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Free roaming Succubi?

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I remember downloading a mod long ago that made it so there were a couple of really strong succubus roaming around the open world in Skyrim. If these succubus ever spotted you they would attack you and essentially rape you for your power until they were satisfied.


Does anyone know if there is a mod like this? Or if not - would one like this be fairly easy to make? It would be perfect too if you could customize them to be either Futa or not.

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On 9/17/2018 at 8:54 PM, Lestat1627 said:

That mod is basically dead, and so is this:



I too was looking for a mod like this. Don't expect any big wings, they'd make the race bad imo. Too red skin is other side of bad too.


But i had other ideas. Such as succibi castle where the mod would integrate Devious Devices and put player in one of randomly selected rooms, where she needs to escape from. Could be labyrinths, some timed teasing or whatever. In combat they would start to cast a big spell that if player doesn't avoid in time will do a teleport. They would never kill humanoid enemies but either teleport them to castle or have sex with them, which would make them unconscious (and essential, technically to prevent combat) for a minute. So because NPC's can be teleported too, player might encounter some in the castle in the same predicament.Ā They could go invisible and sneak upon enemies, or just disappear. In combat you wouldn't know which one. Maybe they sneak far enough so they can start casting the teleport spell on you, and then you better spot her before it finishes.


In other ideas some succubi could be higher ranked and feared by most of Skyrim, a powerful queen like appearance sort of. You could see those randomly enteringĀ the holds, but no guard would dare to approach them. Perhaps emptying a chest dedicated to their gifts and disappearing. Perhaps she sometimes leave a chest in front of Breezehome if you own it, and failure to give a certain gift would be punished. That could be for example increasing random encounters of invisible succubi until you've at least once sent to castle.

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  • 7 months later...

Xana the Succubus follower



Lady Lucretia - A Succubus Follower



There was a very nice swamp succubus near Morthal, unfortunately no longer available.



Succubus- Mihail Monsters and Animals (mihail immersive add-ons- sanguine daedra- witcher)


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  • 11 months later...
On 4/20/2019 at 7:36 PM, SimpleOtter said:

So no luck :(

Is the whole "Succubi" theme of low interest? I'm actually surprised no one hasĀ publishedĀ a Succubi enemies and/or followers mod for Special Edition yet

Even tho this reply is nearly a year later...I too feel like this topic is lacking. Nothing has really changed since you brought it up. -sigh-

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15 hours ago, Sinadow said:

Even tho this reply is nearly a year later...I too feel like this topic is lacking. Nothing has really changed since you brought it up. -sigh-

Big chunk of this is nobody really wants to deal with level lists for npc's they are a nightmare to deal with, for armor and weapons they are just damn tedious for npc's a major pain in the arse to make work and keep balanced with vanilla stuff.

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On 4/11/2020 at 3:01 PM, Varithina said:

Big chunk of this is nobody really wants to deal with level lists for npc's they are a nightmare to deal with, for armor and weapons they are just damn tedious for npc's a major pain in the arse to make work and keep balanced with vanilla stuff.

That's understandable. Still, it'd be nice for someone with the know how would takeĀ it on. XD Wishful thinking, reality crushing.

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