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Fade to Black before Sex

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Could of sworn I saw something about this, but haven't been able to find it for the life of me lol.


How do I prevent the fade to black before a sex scene activates? I'm currently using AAF with SEU and RSE. Every time I initiate sex, it fades to black before the scene starts and then comes back with them having sex. It's not a distance issue, as we are standing right next to each other. We even strip before it starts, and then it fades to black and comes back to sex.


Already added the ini edit thing (fMinPlayerMoveToDistForLoadScreen=2000), thought that would of prevented it but it didn't. So wondering what else to do to prevent that fade to black effect.


Like I said, thought I saw something on this already but can't find it and couldn't remember if there was a solution or not. Any help would be appreciated thanks!

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1 hour ago, SpyderArachnid said:

Could of sworn I saw something about this, but haven't been able to find it for the life of me lol.


How do I prevent the fade to black before a sex scene activates? I'm currently using AAF with SEU and RSE. Every time I initiate sex, it fades to black before the scene starts and then comes back with them having sex. It's not a distance issue, as we are standing right next to each other. We even strip before it starts, and then it fades to black and comes back to sex.


Already added the ini edit thing (fMinPlayerMoveToDistForLoadScreen=2000), thought that would of prevented it but it didn't. So wondering what else to do to prevent that fade to black effect.


Like I said, thought I saw something on this already but can't find it and couldn't remember if there was a solution or not. Any help would be appreciated thanks!

It may actually be a feature? I really didn't think about it until now?







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This is a main AAF feature, since  it uses a doppelganger for your character (a copy), and not the real one. So, in some cases it is possible to see your chara becoming invisible moments before fading to black. It is used to make things look nice, if i remember right.


If it annoys you, go to AAF_settings.xml and change this line:

<setting id="fadeout_during_lock" value="true"/>


to false.

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