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Non-sex animations for Wicked Whims?

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Hello there! I am a huge fan of Wicked Whims for the sex animations, but it really has got me thinking about something. I currently use Pose Player for some non-sex poses (for making Sims stories and for story illustrations) and its just...  it feels so inferior and much more difficult and frustrating to use compared to Wicked Whims. Wicked Whims is fantastic and so easy to use, and it seems capable of supporting non-sex animations in addition to sex. For example, I sometimes use Wicked Whims for touching/kissing animations that are supposed to be foreplay, but I opt to keep their clothes on and it just looks like they are kissing or whatever, and it is far superior in terms of realism than the kissing poses in Pose Player. Wicked Whims is just so much easier to use and more natural, in terms of both the output AND the usability on the player's end.


So I guess my question is: is there anyone out there who has made non-sex animations for Wicked Whims? It just seems like a much better animation engine than Pose Player? I love how you don't need the stupid teleport things and can just click on a couch or the floor or whatever and have them start kissing etc. You don't have to make sure to put the stupid teleport thing in the right place, they just go to the right place automatically based on where you clicked/what you clicked. And I LOVE how only the animations that fit the object come up to choose from. It's just an all around better animation engine, and I've been manipulating it for some time so that the screenshots "look like" normal hand holding and kissing. It just got me thinking about just.. making non-sex ones for Wicked Whims instead of Pose Player, because it is clearly capable of it as I've used it this way. 


I just think we need to take advantage of this great system. Like, with the ease of use of Wicked Whims.. do we even need pose player??? If you don't want an actual animation, I bet you could just have the same frame play over and over again in wicked whims for like a "standing pose" (if you want them alone, make it a standing floor solo masturbation) and you wouldn't need the teleport thing. Or sitting next to each other and gazing into each others eyes on the couch and holding hands? You can totally do that in Wicked Whims instead of pose player. It's just better all around, for so many reasons, and I really dont see any drawback to using WW over PP?? Yes the menu will say "have sex" even if its just hand holding hands, and youll have to technically list them under things like "masturbation" or whatever, but honestly who cares? WW lets you manipulate gender choice and clothing options so I dont see why you cant use WW instead.








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I want to mention that I would love to commission someone to make some of these (hand holding, talking, smiling, kissing), if anyone is up for it! I would provide detailed descriptions for you of what I am thinking.


You could even stage group shots with more than 2 sims by doing Floor sex + Solo masturbation for each Sim. It would be a lot less time consuming than setting up all the teleporters.

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