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Hair mods converted to equipable wigs have black texture?

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Recently, I have attempted to make a mod that takes the hairs from a mod on the nexus and transforms them into wigs, so you can change your hair on the fly without the need of going to a barber. I had mild success, I got the hairs into the game and able to sit on the head properly, however, for whatever reason, the texture of the hair is completely black, making them very unappealing to use. Does anyone know why this is happening, and what I could do to fix it?


If you still have texturename_hl.dds and texturename_hh.dds in the same folder as the hair/wig's textures, delete/rename them.


Maybe there's something with the normals or smoothing groups in the model? I haven't worked with the models for this game for a long time, so i don't know for sure. 


Edit: Also check the enabled modifiers in the nifscope, there's should be enabled that it have alpha, and probably disabled the facegen tag, as facegen tag forces the model to use a body texture 


just as example


also shader tags should be set correctly or the model will not be renders correctly, so I'd say better to open an already working hair model, and just compare the parameters and names

6 hours ago, Neutron_rus said:

just as example


also shader tags should be set correctly or the model will not be renders correctly, so I'd say better to open an already working hair model, and just compare the parameters and names

Sorry for the super late reply, went to bed, just woke up. Turns out that unchecking the SF_Hair flag fixes the issue, which is great. Thanks for the help!


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