de
[19] 7ff64eebd4d1 Star::SdlPlatform::run
[20] 7ff64eebd68d Star::runMainApplication
[21] 7ff64e6f7731 WinMain
[22] 7ff64f0a07af __scrt_common_main_seh
[23] 7ffe685f7344 BaseThreadInitThunk
[24] 7ffe690a26b1 RtlUserThreadStart

Let me know if you need additional information. I grabbed this one as I believe it's the latest version in this thread for TTPP v2.6.


Edited by crealname
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That is from my addon, for now the fix for that would be to go into the tenteggnant.lua and starting from line 43 change


if entity.entityType() == "player" then
      ttpp_species_storage = {world.sendEntityMessage(entity.id(), "playerSpecies", ""):result()}
      ttpp_species = tostring(ttpp_species_storage[1])
      for key, value in pairs(default_species) do
        if string.find(default_species[key], ttpp_species) then
          ttpp_species = "human"



if entity.entityType() == "player" then
      default_species =  config.getParameter(effectConfig.species)

      ttpp_species_storage = world.sendEntityMessage(entity.id(), "playerSpecies", ""):result()
      ttpp_species = "human"
      for key, value in pairs(default_species) do
        if default_species[key] == ttpp_species_storage then
      	  ttpp_species = tostring(ttpp_species_storage)


when I get the newer version up and running that won't be an issue anymore, the files for it have changed significantly since the old version so I can't do really do much testing but that should get it working, if not lemme know and I'll do some file swapping and get it figured out.

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On 11/13/2023 at 2:20 PM, fuzzehmer said:

That is from my addon, for now the fix for that would be to go into the tenteggnant.lua and starting from line 43 change


if entity.entityType() == "player" then
      ttpp_species_storage = {world.sendEntityMessage(entity.id(), "playerSpecies", ""):result()}
      ttpp_species = tostring(ttpp_species_storage[1])
      for key, value in pairs(default_species) do
        if string.find(default_species[key], ttpp_species) then
          ttpp_species = "human"



if entity.entityType() == "player" then
      default_species =  config.getParameter(effectConfig.species)

      ttpp_species_storage = world.sendEntityMessage(entity.id(), "playerSpecies", ""):result()
      ttpp_species = "human"
      for key, value in pairs(default_species) do
        if default_species[key] == ttpp_species_storage then
      	  ttpp_species = tostring(ttpp_species_storage)


when I get the newer version up and running that won't be an issue anymore, the files for it have changed significantly since the old version so I can't do really do much testing but that should get it working, if not lemme know and I'll do some file swapping and get it figured out.

Noted, replaced the relevant code in tenteggnant.lua, however when playing with a modded race (Neki), I'm getting an error stating that 'effectConfig' is nil.


[14:22:54.139] [Error] Exception while invoking lua function 'update'. (LuaException) Error code 2, [string "/stats/effects/tenteggnant/tenteggnant.lua"]:45: attempt to index a nil value (global 'effectConfig')
stack traceback:
	[C]: in metamethod '__index'
	[string "/stats/effects/tenteggnant/tenteggnant.lua"]:45: in function <[string "/stats/effects/tenteggnant/tenteggnant.lua"]:28>
[0] 7ff6018ea213 Star::captureStack
[1] 7ff6018e8f9e Star::StarException::StarException
[2] 7ff6018bcfb1 Star::LuaEngine::handleError
[3] 7ffbbc052f13
[4] 7ff601a9eba5 Star::LuaEngine::callFunction<float>
[5] 7ff601aa2896 Star::LuaFunction::invoke<Star::Variant<Star::Empty,bool,__int64,double,Star::LuaString,Star::LuaTable,Star::LuaFunction,Star::LuaThread,Star::LuaUserData>,float>
[6] 7ff601aa27c9 Star::LuaBaseComponent::invoke<Star::Variant<Star::Empty,bool,__int64,double,Star::LuaString,Star::LuaTable,Star::LuaFunction,Star::LuaThread,Star::LuaUserData>,float>
[7] 7ff601aaa44c Star::LuaUpdatableComponent<Star::LuaWorldComponent<Star::LuaBaseComponent> >::update<Star::Variant<Star::Empty,bool,__int64,double,Star::LuaString,Star::LuaTable,Star::LuaFunction,Star::LuaThread,Star::LuaUserData>,float>
[8] 7ff601aaa3bc Star::LuaActorMovementComponent<Star::LuaUpdatableComponent<Star::LuaWorldComponent<Star::LuaBaseComponent> > >::update<Star::Variant<Star::Empty,bool,__int64,double,Star::LuaString,Star::LuaTable,Star::LuaFunction,Star::LuaThread,Star::LuaUserData>,float>
[9] 7ff601cf7e54 Star::StatusController::tickMaster
[10] 7ff601bdbec6 Star::Player::update
[11] 7ff601df3648 <lambda_9fc580ae40b93070d912cafafa15880e>::operator()
[12] 7ff601a33846 Star::EntityMap::updateAllEntities
[13] 7ff601e0c15b Star::WorldClient::update
[14] 7ffbbc05bee5
[15] 7ff601d769bd Star::UniverseClient::update
[16] 7ff601835da7 Star::ClientApplication::updateRunning
[17] 7ff60183473d Star::ClientApplication::update
[18] 7ffbbc04c2de
[19] 7ff601ffd4d1 Star::SdlPlatform::run
[20] 7ff601ffd68d Star::runMainApplication
[21] 7ff601837731 WinMain
[22] 7ff6021e07af __scrt_common_main_seh
[23] 7ffc6a5c7344 BaseThreadInitThunk
[24] 7ffc6c4e26b1 RtlUserThreadStart


