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nvse pink start up

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Long story short after having ttw become completely unstable i decide to uninstall it and nv completely, however since getting a fresh install of nv i got just a few mods some requiring nvse. i started having pink screen when i tried loading this time around and it only happens with nvse, launching through the vanilla loader gets me into game without issue. i tried turning off and uninstalling mods to find what mods are causing the error and all thats left is nvse. All the threads i tried said it was this mod or that mod, none of which i use.


sorry if confusing ive been trying for 36 strait hours to do this

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So i figured ttw got me this mess maybe it could fix it, low and behold i figured out my big problem. steam didnt fully uninstall nv from my d drive and installed a new copy on my c drive which is where all my mods went but not nvse. so i just put nvse there and now my problems are solved. not sure why steam decided that it was putting nv in the opposite directory i told but hey a fix is a fix.

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