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Adding Collisions to Arms and Body with JFF


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I've been modding skyrim since 2013 and I'm currently an avid in-game photoshooter. I mainly do poses and character creations-outfits. I post more frequently on reddit, discords and tumblr but this is my first time here I think. 


So my question is:

For JFF and adding collisions with parts of the body in an accurate way, Is there a reliable source of information other than the current guide?:



What I mean is getting to use the shape part of the RigidBody properties in a more accurate manner in regards of the SHAPES. I am currently doing a lot of experimentation to see how the coordinates behave and how the shapes and their parameters work in general. Until now I have been able to use the vertex in a semi-accurate way by drawing vectors in a web page and comparing to the .nif model in regards of coordinates and where would the points be in-game. What I've found is that the translation coordinates dont seem to be the same than the .nif in Nifskope or the "setpos x" in game (I know its relative in x and y depending on character rotation but I've found z is inverted so wth), which ends up in a confused mess. 



Do you know if the coordinates are relative to the bone rotation or just the position? 
I'm working with UUNP so my reference is regular UNP with Sphere shapes in the boobs as my general reference for in game collisions. I'm using the original Bodyslide HDTfingers.xml and there it is where I'm adding arms and forearms collisions.


My method for testing the HDT in game in real time just by alt-tabbing and requipping the Havok object. I currently have 2 in different slots, 1 for the HDTfingers.xml and one for the .xml for the boobs and butt only. I set a fair configuration for the boobs and butt for the current size I'm using, boobs are twice as big as the original UNP weight 100 (for better collision appreciation of course).


I tried the Naturalistic HDT configuration but didn't like the shapes as the fingers are not as good as the original and the forearms are a mess with their sizes and shapes. 


My goal here is to get a good forearm and arm collision for the original UNP and gather the necessary information for being able to scale them properly to size variations of the UUNP if necessary. Fingers are also on the list for tweaking if I need more precision but the original Bodyslide ones seem good enough for now.



So, I'm willing to post more information of what I've gathered but I also want to know if you guys have tried messing with it and what results you've got and/or if there is a better info. source out there. 




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The rub is you're using an outdated and deprecated system to do what the replacement for this system does natively on demand without any additional modeling, only permission via coded parameter.


The better info you're looking for is also contained in the mod you were talking shit about, aside from his fucking up of textures via formatting (which isn't his forte) and failure to note the 180' axial placement issue, Bazinga has been pretty much the go to guy for PE so you should probably go back and do what he did, and that is take your fetish and throw it out the window and use his work as an objective platform to start your work from, so you can then fully realize your fetish. Kinda funny how that works.


You just stated you don't want to reinvent the wheel while rolling your wheel making equipment into a river so you can start remaking it again, which seems from here to be a bass ackward method of starting a project.


Take what he did and change it to what you want, which he's given permission for, which incidentally puts you already half way to your goal, a goal that's about three years behind schedule with the caveat that if you intended to really upgrade your collisions, you'd be doing this in SMP, which means really starting from scratch and square one if you don't intend to just steal/copypasta other people's stuff, which is p much where smp is headed, unfortunately.


The reason people tend use half and full spheres with PE is they're one of the few shapes that handle lateral and horizontal collisions worth a shit under the version of havok that Skyrim and Hydro used, most of the other "passive" shapes do just fine with direct same plane collisions and that's about it, while a string of spheres can produce "flapping" on hinge and gate actuator objects, you're going to have tough time getting anything better without literally making an xml per character, which sounds like a nightmare using PE frankly, while in SMP this would be literally two text files and done.


Most of the better animations, sex and otherwise, for Skyrim don't use direct horizontal or vertical planar intersection angles on collisions, and you need to account for that, and most idle and combat animations involve an asston of grazing and swiping collisions in arcs.

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