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Mods for a minimalistic sex experience

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tl;dr I'm looking for mods that complement the vanilla feel of skyrim.

I've never played skyrim for too long and now I want to experience all it has to offer. But I'm trying to keep it close to vanilla and LL mods are kind of making this difficult for me. I feel like a lot of mods here kind of take away too much from the vanilla gameplay. For example I like the idea of Sexlab Defeat but after getting enslaved once or twice after losing combat it just kind of feels like a chore. Same with prison overhaul, at first it's really exciting but after you go 2-3 times through the scenes it's becomes kind of annoying.
I guess what I'm looking for is something that doesn't take away from the vanilla parts of the game (exploring dungeons and doing quests) like Deviously Cursed Loot with low chances of triggering traps.

Here are some of the mods that I'm currently running: Cursed Loot, Devious Followers, Dovakhiin's Infamy, Skooma Whore, Spank That Ass, Aproach Redux, From the Deeps, Frostfall and iNeeds, among some other minor mods.

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Hmm, there are mods that add sex to the game, but does not hinder your normal playthrough.





These 2 above are dialogue based mods that takes the context into account.


There is also:

Sexlab Survival has a lot of features in it. It is highly configurable, and each aspect of the mod can be turned on or off. Though, if you do not want any hindrance to a relatively normal gameplay, I suggest toning down the settings in MCM. The default settings are quite punishing. 

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Haven't tried survival yet but I will give it a go. I'll also add solutions and confabulation, I didn't add them at first since I'm really low on mod space (passed the 255 esp limit) and didn't know if they were worth risking to merge some mods poorly and breaking my game just to get them in.

Also, I forgot to mention, I'm trying to play a sassy/bratty character that wouldn't just accept to have sex with anyone, so I'm a bit troubled by how easy it is to to 'immoral' acts in some of those mods. Is there anything to help roleplaying that or do I have to use the power of my imagination?

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The first thing you should know is that Skyrim is not a game of a sexual or pornographic nature. All of that was added and perfected in 2016 to date. Being a good boy or good girl is irrelevant, since almost all problems are solved by killing someone or something. Everything sexual related to this game, personally, should be an option, not the reason why I started a game. But don't get me wrong, I love this community of artists who created all these options that, using these options wisely, make this game even more interesting.

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Me too, I think it's amazing what this community has done for skyrim and other games. I realize skyrim isn't a pornographic game and for me it works better that way. If it were a pure sexual game I'd just play a bit for a quick fap and just leave it. I am actually trying to play this game for it's plot. I was just trying to see if there's a way to integrate the sexual mods into skyrim without making it feel like they are 2 separate worlds.

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2 minutes ago, zeboftw said:

Me too, I think it's amazing what this community has done for skyrim and other games. I realize skyrim isn't a pornographic game and for me it works better that way. If it were a pure sexual game I'd just play a bit for a quick fap and just leave it. I am actually trying to play this game for it's plot. I was just trying to see if there's a way to integrate the sexual mods into skyrim without making it feel like they are 2 separate worlds.

I would say Solutions, Confabulation, Amorous Adventures and a few other quest type mods would better integrate sex into the story. Solutions is primarily a "if you can't bribe, intimidate or persuade, use sex to do the job" kind of mod.  Probably better for a slut than a brat but you don't always have to use the sex options just because they are there. Some situations it might make more sense.


AA is a full on quest mod, though it mostly uses in game quests to tell a slightly alternate story and allow you to help people you would be helping but for a slightly different reason. Once you've got the person helped enough they grow to like you and you can have fun sexy times with them.

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I did check out Amorous Adventures in one of my test runs but I simply can't get behind the dialogue with lines like "Hey babe, would you like me to teach you about sex magic", It's just not for me. I'll add solutions and confabulations just to have them, hope I don't fuck up merging mods to make space for them tho

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As I said before, Skyrim is a violent game, so the integration of sexual mods is from that place, from a violent land. Personally I use the Defeat, configured in such a way that it does not break me in the missions. After my character is attacked (this happens when my character is of an initial level, then it becomes less recurring), she stays there waiting for the attackers to leave, they don't steal her, they don't throw her away for dead in another area, nothing , she recovers, puts on the armor and kills them all ... and sometimes I "retaliate" with one of them.

