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First-person breast physics?

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I've worked on that project for a period of time, the author and I didn't see eye to eye on a couple things, so I left... That and I can't use 3dsmax to animate a skeleton worth shit. I have some fundamental knowledge of how it works. You are right it doesn't use a bbp skeleton, now with that said it's skeleton isn't that different from that of say xp32's maximum skeleton. The main differences, other than the added nodes that where added in other skele's, is how the camera, and it's controlling nodes, is set up. It wouldn't be that hard to set up the camera with another skeleton. The problem is with the bbp animations. Look at how the head moves in all the 3rd person animations. Just watch how it rotates from side to side, most people don't notice these things because most of the time you can't even see you head while running and if you can see someone elses they're generally trying to kill you. That rotation that's there translates to the 3rd person because you're using those animations with that mod, I was the one who pointed out to the guy how to animate if anyone wants to under go the task of adding bbp supported animations I can tell you how, but I'm not doing it myself. That is unless someone can get me animation scripts for blender. Then I'll basically redo a good portion of that mod.

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The problem is with the bbp animations. Look at how the head moves in all the 3rd person animations. Just watch how it rotates from side to side, most people don't notice these things because most of the time


Do you mean that if 3rd person animation (with head movement) would be used - unmodified - in 1st person then camera along with whole screen would shake in the same way as head does in 3rd person?


Not sure how it works exactly, but I guess camera cant be unlinked from bones, so they have to redo every animation to not affect eye bone (the one where camera is attached) at all?


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It's not the movement that's bad bobbing gives the illusion that you are in fact moving and your head is moving with relation to your body and that you are 1 being, being connected by a series of bones and muscle covered in skin. What causes the issue is the rotation, the roll specifically, because the vanilla animations moved their heads from left to right a lot which caused translation issues when they attached the camera to the eye bone.


Assuming that if I import the animations into blender and the graph editor works it's a very simple process I may through a minute amount of yaw in there to give the illusion that you are focused on something, but as it stands the only way to edit animations is with 3ds which I am far from proficient with and I would have to completely redo a good portion of the animation by hand. Which I would have no problem doing if I didn't feel like I was fighting the gui at every step of the way.

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