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Pinup Poser Gone


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I just attempted to finally update my Pinup Poser mod to "2 Point Oh" as I am still using 1 dot 5.  However, the mod does not appear to be on the Nexus anymore.  Does anyone know if the mod author uploaded the mod anywhere else or does anyone have a copy of the latest version they could share with me?



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Because of this;


hateful and downright ungrateful nature of the nexus.


and with Nexus moderator who leisurely swing injustice banhammer any way they want, he can't give his piece of mind when people berated him for immersive breaking by creating an allegedly anime poser. Seriously, sometimes people can be so ungrateful and downright idiot.

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Wow the Nexus is really starting to go to crap with their new "business model." Love Pin-Up Poser btw. :)


Because of this;


hateful and downright ungrateful nature of the nexus.


and with Nexus moderator who leisurely swing injustice banhammer any way they want, he can't give his piece of mind when people berated him for immersive breaking by create an allegedly anime poser. Seriously, sometimes people can be so ungrateful and downright idiot.


You know what pisses me off tremendously? People who viciously knock mods for not fitting with the lore, or whatever. I mean who made these douche-bags the fucking historians and sociologists of Tamerial?! Furthermore if you don't like a mod, here's a simple solution. Don't download it and STFU GTFO!! grrr... this is a topic I might use for the rant thread since it's always bugged me. <_<

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Certain someone can't leave it be. They are the Inquisitors of Tamriel. All that wasn't sanctioned by the God-of-So-Called-Immersive-Community will be purged. Heretic modders will be questioned about their loyalty. Fans will be brainwashed to worship their so called God of Immersiveness. Creativity is denied and considered blasphemy. Voicing out will seen as act of treason and shall be burned and banned. XD

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Me? I tend to prefer lore-friendly mods. But that's just it... it's a personal preference. If I don't want to use a lore un-friendly mod, I don't download it. Why the hell would you berate someone over making one or using one? It effects you exactly how? This is the problem with the Nexus, in my experience. It's silly.

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Try to talk some sense and reason into that so called Immersive Priest. They are blinded by their own conviction, and arrogantly dictate Skyrim should be like this and not that. Everything else is considered unholy and should be impaled on a pile of stakes and be showed and paraded for the crowds to see, that this is what will be waiting for them should they ever try to break the lore... well according to them.

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I prefer lore friendly mods myself, and if I see a mod that could be plausible in-game I'll use it too. I have no idea how Pinup Poser is somehow not lore friendly? :wacko: With that said, even when it comes to far-out there lore unfriendly mods like Final Fantasy mods and the like, who cares? Again if a mod doesn't appeal to me I don't use it. But more power to anyone who gets enjoyment from it, and kudos to the modder that made it. I mean mod=modification, so if some whiny manchild doesn't want a certain modification no one is holding a gun to their head and forcing them to install it. I can't stand idiots like that! Make your own damn mods then you whiners, and... I'm getting a little riled I'll save that for a rant. :P

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I'm not into anime style either (at least I think so, I always get mixed up with anime / hentai / manga - what is what, I really don't know - hey, is there anybody laughing???), but I am glad that diversity and creativity exists, no matter what style it manifests in. And I really am sad that different tastes are hard to bear for some people.


Anyway, today I was looking for the pinup poses on the Nexus and didn't find them there - and I was shocked, since I did all my erotic and half erotic screenshots with that superb pose mod. And just accidentally saw this thread here. Good grief, a stone the weight of a ton just fell off my heart.


Thanks, Loony33, for sharing your mods.

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That whole lore thing is complete bollocks anyway if you want to force it on the people. It is absolutely up to the individual what he or she wants to see in the game and how they want to play it. If someone wants to have anime like elves (or whatever) in the game, so be it. If somebody wants butt-ugly elves, so be it. If somebody wants the underwear-forced vanilla bodies replaced with real bodies, so be it. If someone wants sex in Skyrim, so be it. And if someone wants vanilla Skyrim, so be it.


We should be glad that there are modders out there who make it all happen. I've been playing Skyrim since day one of its release (and Oblivion before), and I still am playing both games. Did the quests numerous times. Why? Because the modders give the games their replay value. And for no other reason. And surely not for being true to lore or other crap.


If Skyrim wouldn't be mod-open I would've played it once and then shelved it - or wouldn't have bought it at all. I'm fucking sick of all the roleplay stereotypes out there. Mostly overly muscular men grunting and swinging a giant axe and mowing down foes like there's no tomorrow. Yawn.


So: Let there be variety!

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That whole lore thing is complete bollocks anyway if you want to force it on the people.



Well so is forcing your religion onto somebody else but we still had so called religious wars. I might go as far as to call these people fanatics that don't tolerate anything they don't personally acknowledge, Lore-Crusaders and Immersion-Inquisitors...and you can't get some common sense into them, it just won't work.


