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[QUESTION AND SEARCH] - Equippable Blood Spray Effects (or Vomit, Cum, whatever floats your boat)

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I vaguely remember a mod that included spells that could trigger blood spray effects to burst from the player character but I can't remember what it was. If anyone knows the mod I'm thinking of please lemme know!

Although that's one mod I'm looking for, ideally I'm after something a little different. I really dig the FX Eye Candy Rings mod on Nexus and want to do something similar.
Is it possible to hook up the blood spray impact effects to this dudes mandibles as an enchantment or whatever and have blood pour constantly from his mouth? How would I move the effect into the desired position? I'd be down to share the assets too if yall want em as the texture could be changed into whatever fluids you want. Want to puke forever? I gotchu fam.
  I've been faffing around in the creation kit all day and I'm getting nowhere by just guessing my way around it, I'm gonna end up breaking something. If anyone can throw advice at me or knows of a mod capable of stuff like this I'd owe you my life.



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