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help with sexout crashing ><

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I can start the game fine but once i load a game or start a new one, new vegas crashes when it has finished loading. At the moment i only have Sexout.esm activated and the game works fine without it, so could anyone help an idiot?


Oh, load order is













and i have both the core and data installed of the sexout files

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  • 5 months later...

zippy57 / Wow, finally it works. Thanks for your short and fine answer. (written long time ago though, still it helps!)


It took almost a half of my day, I never realized how much difference can be made by those two different beta release versions of nvse. 


Thanks again, have a nice day. 

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v3b2 is a collaboration from some of us here, adding things to NVSE for NX support and other reasons. NX requires that version or newer, and sexout requires NX. v2b12 is the old 'official' version that's been unchanged for a year or so. I don't know why Ian marked ours as 'extra beta'.. maybe he doesn't trust a bunch of perverts. ;)

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v3b2 is a collaboration from some of us here, adding things to NVSE for NX support and other reasons. NX requires that version or newer, and sexout requires NX. v2b12 is the old 'official' version that's been unchanged for a year or so. I don't know why Ian marked ours as 'extra beta'.. maybe he doesn't trust a bunch of perverts. ;)


The fact that the requirement says latest beta isn't helping much either, with 2b12 labeled latest version and 3b2 being beta version. We have at least five people a week that cannot distinguish between the two, even with the explicit instruction to use 3b2 in almost every pinned thread OP in the forums. No matter how big we write it or how large the arrow pointing to it is, people are still downloading 2b12.

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I may be able to help in one of two ways.. or maybe both.


First up, there is probably something I can do within the FOMOD script. I know FOMM used to have version check support for FOSE; I don't think NVSE made it in, but if nothing else, I can just md5 the dll and compare it to the md5 of the two NVSE versions and toss up a warning if there's a mismatch. This would only work when installing sexout via the FOMOD and through FOMM of course; Manual installs and BAIN/Wrye wouldn't get any benefit.


I also *might* be able to catch the error in NX and, if nothing else, toss an error into the console I'm not sure if I can toss up messages onscreen from inside NX or not though, and a console message would likely be overlooked. NX itself will 'load' ok with the old NVSE, at least far enough for it to complain about it.

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