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Tailored clothes and armor

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Has anyone made a mod were you have to get the armor and clothing found on dead bodies tailored to fit before being able to wear them?  It's kind of silly that a woman gets the armor off a massive Nord male and can equip it right away.  It shouldn't be useless either.  Take it to an armor smith or tailor to have it fitted to you for a price.  In a day or two or more, depending on the armor or clothing, you can pick it up from the armor smith or tailor and use it. 


I'm not sure how this would be done.  The only thing I can think of, since you cann't tag every piece of armor in the game, is make a tag to go on the tailored armor.  Only Tagged armor or clothing the player can wear.  Of course, this would probably mean that even store bought item would have to tailored (tagged).  But that makes sense.  Clothing, back in the olden days, was made for the person.  There wasn't any mass production to make clothes in every size.  But then, I suppose, the tag could be immediately applied to the items when coming from a vendor. 


Modifying the armor/clothing yourself should also be possible at the forge or tanning rack.  You could make it into "Tailored-Legendary" armor.  NPC's would have to be able to wear the tailored armor otherwise you couldn't make any for your followers. 


I don't know much about modding.  I don't know if it's possible. 

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I like the idea, still new to scripting so no idea how I would do it yet though. Maybe instead of straight up not being able to wear the armor you get debuffs for not being to attack properly? and different tailor levels? Prob thinking too much into a simple mechanic... I might fuck around in the CK with that idea. ?

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5 hours ago, winny257 said:

All of this would have to be integrated in the game

integrate what?


having to transform a male armor to a female armor... useless stuff


active effect useless, condition is_player, that's never to be load on a npc, and it load a script like that


scriptname uselessscript extend active effect


event onitemadd()

if npc.getsex != player.getsex // function is something like that if it's not that

   item.useless = false


// you use unp, npc is cbbe

if npc.getrace != player.getrace //nord use that body, orc use thise body, races are there for that

   item.useless = false

end if



event onitemequipped() //that's the worst events to call, stack dump friendly

if item.useless == false






to replace false with true....

copy paste workbench as new record workbenchuseless

when you select an armor there, instead of tempering it, it reverse item.useless


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On 9/13/2018 at 2:03 AM, SkyLover37 said:

I like the idea, still new to scripting so no idea how I would do it yet though. Maybe instead of straight up not being able to wear the armor you get debuffs for not being to attack properly? and different tailor levels? Prob thinking too much into a simple mechanic... I might fuck around in the CK with that idea. ?

Cann't wait to see what you come up with.  Seems to me that it would be a fairly simple script.  I don't know what limits Skyrim imposes.  Not sure that I understand what yatol posted above.  The more time I read over it, the more I seem to understand it.  But I'm slow, so I would have to read it at least another dozen times.

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4 hours ago, cailic said:

 The more time I read over it, the more I seem to understand it.

nothing complicated above....



Int GetArmorRating()
  • Returns the armor rating for this armor.

armor.getarmorrating(), that's to get the armor rating of that armor


String GetModelPath(Bool bFemalePath)
  • Returns the file path for the nif file representing the world model of the armor.

armor.getmodelpath(), that's to get the nif of that armor


Bool IsClothingFeet()
  • Are these shoes?

armor.isclothingfeet(), that's to check if that armor is boots


simple stuff


you have 6 nifs for an armor, one for males, one for male orcs, one for female, one for female orc, one for male kid, one for female kid

there's no need to make 6 armors for those 6 nifs, unless you are sado maso

you give that armor one armoraddon that is only available to kids race, another for orc, and another for the other races


when you loot the armor on a kid, you can't equip it, because armor.useless is set to false (not the same gender, you can also npc.weight - player.weight > x if you don't want to wear weight 100 npc gear while you are weight 50)

setting that to true from a dialog with a npc... yes, it can be done, but looking for that armor in a list of all armors from your inventory...

it's better to use an edited copy paste of workbench, forge, enchanting table or whatever, easier to find the armor in crafting interface

you select the armor, and the craft it's just setting armor.useless to true

and now you can equip that armor





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