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9 hours ago, zeboftw said:

I'm trying to play a sassy/bratty character that wouldn't just accept to have sex with anyone

Hmm, there isn't too many mods that fit your requirements listed below:

  1. To not impact/hinder gameplay too heavily. (As mentioned that you find defeat a bit of a grind).
  2. To be played from a character with a moral compass.

Personally, I run the mods below:

  1. Dragonborn in Distress - has the similar functionality as defeat, but also handles trauma and addiction.
  2. Deviously Cursed Loot - To handle rape, misogyny, and DD items. (I nerfed the default chances quite a bit in MCM)
  3. Slaverun Reloaded - For the 'feel' of the game. I do not join the slave faction, but it gives the idea that Skyrim is slowly being overtaken by slavery. Also random enforcers may call on PC for sex.
  4. Sexlab Survival - Works really well together with Slaverun. Adding in toll gates, licences, eviction. Also provides options to go into addiction. (Lactacid, Skooma & Cum)
  5. Prison Overhaul Patched - for the handling of crime.
  6. Other mods that fit in include - Milk Mod/Milk Addict, Skooma Whore, Spank That Ass. 

Using the mods above means that my PC is able to go thorough the entire game normally, but it is practically impossible to remain chaste. Being a victim too many times, or trying to save your gold by avoiding/lying to the toll officers risk getting addiction or turning into a milkmaid. Additionally, from the DCL misogyny and the Slaverun's Slave Agent, it opens up the possibility to be bratty/defiant, but risk getting raped or locked in DD devices. Your PC has to decide to be compliant, or take the risk.


As far as hindrance to gameplay, addiction definitely takes a toll on your PC. If you do not want to slow down your progress due to trauma, addiction, pain or being unmilked, I'd suggest to turn those options off. 

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I do at some point want to try Slaverun Reloaded but it feels like it would change too much of the game so I was saving it for a later playthrough. Am I wrong?
As for Dragonborn in Distress, I like the idea of it a lot, I'm just afraid it might be too much for the engine. I already have a few script heavy mods and last time I went all in and added everything that looked interested I was stuttering every 10 seconds. I guess I'll spend one more day testing everything, but it just sucks to wait 30 minutes to finish all the patches (Bash, TESEdit, ASIS, FNIS, Sheath Redux, DynDOLOD)

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7 hours ago, zeboftw said:

I do at some point want to try Slaverun Reloaded but it feels like it would change too much of the game so I was saving it for a later playthrough.

Well, yes. The most non-intrusive way is by not joining, or join as a slaver. Going the slave path means that you are kinda stuck with the training for quite a while. Also, if you don't have hydragorgon's slave girls, expect to have a ridiculous amount of sex as a slave, since there may not be enough slaves around for the male npcs to call. I'm talking you can't take more than a few steps before another male calls for sex.


However, even if you continue as a free woman, funny things may happen too. As in, quest NPCs may just start screwing a slave instead of progressing the questline. Though, you can stop the sex animation and get them to progress, or just turn off the male calling for sex.


7 hours ago, zeboftw said:

As for Dragonborn in Distress, I like the idea of it a lot, I'm just afraid it might be too much for the engine.

Hmm, while DiD does have a lot of features, practically everything can be turned off. I normally just use the mod to handle Defeat (since I do not have SL Defeat in my LO), Sex Addiction and Alcohol Addiction. The bondage reliance part I leave them off as the Self-Bondage feature in DCL achieves similar goal.


Edit: Forgot to mention, DiD has a trauma system that debuffs your exp gain when you are a victim in animations. However, quite a few aggressive animations have the victim tag (even when you are cooperative). at the highest stage of debuff (Broken) it reduces exp by a whopping 60%. Can be toggled off though.


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I only use pose mods. The best I found is Gunslicer animations, but there are many others. Recently I downloaded some for weapon poses as well, and made a reference post for Yuih poses, using my own bodyslide preset.


Sometimes I play with my own copy in the game, only to fuck my girls, but it is unusual, as there is too much clipping, and I dont feel a connection with my girls as strong as when I control them. I prefer pose mods, and the erotic stuff in my blogs is softcore. I also like to see my girls in full dresses, or with just some revealing parts, a kind of taste which is not shared by many players.

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