Let me know if you need any further info from me, thanks ^^

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The fix for that should be changing the effectConfig.species to "effectConfig.species" (putting it in quotes to make it a string as that's what that error is) which for some reason still doesn't populate the table. I have no clue why that wouldn't populate the table but for now I'd say just abandon the adjustments mod until I get the next version up and running, which I have mostly working just optimizing stuff to get it to not turn the game into slow mode while it's happening.

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30 minutes ago, fuzzehmer said:

The fix for that should be changing the effectConfig.species to "effectConfig.species" (putting it in quotes to make it a string as that's what that error is) which for some reason still doesn't populate the table. I have no clue why that wouldn't populate the table but for now I'd say just abandon the adjustments mod until I get the next version up and running, which I have mostly working just optimizing stuff to get it to not turn the game into slow mode while it's happening.

Ah, fair enough. Thanks for the response. Take your time ^^

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15 minutes ago, sirpikmin said:

what sorts f things will the tentacle biome entail?


Onionknighto can answer this way better than me, but he said some stuff. Assuming you're also talking about the tentacle planet, that is.

-Lewd terrain formations. (As an example, you could think of this like a mountain that looks slightly like a boob, but subtle enough you may not notice).
-Lewd natural phenomena. (Something like tentacle secretion rain; Goodluck avoiding getting nude).

That's mostly what I know.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ideas for "safe" biomes:

  • Science labs that have proper containment protocol
    • Monsters(Both tentacle and not) locked away
    • Vats/cryotubes with tentacles that release them when broken
    • Scientist, hazmat, secret cult scientists(unique dialog/visual), and guard NPC
  • Quarantine zones
    • Npcs have the entrance blocked off and vehicles parked around
    • Cleared zones inside where its been pushed back guarded by armed NPC and turrets
    • Hold out zones in a similar vein where unarmed NPC have barricaded themselves while waiting for help

Ideas for vehicles:

  • some kind of tentacle tripod that lets you traverse terrain with ease

Ideas for mech parts:

  • A big Alien Worm Gun growing over vanilla mech arms
  • Some kind of tentacle drill
  • Trap monster launcher

Ideas Misc:

  • Some tentacle variants of the non procedural monsters
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Heyo, love the mod so far, but I'm having a bit of a problem trying to get it to work with GIC and Arcana? I'm relatively new to modding Starbound so I'm not sure if those two are completely compatible with each other, I've seen some that do have both of them, but the problem lies when all three are installed together: TTPP can work with one of them at a time, but not all at once, what ends up happening is that when my character gets into a trap and is released, other traps will no longer work unless I teleport in/out of the area. When I walk over to one, I can see a frame/sprite or two of the animation play before cancelling itself out:

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  • 4 weeks later...

I don't know that I've ever actually posted anything here, despite having this account for over a decade :P I've been playing with and enjoying this pack for a while now (been working on building a city with a squishy underbelly). I had a couple of ideas for possible tentacle traps if you're of interest :) NOTE: I am not an artist, so please accept these stick figures!


The Glass Tentapod - Appears in science environments, opens and lights up when walked over. If a character falls in, tentacles!


The Mimic Tentabed - It looks like a normal wooden bed, except the pillow is a different color. When right clicked, the character climbs in and sleeps... for about four seconds, then the blanket gets thrown off, and the victim gets tangled up in the tentacles.


Ceiling Trap - Works like the other normal traps, lifts up the victim and does what tentacles do best. Maybe leaves a pool of Tentacle Secretion around the victim after dropping them.


All just thoughts I've had while playing :D




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Hey! Glad to hear you have fun with the mod, we always take user feedback or additions.


Those are some good ideas, I'll add them to the list of potential traps.

We already had something like the ceiling trap in the works.

That bed idea is cool but needs some more work beside art to function, I believe a standard bed object would not get the job done, perhaps as a vehicle that has the appearance and delay to mimic the bed? Yeah, I find it interesting and I think it is possible with our current know-how.


Also be sure to post some screens of your finished city with the not so happy go lucky underground :)

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