Of course this in no way includes all people that prefer lore-friendly mods, just those that won't leave a mod alone with their constant complaints about it being a tiny bit lore-unfriendly. Although it's not nearly as extreme on the Nexus as it is on Youtube mod videos or the Steam Workshop.

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well, just out of curiosity (I'm neither defending or attacking anyone) but are you sure if thats what happened? I'm just questioning because I find it strange because of what Halofarm posted in his blog:



For those of you wondering why the change, the simple reason is that
anyone here is here looking specifically for my mods, and I don’t have
to worry about who my mod does or doesn’t appeal to, and most
importantly, I can tell people who want to bitch about my “stupid anime
style poses” to fuck off without getting banned! icon_biggrin.gif


I seriously doubt it would be an issue about immersion or lore-friendly, otherwise, many mods would be taken down... personal issues between Haloform and the Nexus team, that may have scaled into insults, seems more likely to me.


And again... let me reiterate, I'm neither defending or attacking Halofarm or Nexus, I'm just observing the facts, which are sparse to say the least.

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It's always bugs me every time I see people arguing about the lore really. I believe the best argument that the lore purist have against the other camp is that the majority of the Nexus mod is lore-unfriendly, and thus it make sit difficult for them to find the stuffs that they like.


To quote and partially paraphrase an anonymous lore purist on gamefaqs: "I hate it when I have to go through thousands of trash anime mods for perverts on the Nexus just to find a handful of mods that doesn't turn my Skyrim into a barbie doll dress up game."


I wish Nexus would put their tag search system on the front page with a big neon lit sign on it so even a blind person can sense it. That way we could reduce the amount of senseless arguments on the Nexus.


So many talented modders have packed up and left that site because of the community alone. And while I believe that the idiots who can't keep their gob shut is a minority, their hateful speech have enough impact to drown out all the praises and reassurances that hundreds of others give the same author. Just look at what happened to the author of War in Skyrim.


Why can't we just leave people to enjoy their games the way they want to....

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Insecure lore-purists are the worse.  Get a freaking grip, it's fantasy game.  If I want to turn it into Heavy Metal one day, Bakemonogatari the next, and end the week with a bout of lightsabers then who are these sub-humans to criticize what I enjoy?  To hell with them, if I modded I'd be doing nothing but doe-eyed scantily-clad female space ninja's just to piss them all off.  Maybe it's better that I don't mod, since I would've been banned from the Nexus long ago.

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How the fuck is a pose not lore friendly?  Stupid-looking maybe, but... ugh.  There's being a stickler about lore and then there's being an idiot, and this is clearly an example of the latter.


Not lore friendly is bright pink hair.  Not lore friendly is t-shirts and jeans.  Not lore friendly is Japanese high school nurses offices and swimming pools.  Not lore friendly is elves that look like humans with pointy ears.  Not lore friendly is teddy bear backpacks.


EDIT: Still doesn't excuse Halo for throwing a hissy fit and pulling things off Nexus, but at least he had the sense to not totally remove things from circulation.  Ironically this has apparently actually directed people to works he couldn't release on Nexus otherwise, probably the only time I can think of where a thin-skinned modder's ragequit has actually been beneficial to the community.

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Well, what an interesting thread to read.


Jex, your confidence in me is really just astounding. I'll have to remember to give you all the facts next time, so you don't go speculating about my "skin".


Let me clear up a few things. I moved from the nexus for a few simple reasons. No one in particular upset me. No special incident occurred which drove me away.


I'd been thinking about moving myself over to a blog away from the nexus for quite some time. I often make mods which I can't or won't upload on the nexus, for one reason or another, and I was getting tired of having to split myself in so many areas. On top of that, I had been putting up with various kinds of insults and more people than I can count who don't know how to read a readme.


I figured a blog was the best way to solve all my problems. No mods there will give me warnings for defending myself. I can make every single mod I make available in a single place without worrying about if it breaks any rules, or if it's going to upset anyone. Most importantly, the blog is open and anyone is welcome, but only people who WANT to be there will go there. It doesn't get in the way of the lore-mongers. It might also interest you all to note that on the about page is a big message saying that my mods can be used in part, or in whole, as well as reuploaded by anyone, anywhere. That includes the nexus. If people want to upload my stuff to the nexus, they are free to do so.


Lastly, apologies if anyone couldn't find me very easily, but I have made sure to link my blog in my nexus signature and in various circles in the modding community in the hopes of letting people know where to find me. I just didn't really think it appropriate to go and announce my move on the nexus forums. No one likes an attention whore.

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When all you have to go on is "they've pulled all their mods from Nexus with no explanation aside from 'tired of Nexus trolls"", it's not hard to make the leap to "thin-skinned", considering that's almost always the primary cause when a Nexus author pulls everything and jumps ship.

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