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Which Combat Mod?


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1 minute ago, Uncle64 said:

My self uses Ultimate Combat and Wildcat. Works fine after you have tuned them.

So I found out the hard way with Wildcat lol ...I had my character in combat, when I suddenly had a notification the his spine is damaged and I'm "WTF?!!! Where did that come from?"... Wildcat of course lol... turns out I hadn't scrolled down far enough on the MCM Menu's page to see Wildcat, it's a good Mod, but I want to trim the extra Scripts fats, I turned everything off in the Wildcat Menu, but just hoping for something less scripted.


I have to admit, I have been a bit rushed as I work FIFO (fly in, fly out, 2 weeks on 1 week off) on a Mining Site, I am hoping to get my Game squared away and ready to run offline before Wednesday, that's when I fly out again.


I will check out Ultimate Combat, thank you :) 

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Wildcat with injuries disabled is fine IMO. The effects to increase/reduce damage based on health/stamina make sense and aren't anything crazy. If you keep difficulty to adept/expert the damage dealt/taken feels okay (it can be balanced or not, depending on your other mods). With that, Wildcat will slightly increase overall damage for a quicker combat, but each attack costs stamina (cost configurable) and NPCs will behave better in combat (they'll try to flank you, block more and manage their own stamina to attack). 

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11 hours ago, dontknowdontcaredontask said:

Wildcat with injuries disabled is fine IMO. The effects to increase/reduce damage based on health/stamina make sense and aren't anything crazy. If you keep difficulty to adept/expert the damage dealt/taken feels okay (it can be balanced or not, depending on your other mods). With that, Wildcat will slightly increase overall damage for a quicker combat, but each attack costs stamina (cost configurable) and NPCs will behave better in combat (they'll try to flank you, block more and manage their own stamina to attack). 

That's pretty much what I have done with Wildcat, turned off injuries and left the Stamina on Wildcat presets... Game is on Expert, though currently taking a closer look at my Mod list as I'm getting some weird extremes, my guy has been one shot killing the majority of his opponents (I'm looking into why), but on the other extreme, I come across the odd NPC who one shot kills my guy and Dragon Fire is lethal beyond playable without any Dragon Mods added as yet... I'm not sure which Mods are responsible for these oddities, I suspect either Wildcat or Ordinator Perk Tree, hopefully will soon achieve a well balanced game :) 

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4 hours ago, lurar said:

There's a new lightweight combat mod in development that's probably coming out sometime soon called Blade and Blunt made by SimonMagus616, it's available to download on his discord but will probably be on nexus when it's done.

I personally quite like it.

Thank you :) ...I have read through the description and it looks interesting :) ...I will download and try it out, though I'm not sure about the slowing down of the Bow in Combat, that could be a deal breaker given my favorite combat style is an agile Light Armored Poisons Bowman with no other weapon, no magic and no healing spells or Potions (he has to break out of combat, get to safety and apply bandages to heal)... I like the unique challenges that come with such a limited game play :) ...but to slow Bowmanship down could prove an insurmountable challenge O_O ...I'll find out :) 

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