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Noob bodyslide and mo2 profiles question

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Happy Tuesday LL!
Sorry for my noob questions.

Been playing with my main character for 15 levels or so, decided to start a slooty character so I made a new mo2 profile. I unticked my main chars bodyslide and fnis output in the new profile. I ran bodyslide, I made a much curvier preset, saved it, bodyslid (anyone else call it bodyslid in their mind? or is it bodyslided?) all my outfits, ran FNIS and played a few levels.

Then I went back to my main profile. Slooty chars FNIS output was unchecked and main chars previous FNIS output was checked. I loaded up and everyone was T posed, so I ran FNIS again and now have main char fnis output the second. That fixed it, but that means profiles aren't as distinct as I thought?


So bodyslide- my main character who was previously petite is now a lot more curvaceous. I'm using her bodyslide output mod, slooty chars bodyslide output is unchecked. How come big boobs? I'm going to run bodyslide again and get it back to normal, but I'm asking this question first because I spent a long time giving slooty character a great figure, and I have a feeling I'll lose all that if I bodyslide back to CBBE slim. I did save it as a preset so I'm hoping that saves me.

So can anyone give me an explain-like-I'm-5 on exactly how distinct mo2 profiles are? I only started using profiles last month, and I had assumed that the content of the "mods" I made in mo2, eg "main char FNIS output" and "slooty char bodyslide output" were self contained and that unchecking one bodyslide output and checking another would be all that was needed to switch in game boob size- was I wrong? Do I need to run FNIS and bodyslide every time I switch characters- not every time I make one, but literally every time I want to play with a different char I already made and ran these mods for? Not that I mind too much, but seeing everyone T posed on my main game which I care a lot about did me a big old scare

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BS and FNIS outputs you made don't cover all the files BS or FNIS generate. For example, the default behavior for BS under MO2 is:

  1. already existing files are replaced in each mod folder (MO2\mods\<mod name>). This happens when a mod contains already built meshes in the initial install.
  2. newly created files are placed in Overwrite (MO2\Overwrite). This is the case of many mods that don't come with already built meshes or morph files to save space or to force users to run BS and create meshes fit to each user chosen Preset.

Your output for BS is most likely configured to deal with newly created files only. So if you build everything for profile1 and then for profile2 with separate outputs, there will be some overlapping files (in this example the already existing ones will be created for profile1 and then overwritten when you build profile2). You would need to change the output path for the entire BS (this can be done in BS>Settings>(maybe under Advanced? I don't have BS installed at the moment so I'm going from memory here). As you're using MO2 you should point this to your MO2\Overwrite folder, so all files generated by BS will end in Overwrite, then you can make a new mod out of Overwrite and call it BS Output - profile1 or whatever. Then build everything again for profile2 and so on.


For FNIS the process may be similar, although I never had to do much to get FNIS working on 2-3 profiles (even though I didn't use profiles that much). I guess if there is any special steps you'll find that info in one of the several resources/links you get in the FNIS description page (for example there is the File Redirection feature whose entire goal is to support profiles in MO2/Vortex, it may be the additional step you need to make).

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