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NPC Targeted Head Tracking

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I wonder if it's possible to target head tracking to another object? I've always wanted NPC's to look at my characters chest or ass (spine bone or pelvis bone.) So imagine if you could cast a power to make nearby NPC's do that temporarily.


I looked in game settings: Nope.

I looked in packages: Nope.

I looked in races: Nope.


Maybe behavior's?


There is a script function to tell an actor to look at an object but I can't imagine getting that to do what I want. 


I wonder if anyone with knowledge has an idea how this could be done?



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2 hours ago, RohZima said:

There is a script function to tell an actor to look at an object

That's how you'd do it.  Create two objects whose center is "chest" and "hips", then when the spell goes off, it moves the object into the correct position relative to your character (moveto command) and then fires the script to get the NPC to look at it.

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  • 9 months later...

Has there been any success at achieving anything like this? 


I seek a way of making an NPC's head tracking the 'Camera / Screen / Viewport / or whatever the correct term would be.


The ideal would be: The ability to make a chosen NPC's gaze, stick to the player's viewport, as in, head-tracking the Fly-Cam (after using the TFC command) So wherever I move my Fly Cam, the NPC will be head tracking the screen


Would this be difficult to do?



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18 minutes ago, blaatand said:

Would this be difficult to do?

Depends how comfortable you are with papyrus and how much time you want to spend testing it.


In theory, you can attach an object to the flying cam and set the NPC to watch it.


I haven't seen anything like this done though, so it may be a lot harder in practice.

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Aha, interesting OK. Yes that could work


I'm not very familiar beyond reading bits of logs and tracing bugs and such.

I'd say my Papyrus skill level is nonexistent.


But everybody has to start somewhere :classic_biggrin:                                          


Perhaps there's something similar already in existence I could deconstruct.



I will ponder on it and see what I can do.


Thank you for replying, Seijin8 !











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