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Mods with extremely big breasts?


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Well if you want extremely large breasts I'd suggest a good surgeon near your area who can put in H sized implants and then you can say you have bigger boobs than a girl.

(Rolls her eyes) why do you men insist on ridiculously big boobs??


I know if you men had breasts of even a C size you'd have a whole better understanding of what it means to HAVE the things.


(A woman has three boobs after she marries' date='two on her chest and the one she married)



<---- is a woman has 34c wants to go up a cup-size. So am I weird?



Please just take it to an original thread. as been said a couple times now, it's detrimentally off topic.

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I like how we are fans of a game that includes:


Shooting fire out of your hands, Shouting people to death, sleeping away all cuts and bruises, etc.


But yet, when someone asks people's opinion on very large breast mods.


That's when it becomes unrealistic and silly.


Really people? really?

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http://www.loverslab.com/showthread.php?tid=11463 <-- needed for the following, compatible with the rest. (has A bigger breast skeleton)









http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/7629 (has a skeleton that increases size)







these all can get a specific size using Calientes Base Body Slide




THese Use a modified SLider system like Cals Bodyslide.

http://www.loverslab.com/showthread.php?tid=6900 (multiple links inside)


Thats All I can remember at the moment, but most of those may be not what your looking for but a skeleton can boost the size a bit, as long as the armor/mesh is bbp/tbbp enabled.

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  • 2 months later...

Well if you want extremely large breasts I'd suggest a good surgeon near your area who can put in H sized implants and then you can say you have bigger boobs than a girl.

(Rolls her eyes) why do you men insist on ridiculously big boobs??


I know if you men had breasts of even a C size you'd have a whole better understanding of what it means to HAVE the things.


(A woman has three boobs after she marries' date='two on her chest and the one she married)



It's called a video game. Apparently you've never heard of one, or are having trouble distinguishing it with real life, or have miniscule breasts that you're hypersensitive about.


Can you try to not be a dick about people whom have different opinions as you. Should RedVexHK brought up her opinion about retarded sized boobs in this thread?


No, but then again you are ten times worse since you are intentionally insulting her and doing a poor job at it. Next time try to be the better man and make her aware that her comment is inflammatory. Let her know if she wants to talk about it, then she should do it in a different thread.


There is enough anger and hate in this world, the least you can do is stop the cycle of fighting by redirecting people instead of verbally fighting them. Violence only begets more violence.


More posts like this please in every thread on every forum on the internets. Kthx.


I'm sure your question has been answered by now, but here is a nice collection of different body mods. A user graciously made a bit of a repository in his thread.



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  • 2 months later...

On the sake of the subject it all depends on the facial features the butt shape and stomach thickness, thighs as to what size boobs a girl should have, irl a woman with a small midsection can onl;y support the smaller boobs A-C, when they have a thicker backside and midsection they are able to support the more voluptous breast sizes like D-H, and if they have a butt thats equally as big as the top they can go bigger H-K. i personally think huge boobs are very attractive, however it doesnt make sense if a tiny girl has huge boobs, it would be painful for her. So petite girls should have tiny a-c tits, thicker girls d-h, voluptuos girls h-k. just my opinion, basically if you have the body to support it its sexy. I also like thick women, and i find it hard to understand guys that think thick girls are ugly. I find they have a much better shape to them, ususally they are nicer more cuddleable and sturdy and are wilder in bed.

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On the sake of the subject it all depends on the facial features the butt shape and stomach thickness, thighs as to what size boobs a girl should have, irl a woman with a small midsection can onl;y support the smaller boobs A-C, when they have a thicker backside and midsection they are able to support the more voluptous breast sizes like D-H, and if they have a butt thats equally as big as the top they can go bigger H-K. i personally think huge boobs are very attractive, however it doesnt make sense if a tiny girl has huge boobs, it would be painful for her. So petite girls should have tiny a-c tits, thicker girls d-h, voluptuos girls h-k. just my opinion, basically if you have the body to support it its sexy. I also like thick women, and i find it hard to understand guys that think thick girls are ugly. I find they have a much better shape to them, ususally they are nicer more cuddleable and sturdy and are wilder in bed.


It's easier to understand of you think of it as being attracted to lithe frames while having a fantasy-fetish for extremely large breasts.

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  • 8 months later...
  • 2 years later...

I have had Bodyslide and Outfit studio for so long I don't even remember where I downloaded it from, but that is what you need.  You can customize your characters body any way you want and any size you want.  You can also google Bodyslide for dumbies also for a tutorial to get you started.  It will bring you back to LL because everything you need is right here. And for the most part there is always someone that will help if needed.  This has been by far the best forum with people willing to help I have ever been on, without casting judgement. So I guess to summarize.... get Caliente's v3 body re-placer , bodyslide, and make a body to your taste.  If you do go the bodyslide route, one tip I would mention is you can input any numerical amount for a infinite amount of possibilities, you don't have to stick with  the slider amounts of 0-100%.  You can also use -0 numbers.  example -100%, 300%.


If you are not into doing all that....its easy really...you can also find a couple of Manga body replacers and I think that is as big as I have found.  I am sorry I don't have the links which is what you were asking for...but If  you google Skyrim body replace Manga It will point you to a couple, probably Nexus and LL.  

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I download caliente body replacer v3 and im trying to install but when I run the textblend it says 'failed to open colour source'.
I tried downloading a head texture to rectify this but its still bugged. also the bodyslide programme (when run) says 'cannot save bodies' after i have chosen the attributes, I'm not suire what to do here.....


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