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" Fail emotional breakout , A father tracing trolls "

Guest Lady Luck

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I don't know her. I don't know what her deal is, or what her upbringing is. But the way she presents herself is someone who's never had "no" said to them in their life. All I see is some spoiled sheltered brat whining for people calling her out on what is probably repeated behavior. For every action there is an equal or opposite reaction.

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Everyone has a point, but ChancellorKremlin is right, the world is in serious shortage of compassion for each other. No one is perfect, we are fallible creatures, but how we treat others in reaction to how they treat us is what proves whether we are truly evolved beings or not.


Now with that in mind, here's Justin Bieber...oh, and Rascal Flatts.


Hot Jumping Beans



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Hehe' date=' but good point nontheless!

In my opinion you hit the nail, i really need to work on my english so i can express myself so good like you...sometimes i just cant find the right words meh :-/


Anyway, i agree lets stop, i can feel my age growing again :D



You and I have not really been disagreeing, but rather fleshing out our common agreement. ;)


See ya around, and remember, you are only as old as you "think" you are. Me, I am 12. At least that is what folks who know me personally always say. :P

Again i can only agree with both of your points, its good to find like-minded people arround :D



Again' date=' I don't condone folks harassing others. That is just plain low and stupid.


However, I also strongly disagree with the "I'm the victim" BS that this girl maintains. Stay the hell off of 4chan and other ridiculous sites. Use some damn common sense by NOT doing\saying anything on the web that you wouldn't do\say in person. I have a hard time feeling sorry for folks that can't\won't admit they F'd up. She clearly F'd up.




Anyway, I have stood on my little soap box long enough. Cheers to everyone, I shall close with the timeless words of Charlie Brown's grandma: "Mwa, mwa-mwa, mwa mwa-mwa."


Yeah she definitely brought that up on herself, it was interesting to see her mentality, saying how she doesnt cares, yet she seemed to care greatly...reminds me of people who say they dont care, yet they care to say they dont care :P


And charlie brown....ahh good old days..damit here i go again :P

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All I see is an 11 acting like an 11 year old, most of us ,if not all, at that age, believed we were "special". It's how 11 year old's cope with the onslaught of stimuli that is thrust upon them from every direction. Adolescence is the time where we begin to understand just how big the world is and also how truly small and powerless we really are. we also, at 11, have our childhood ability to "pretend". She is still a child, children say stupid things. I find no amusement in this what so ever. I feel sad that she spouts things like "pop a cap" without knowing really what it means. I feel sickened that people feel the need to " get her " for just being what she is , a naive little girl. The internet has become just another weapon in mans inhumanity to man.

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Every generation says there's nothing different between the next generation and theirs; being a teenager is always the same, facing the same problems, overcoming the same obstacles. That may have been true to a limited extent in previous years, but it's hardly true today. My generation didn't grow up with the Internet, that was't a thing until I was in high school, and social media took longer than that to really get going. While I can certainly empathize with my students over basic issues everyone faces, like bullies or test anxiety, I have no idea what it's like to be a kid and targeted by a massive troll army. Hell, I'm out of my element even with low level cyber bullies. There's a lot more to being a kid now, and a lot more to be wary of, and I don't think most parents are that informed yet. It's all new territory for both young and old alike, and there's going to be a lot of these kind of reactions until people sort it all out.


This girl could have been less of a brat, true. So could the people trolling her. We can't count on human decency, especially when anonymity is guaranteed. And I can speak from personal experience how horrible it feels to feel targeted by everyone you know (just not on such a global scale. I can't even fathom that!). The urge to fight back some way, any way, can be blinding. And while I don't have kids of my own, I do love my students, and I would be just as angry if any one of them was the target of such pointless abuse.


So while their reaction might be a bit silly, it is understandable. I sympathize with people like this, trying to seem powerful because they feel powerless. I don't feel any of what they got was deserved; they weren't "asking for it", that's rapist logic. I will say, though, that they've probably learned their lesson.


But jesus, what a shitty lesson to learn.

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Perhaps "rapist logic" was a bit harsh, I apologize. What I meant is that shrugging one's shoulders and saying "they were asking for it" is being a bit dismissive, and it does nothing but empower the abusers. They begin to see themselves as champions, doling out their own brand of justice to those who dare transgress in their realm. Saying "they were asking for it" is like saying "well, if you didn't want to be raped, you shouldn't have been in that alley wearing those clothes". Is it a bad idea to walk down a dark alley in a miniskirt? Yes. Does that take away your right to say no? Fucking NOPE.


Yes, they should have educated their children. But they didn't. I'm not condoning the actions of her parents, or defending their ridiculous response. I'm saying I understand how they feel, and it makes me pity them. I'm saying this was a little girl who inadvertently caught the full attention of some of the worst trolls in the world, and she didn't deserve what she got. I'm not saying she wasn't a brat. I'm saying she's a brat I feel sorry for.

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