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Papyrus question: How can I get a list of elements that would be of an unknown length?

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I have a created actors, right now theres like 10, but it will grow over time. So how can i get a list of these actors? Ultimately, I want to put the list into an array and eventually into a UI Extensions List Menu.


Would Keywords fit the bill? If I add a unique Keyword to my actors, is there a way to gather the IDs of entities/actors thru Keywords?


Using a Formlist might work. Creating the Formlist as part of the mod, scanning (somehow?) for the actor I want, then doing Formlist.Addform for each one. This could get stupid tho if the list gets long enough.


Is there another mod that does something like this? If so I don't have a problem looking at other source for examples.

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14 minutes ago, markdf said:

JContainers and PapyrusUtil can both do dynamic data structures. Other than that, I think you're stuck with formlists.

I've used both, and they'd be great for the resulting list. What I'm trying to do is populate the list to begin with.


If I've got 14 different actors, how can I find them with papyrus?


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