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Teleporting chars still crashing with mods

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I've mentioned this a while back, with KASUMI's mods crashing the game due to her extra files not being included with mods and thus crashing our games...


Even now, with great new mods by @kollector and others, most recently with the KASUMI_VIOLET_B and the other four girls (AYANE, MAI, MOMIJI and NICO), when I add the mods to my Layer2 folder and play with them, they crash the game with their teleport attacks.


Some mods do not crash my game, for example @wingzg's "KAS_NO_LAPIS" and "No Tunic" for MAI and MOMIJI.


Kollector has mentioned that AYANE'S model has the most slots, but those five characters crash my game each time...


I have tried adding AYANE's .grp file to her breakables, but they still crash.


As each mod is for a different costume, for example Eden being 030 and default being 001, if mods use them, we need both slots' teleporting files for them not to crash...


My question is, is it possible for someone to upload all of the extra teleporting files for those five chars, so we can add them to future mods? (AYANE_001, KASUMI_005, etc)


There are over a hundred downloads for mods, yet nobody has mentioned most of them crash the game. Does anyone play with them like I do?


I am sorry for the long-winded post; I feel that this issue is important and should be discussed, or else most mods can't be played with.


Thank you for reading. ?



@fgh1t6   @用户名623    @blackdragon99  @vagonumero13








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Like 用户名623 said, if the mod uses, for example, a AYA_COS_001.g1m renamed to KAS_COS_004.g1m, you would need the original AYA_COS_001.grp and rename it to KAS_COS_004. So you would have to know which costume file each mod used as a base, idk if there's any easy way to find that out.


Btw, if you were having the problem with my latest mod, i already uploaded a fixed version for it.

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14 hours ago, SkyrimD said:

I've mentioned this a while back, with KASUMI's mods crashing the game due to her extra files not being included with mods and thus crashing our games...


Even now, with great new mods by @kollector and others, most recently with the KASUMI_VIOLET_B and the other four girls (AYANE, MAI, MOMIJI and NICO), when I add the mods to my Layer2 folder and play with them, they crash the game with their teleport attacks.


Some mods do not crash my game, for example @wingzg's "KAS_NO_LAPIS" and "No Tunic" for MAI and MOMIJI.


Kollector has mentioned that AYANE'S model has the most slots, but those five characters crash my game each time...


I have tried adding AYANE's .grp file to her breakables, but they still crash.


As each mod is for a different costume, for example Eden being 030 and default being 001, if mods use them, we need both slots' teleporting files for them not to crash...


My question is, is it possible for someone to upload all of the extra teleporting files for those five chars, so we can add them to future mods? (AYANE_001, KASUMI_005, etc)


There are over a hundred downloads for mods, yet nobody has mentioned most of them crash the game. Does anyone play with them like I do?


I am sorry for the long-winded post; I feel that this issue is important and should be discussed, or else most mods can't be played with.


Thank you for reading. ?



@fgh1t6   @用户名623    @blackdragon99  @vagonumero13










You have my great thanks!


I will reupload every mod, so this kind of problems will not occur.

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On 6/3/2020 at 11:59 AM, SkyrimD said:

Thanks for re-uploading them, Kollector, I shall try them again.


@blackdragon99, I included you because you recently uploaded a mod. And Vagonumero because he made the tools. Just wanted you guys to see it.

We found that issue soon after saafrat's nude mod, and modders around that time started to put .grp file with mods. If a mod comes without a .grp, try not to use it in other slot. Although the grp file is much easier to generate now, thanks to vago's xml tool, it still a bit complicated for non-modders. 


For modders like to regenerate the .grp file, you need a hexeditor. and it is format is:




0x08 line: count of submesh block with "<Flags value = 0x35/>" in the <SubmeshesSection> block of the xml file.

0x0c line: count of submesh block with "<Flags value = 0x3D/>" in the <SubmeshesSection> block of the xml file.

0x14 line: the "Count1 value" in the <MeshesSection> block of the xml file

0x18 line: the "Count2 value" in the <MeshesSection> block of the xml file


All counting is in hex number. for example, in the above case, for the 0x14 and 0x18 lines, in xml file , it will look like:

            <!--If auto = true, Count1 & Count2 will be calculated automatically, and the meshes re-ordered if needed.-->
            <LodGroup idx="0" auto="true">

                <Count1 value="7" />        7 = 0x07
                <Count2 value="16" />     16 = 0x10

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What do you mean by "don't use it in another slot"?


Modders should add the files themselves, not casual players who download the mods, like myself.


It is an important issue, as those five characters will not work without them.

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On 6/2/2020 at 6:44 PM, SkyrimD said:

My question is, is it possible for someone to upload all of the extra teleporting files for those five chars, so we can add them to future mods? (AYANE_001, KASUMI_005, etc)

Unfortunately, the bulk of people who download these kinds of mods are not inclined towards examining the technical aspect of the mods. (The people who want the lewd ones, especially so.)


You yourself have been informed by fgh1t6 here that the coding of the files have to be carefully designed - in this case how the model meshes have to be ordered. (My guess is that the reappearing part of the teleporting moves have a conflict with the mesh re-ordering.)


That said, I would like to mention this thread here and there, as an example of why it is not easy to implement mods in a game that the official developers have never intended to be friendly to modding.

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